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The Pirate Mafia

The Peeps

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I'm eager to vote for the scoundrel, but not wi'out 'earing from 'im. The day won't be endin' jus' yet so therrrre's no chance of 'im jus' gettin' away wi'it, sure as I'm a sailor. If he don't come onboard by the time I head to me bunk I'll sling my vote onto the pile and we can force the picaroon t' walk the plank. He can be the first no-gooder to join Davy Jones.



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Something strange is afoot. See, I may actually be one-legged. My role description does not state that I am, but upon looking up my character, it appears that I am actually one-legged.


However, I can assure you that I did not target Diageo, nor do I have any sort of killing powers. I am one the side of the town, i.e. the main crew of this ship.


At the moment MadDog appears to be our best lead, but I wish to hear more from him before casting my vote.

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I really think we should at least wait to hear from MadDog's he's usually online in the early hours.


Classic stalling tactic.


Protection if I am right poleaze.


Screw this, no mafia is stupid enough to out themselves as stalling the death of their first victim in the first day phase. You crazy, Elliam.

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