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What games have you bought in 2010?


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Idea triggered by the discussion of the quality of current-gen games, what games have you bought this year? Not just in terms of games that were released this year, but in general?


It's a big thing to ask of some of you. Personally I've only had my xbox for about 18 months. So let's consult the shelf. In no particular order;


Quake 4

Alan Wake



Viva Pinata

Lost Planet

Left 4 Dead 2

Dead Space

Devil May Cry 4

Lost Odyssey

Condemned 2

Assassin's Creed 2

Army of Two: 40th Day

Deadly Premonition

Bioshock 2

Beatles Rock Band




Aliens vs Predator

Prince of Persia

Beautiful Katamari


Not included XBLA games as I can't be bothered to turn it on. There's a few other games that I'm not certain whether it was at the end of 09 or during 2010, so the list may be longer. Generally I buy games max £10, of course there's the odd exception in that list. It's still quite a lot of games - several of which I've not played extensively, it has to be said. I'd say over the year I've spent max £300 on games. A lot of money perhaps! But if I had bought them all brand new when they first came out then that's another story altogether!

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Games that were released this year ive bought:


COD Black Ops

WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2011

Fifa 11


Super Mario Galaxy 2 (Sold)

Pokemon Heart Gold (Sold)

Miles Edgeworth: Ace Attorney Investigations

Heavy Rain (Sold)

Medal of Honor (Sold)


I think there are most likely some more to add to that list but they will have been sold as well so ive forgotten

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I dont buy as many games as I used to now anyway due to occassionally activating my rental account. I seem to go through gaming phases where im really interested then I can go for months without caring at all.


I dont think I could remember all the games ive actually bought this year, im terrible when it comes to keeping hold of games as I tend to trade loads in so its hard to keep track.

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If people start rattling off pointless lists I'm going to hit you with a spanner.


Bad Company 2

Just about to have a sesh on it now.

It's quite the amazing shooter, but it has a habit of being awesome one day, and fucking irritating the next. I guess the same can be said of other competitive FPS but none moreso than this beast. It's worth playing though, there's always potential for an absolutely awesome moment/amazingly memorable match.


In one word I'd say the mutliplayer can be: empowering


Heavy Rain

Heavy Rain met my expectations. The story is pretty damn well told, it looks gorgeous, and it's one of the tensest games I've played. It has a certain scene that's probably the most scary/awesome things I've ever encountered in media form.

Mad scientist attack on Madison after getting date raped (baseball batted, I saw that version and shat myself also)

It's incredible.



In a word - gripping


Demon's Souls

A pretty unrelenting game but thoroughly enjoyable. The design choices were a bit right wing, and the concepts were just not explained too well. For me that made it hard to replay.

However there's a great sense of achievement after every level, and there's so much relief when you finally open up a short-cut and an arch stone. There was one bit where I shat myself as a little mutated zombie thing pounced on me from within an iron maiden, and then out of nowhere the scary ass bitch witch glided over to me an unleashed her tentacle-to-the-face!!1 attack. In a panic, I managed to eliminate the targets, but in panic mode I was unable to find the right item to cure my poison, and thus perished.


In a phrase: Daunting but rewarding




I don't think I bought any other full retail releases this year. There were a couple of PSN games but nothing worth screaming about.


I think I'm becoming harder to please. Mwaha!


Edit: So Daft and Happenplants are getting shaken warmly by the neck.

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Um loads


In no particular order:




Tatsunoko vs. Capcom - My only Wii purchase of the year sadly.


Miles Edgeworth Ace Attorney: Investigations

Jam with the band


Xbox 360:


Blaz Blue

Resident evil 5 Gold edition

Super Street fighter 4


My list got a lot shorter with the new clause.


Have been using my lovefilm account a lot as well, helped me see what all the fuss was about with this halo game.

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Uncharted 2

What more needs to be said about this game, it's just win. I got so much value out of it, even now. The single player is awesome and with all the additional trophies added through multiplayer, it took a fair age to crack them. Not too mention just having a blast playing with the Hulk guys.


Final Fantasy XIII

Not everyone's cup of tea but I loved it. I've always been a massive fan of the series and this was no different. The battle system was genius and the visual presentation was awesome. The story was a bit far fetched, and the characters were far too annoying but it took 91 hours to complete and I loved every minute of it.


NHL 10

Not many people on here are going to like this game, because few like the sport. I love the sport so this game was a no brainer. There's a reason it's always one of the top rated sports games series there is, it's just such an accurate simulation of the sport. There's a ton of single player options that kept me busy for a while and i've racked up over 600 online games. The only reason I'll stop playing it is because NHL 11 is out, if Royal Mail ever deliver it.

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Tons this year:


Released This Year



Pokemon Soul Silver



Metroid Other M




Assassin's Creed 2

Battlefield Bad Company 2


Red Dead Redemption

Medal of Honour

The Saboteur

CoD:Black Ops

Fallout New Vegas


I've probably spent the most time with Bad Company 2 out of all of those. The multiplayer still remains fun after all those months, and the recent map pack has added quite a bit more appeal to it. I've also spent a fair bit of time with Fallout New Vegas, which has improved significantly with the latest patch, for anyone who's given up on it due to bugs. Out of that list, aside from those two I'd only really recommend Assassin's Creed 2, and Red Dead Redemption.



The Orange Box

Mass Effect

Left 4 Dead 1+2

Fallout 1+2+Tactics

Counter Strike Source

Day of Defeat Source

Company of Heroes (and expansion packs)


Mirror's Edge



Penumbra Overture

Civilization IV (and all 3 expansions)

Lugaru HD

Knights of the Old Republic

World of Goo

GTA Classics Collection (1,2,3,Vice City,San Andreas)

Fallout 3 GOTY Edition

Oblivion GOTY Edition

Morrowind GOTY Edition

Garry's Mod

CoD:4 MW

Battlefield 2 Complete Collection

Battlefield Vietnam



Most of the PC games I bought for under $5 during steam sales. I probably bought all of them for the cost of 2 brand new console games. I haven't gotten around to a lot of them yet though (I'm planning on building a gaming PC early next year, so I'll probably spend a little bit more time going through the list then). Aquaria (A LOT like Super Metroid, but still very different) and World of Goo are the few on the list that everyone really should take the time to play. The rest have a lot more to do with personal taste. Civilization IV (especially the Beyond the Sword expansion), the Bethesda games, and the valve stuff have been the highlights otherwise.




I just bought Just Cause 2 and Civ 5 in the recent steam sales.

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Good idea dwarf! I was originally going to put brief comments but I had to panic-rush the post after I accidentally posted the thread with a title and half a line...


Quake 4

Saw this for £2 so why not, eh? I think I've played the Quake 2 that came with it far more than I have played Q4. And I only played Q2 for like an hour.


Alan Wake

I enjoyed teh narrative angle, though it was easier than it wanted it be. Any difficult moments felt forced. Got it for maybe £13? I forget. Started a runthrough on hard with the intention to collect all the collectables, but quickly found the camera annoyed me, and some of the collectables were near-impossible to get on hard. A DLC deal could tempt me back.



Shorty said it was a great game and I noticed Daft's mad-propping here and there so when I saw it for less than a tenner I went for it. I must say that the cover doesn't do the game justice at all. I had no idea what I was getting into and it has to be one of the funnest games I've played. Ran through it on hard (on Daft's advice) first play though and it was consistantly at just the right difficulty level - always a challenge, never easy. Precisely how all games should be. Achievements were mostly good, with a couple of time-wastey ones.



Something like 18 days worth of play had been invested on this game when I lived in a 6-man house, so when I came home I went and bought this and a wireless controller for £40. Bad 'net connections since have really hampered me though :( I do miss it, but I've got all the achievements and gone cold turkey enough to not feel the need to prestige anymore.


Viva Pinata

Mostly bought this because I thought my girlfriend would like it - she likes animals and gardening. When I stayed with her for a few weeks she did plug a few hours in, but she doesn't really get enough exposure.



Lost Planet

Played the first part of this game maybe 5 times. Can never be arsed to get further. Got it as part of a 4 for £20 deal.


Left 4 Dead 2

Never played this as much as I did the first one. It just felt like I had missed the boat a bit, with everyone else being way better than me at the levels. Probably won't play it again, unless I stumble upon a new crowd of friends who haven't played it and all buy it at the same time and buy me expensive broadband, or something.


Dead Space

I jumped once. I played through the whole game very much as a spectator, constantly thinking something along the lines of "ah! I see what they did there! Good effort" whenever there was a scare scene. The tone of the game was great, and the gameplay was pretty much what I like best. Linear 'levels' that you go into, collect stuff, solve puzzles, kill things, get an upgrade, discover notes/lore/messages if you choose to, then return to your hub and go on to the next area.


Devil May Cry 4

Collector's edition tin for £4. Why not, eh? Not actually played this copy (played Shorty's, got maybe half-way through teh game).


Lost Odyssey

Part of a 4 for £20 deal - at the time I figured I wouldn't be able to afford any games for ages so I got this for its epic length. Watched/played through the awesome intro, got to the first village, then got overwhelmed and put MW2 in. It's a One Day game.


Condemned 2

Aced Condemned 1, saw this as a 4 for £20, figured I'd like it. Not even played it. Housemates gave it a bash but that was it.


Assassin's Creed 2

Can't remember how much it was but I played it to death! Loved it to pieces. Can't wait to get Brotherhood... when it's poor and nobody's playing it anymore :'(


Army of Two: 40th Day

Probably a tenner? I play it maybe once a month for a few hours with a mate on our Pizza Day! It's not as good as the first. Far too many instances where you're in the same place just waiting for the waves of enemies to end. is annoying.


Deadly Premonition



Mundi posted that he was buying it in the purchases thread, I hadn't heard of it so I figured it couldn't be a big new game, but then I hadn't seen it on my usual bargain hunting and it had the sort of cover I'd normally pick up, at least. Mundi told me about it and I went and ordered it online for £16 immediately. Played it non-stop for a few days. One of the best cases of content over graphics, which sadly means many people will just switch it off rather than endure the low polygon count and thus miss one of the greatest gaming experiences there is. Sure, some of the combat is repetitive and sure, the controls take a while to adjust to - but the storyline has its twists, the music is twee, the horror scenes are scary (axeman chases.. aiii!), the characters complex, the script humorous and the references numerous.


Bioshock 2

A decent follow-up to the first game. A lot less backtracking which gave the individual areas a lot more of a contained character, but, of course, the gathering scenes weren't too inspiring. Online play was surprisingly fun passing a pad around a few mates but otherwise it's tsch.


Beatles Rock Band

Surprise birthday gift from the housemates, complete with instruments! Fantastic game, not as tricky as rockband. Of course, I have no space to play it these days... and not enough friends either :(



My housemates played this more than me. I found it too repetitive and it was far too hard to quickly determine whether the sniper on the ground was better than the one i had equipped, or the one in my inventory. Again, if I was more dedicated online I'd probably have more fun.


Really enjoyed this! The freedom of movement and the general bad-assery was a refreshing way to play a sandbox game. The achievements are a proper bitch to do, though. I've just about got bronze on all of them but I'm a way off plat for most. Found it for a tenner, I think, so totally worth it.



Fiver! Can't knock it. had some fun running about. Only had it a week or so so not had much time to play it.


Aliens vs Predator

Played the first level, then I bought [prototype]. Then Deadly Premonition arrived. Then...


Prince of Persia

... arrived. Playing it so soon after prototype makes the free-running feel really restrictive and clunky. it's my 'current' game.


Beautiful Katamari

is another game I want my girlfriend to play. It's cute enough and odd enough, but I fear the controls will get the better of her.


Just remembered the other night I drunkenly ordered 4-6 games (totalling £32) off of CEX. One/two will be presents this xmas. Maybe. Can't remember what tehy were! lol!


Long post is long. And boring.

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Shorty said it was a great game and I noticed Daft's mad-propping here and there so when I saw it for less than a tenner I went for it. I must say that the cover doesn't do the game justice at all. I had no idea what I was getting into and it has to be one of the funnest games I've played. Ran through it on hard (on Daft's advice) first play though and it was consistantly at just the right difficulty level - always a challenge, never easy. Precisely how all games should be. Achievements were mostly good, with a couple of time-wastey ones.


Really glad you liked it. Definitely more than the sum of its parts. Didn't realise I pushed it so much. :heh:

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Mass Effect 2

Game of the Year, and definitely the best new IP this generation. A great balance of story and action, a wonderful world and loads of little touches.


Pure/LEGO Batman

Got them as a pack for aroudn £5. Got a few hours out of them then forgot about them.



I was sceptical at first, but this turned out to be a lot of fun. I wasn't really good at it (using a lot of healing items meant a very low score), but it was still a great game.


Dark Void

Saw it cheap, so I nabbed it. Jetpack gameplay is actually rather enjoyable, and it has one of the best gaming soundtracks this year.


Sonic All-Stars Racing

Big Sonic fan, and I wanted a kart game (I had no Wii at this point). The addition of Banjo was great, too. I'd rank this as roughly equal to my favourite kart game - DKR.


Splinter Cell Conviction

This game is essentially what made me decide to go to Lovefilm. The gameplay was brilliant, but the game was criminally short and I had no desire to do anything after completion. Wasn't worth full price, but it was still a blast.


Red Dead Redemption

A good free roaming western with surprisingly good story and characters. I felt emotionally attached to Marston and the missions were pretty varied, too.


Alan Wake

I loved it. A chilling story with great, suspenseful gameplay. It could have done with some more enemies (it's a national park...where's the evil deer/bears/etc?), but it was a brilliant game nonetheless.


Forza Motorsport 3

It was cheap and I enjoyed the demo from ages ago. I found it rather easy to get the hang of the basics (I usually hate these games). I still need to get round to finishing it.


BioShock 2

Got the special edition. The bits were great. The game, however, was largely disappointing. The SA-X-sounding Big Sister turned out to be a recurring enemy so the suspense vanished early on. The later DLC was better than the main game.


Halo Reach

Campaign was fun (although not as good as ODST), and multiplayer was good for a week. I haven't touched it since the 22nd September.


Super Street Fighter IV

My regular online peeps all had it, so I bought it to play along. I absolutely sucked at it.


Fallout New Vegas

Fallout 3 was brilliant, this was better in every way. And Felicia Day followed me for pretty much 99% of the game. How win is that?


Fable III

Much more streamlined than Fable II, much less glitchy and overall much more enjoyable.



£10. Still need to play it.


Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit

I was extremely hyped for this, expecting it to essentially be a new Burnout. I wasn't disappointed.


Call of Duty: Black Ops

I traded in the Doctor Who Wii and DS games for this. The singleplayer is dire, but the multiplayer is back on form after MW2.



Super Mario Galaxy

I finally got a new Wii this year, and with it I got Super Mario Galaxy. Even though it's now three years old, I was still very impressed. I desperately missed the 3D platforming genre on Xbox, and this reminded me of why Nintendo will always be making great games.


Wii Sports/Wii Sports Resort

These have yet to grace the lips of my Wii's optical disc drive.


The Conduit

Started playing it. Was mediocre. Haven't touched it since.


[bZack & Wiki[/b]

Full of charm, and a great point & click adventure. If you don't have it, it's dirt cheap and you can't go wrong.


Super Smash Bros. Brawl

The Subspace mode was great, and the inclusion of Sonic was something I really enjoyed. I haven't gone online with it, but it's great in offline multiplayer.


Red Steel 2

Clean graphics and great gameplay. You could alternate between shooting and sword fighting seamlessly and it's everything that the original should have been.


Metroid Prime Trilogy

Got it purely because I no longer had the brilliant Metroid Prime games.


Nights: Journey of Dreams/Boom Blox

Part of a 4 for £20 with two brilliant games. These two weren't so great.


Metroid Other M

A great action game, and I enjoyed the story and cut-scens for it. It felt like Metroid Fusion in 3D.


Little King's Story

I NEED to play more of this at some point. What I did play was amazingly stuffed with charm.


Doctor Who: Return to Earth

Review Copy. This game is cheaper (in terms of quality) than the free PC games and is the single worst game I've ever played.


GoldenEye 007

It didn't suck. That alone was an astonishment. Not only that, but the singleplayer beat the crap out of the one in Blops (which I played on 360).


Sonic Colours

Sega didn't put rubbish non-Sonic sections in it. They also added power-ups which add to the experience. I thought they already had Sonic levels nailed in Unleashed, but they improved it a lot for Colours.



Professor Layton and the Lost Future

Professor Layton games are brilliant. This one was no exception.


Sonic Classic Collection

Review Copy. A shoddy port of great games.


Doctor Who: Evacuation Earth

A Layton clone that was somewhat enjoyable.



Sam & Max Season 3

Poker Night at the Inventory

Puzzle Agent

Back to the Future


I'm a big Telltale fan, so I bought these without thinking. I enjoyed them all a lot, and I'm pretty sure that BttF will be great.


Burnout Paradise

Fallout 3 GotY

Left 4 Dead

Left 4 Dead 2


Already owned on 360. However, these were around £5-£10 each.


Humble Collection 2



Serious Sam HD

Risk Factions

After Burner Climax

Monkey Island 2

Sonic 4: Episode 1

Super Meat Boy

Doritos Crash Course

Harm's Way




Miffy's World

chick chick BOOM

(All review copies. ccB was great)



I also started LoveFilm this year. Here's what I got to play:






Resident Evil 5

Just Cause 2


Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands

Red Faction Guerrilla


Naughty Bear

Halo Wars



Call of Duty: World at War

The Godfather 2


Matt Hazard: Eat LEad

Crackdown 2

Alien Vs Predator

Quantum Theory


The Bourne Conspiracy

Dante's Inferno

Soul Calibur IV

Bionic Commando

Chronicles of Riddick

Transformers: War for Cybertron



Super Paper Mario

FF: Crystal Chronicles: The Crystel Bearers

Monster Hunter 3: Tri


Sonic and the Black Knight

Deadly Creatures

No More Heroes

HotD: Overkill

Dead Space: Extraction




I think I remembered everything.

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Wow.... actually not as many as I thought


Xbox 360

Battlefield Bad Company 2

Red Dead Redemption

Formula 1 2010

Halo Reach

Fable III

Call of Duty: Black Ops



Pokemon Soul Silver

Metroid Prime: Hunters



Battalion Wars 2



Golden Axe - Master System

Kirby's Adventure - NES

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X-Box 360


Bioshock II


Just started playing it now, after months of leaving it on the shelf. Well i say playing it, more like just the multi-player. Which is a good one if you ask me.


Prince of Persia - Forgotten Sands


Ubisoft went back to the Sands of Time era, and made a game which is shorter than the original Sands of Time title. It took me just over 6 hours to beat, which isn't worth the £30 i spent on the game. Honestly, it felt like Ubisoft were more into making Brotherhood (which i havn't played) and used a small proportion of the team to make this. People say it isn't a film game, they are correct. I recommend playing the Wii version, because it is different and more enjoyable. Not that this title isn't enjoyable, i did like it. It just didn't feel right.


My thoughts (with spoilers)


There are no fountains, no health level ups and severly lacking combat. You level-up via orbs, which are used to buy upgrades for the Prince. Be it a longer health-bar, new magic or perhaps a new ability. It looks realisitic, but has a sense of animation/cel-shading to it. What it did lack was the passion and soul, because this definitly was made quickly. Ok, the puzzles were challenging and the 50+ enemies on-screen was wow. Ubi-soft went back to the Sands of Time era, but didn't use the Sands of Time. What was the point. But it didn't take me long to beat, and it was soon traded in.



Red Dead Redemption


Best Western game i've played. Think GTA, and change the cars for horses. Cities for vast western lands with the western towns. I did feel attached to Marston throughout the game. The missions were varied, it allowed you to basically go where you wanted (as long as the area was open) and the characters all are different, no clones.


Once story is finished, then RS made one hell of a multi-player. Ok there are 1 or two flaws, namely spawn-killers and cheaters (even after the apparent fixes). But it can keep you hooked for hours at a time.


Fable III


Beats Fable II by a few shots. Bigger regions, more detail and less buggy. Story is good


But the King/Queen part feels like it is rushing you



There are loads to collect, loads of side-quests and money is easier to collect. Ok there is the annoying real-estate (for those who played, will know). Co-op is better. To the point of i go in your game, and go where i want without you tagging 5 meters behind me.


Lionhead bought a DLC pack out, which to me feels like it should have been in the game from the start and not released later.


NBA 2K11


It's NBA, you play basket-ball. Be it season or Association mode. New addition this year, Michael Jordan. Relive his memorable career, perform his most memorable moments etc.


Smackdown vs RAW 2011


Better than 2010, by a mile. Controls are new and different. And, it is more realistic. Which means Title shots only at PPV's, and not when you want to have them. You have to make Number 1 contenders. Still, more arenas, wrestlers and detail than ever before.


Forza Motorsport III






Perfect Dark


Re-bought it, it is as good as i remember it. Online multi-player is great, if you find people to play with that is. Listening to the new gamers thinking they are all "that", then proving you are "that" because you know the maps and how each weapon works.


Earthworm Jim HD


Tougher, longer levels and 3 more additional levels make this the best version yet. Great to see Jim back, it has been a while.




Super Mario Galaxy II


Awesome game, still hate Spring Mario.




Bejewelled 2 (it was a free game, full version)

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Definitively forgot some games,



Assassin's Creed 2

Beautiful Katamari

Heavy Rain

Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

Final Fantasy XIII

Red Dead Redemption

Resident Evil 5

White Knight Chronicles


Xbox 360

Prince of Persia

Fable III

The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon



Super Mario Galaxy 2

Red Steel 2

FF: Crystal Chronicles: The Crystel Bearers

Some mercat came on Wiiware

Pokepark Wii: Pikachu's Great Adventure

The Legend of Spyro: The Eternal Night




Pokemon Heart Gold

Final Fantasy: 4 Heroes

Golden Sun: Dark Dawn

Professor Layton and the Lost Future

Pokemon Ranger: Guardin Signs

Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days

Dragon Quest IX

Picross 3D



Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep



Spyro the Dragon: Enter the Dragonfly

The Legend of Spyro: A New Beginning



Spyro the Dragon

Spyro the Dragon: Gateway to Glimmer

Spyro the Dragon: Year of the Dragon



Spyro the Dragon: Season of Ice

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Too many to list...


... or basically I can't be bothered to atm, I'd rather actually spend that time playing the games than listing them but if you want some kind of idea, basically most of the games that are on Cube's list minus about 10 - 15 add on a handful of games which are different and one which I want but haven't got yet - Need For Speed : Hot Pursuit - but shall be picking up very shortly.

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In 2010...


Xbox 360


Assassin's Creed Brotherhood

Mass Effect 2

Sonic the Hedgehog 4

Trials HD

Lara Croft Guardian of Light

Call of Duty Black Ops


Halo: Reach

Naruto Shippuuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 2

Mafia II (Gift)

Scott Pilgrim

Toy Story 3

Red Dead Redemption



Perfect Dark

Final Fantasy XIII




God of War Collection

Orange Box

God of War III (Gift)



Super Mario Galaxy 2



Pokemon Soul Silver




....can you tell which console I play the most?

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Ace Attourney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth


Man I was so hyped for this game but nervous at the same time; I adored the first PW games and they are probably still my favourite DS games, but naturally nervous that they got rid of the fantastic court scenes from the first 3 games. Thankfully, this game was brilliant; the story and music were both great and definitely can't wait for the sequel.


Last Window


Loved it. Call me a sucker for games with more story than gameplay but i thought this was brilliant with a much better story than Hotel Dusk, it's prequel. Kyle Hyde is probably my favourite gaming character of recent times, he really doesn't give a fuck about anyone sometimes haha.


Pokemon Soul Silver.


It's pokemon. I loved.


Assassin's Creed II


Been playing this non-stop over the last few days and I adore it. Annoyingly it has features that I wish Nintendo would bother putting into Zelda but probably won't due to the wii's lack of power (mainly large environments).


Metroid: Other M


Playing this straight after Super was probably a bad idea given that's it's WAY more linear and the voice acting and story was absolute pants. Got it for £25 and traded it in for the same price a few weeks later, call me happy. Might buy it again cheap one day and play through it, it was good fun just annoying it ruined my impression of Samus :(


Super Mario Galaxy 2




Other games I've bought this year but haven't played through yet include Alan Wake, Halo: Reach and F1 2010. All in all i've noticed i'm spending way less money on games than I used to despite having more money. Most of my money goes on clothes now!

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