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Got my readiness up to 80%...cannot anymore its so mind numbing. I had fun playing with @Daft earlier on the old voice chat carried after he left and when your playing with 4 people and no one else is talking it is such a grind....


Yeah, I'm totes with you there - mind numbing (btw, you were dead on with the end of mission N7 screen, it's so unthankful, there should have been an evac cut scene). The banter got me through it so let me know if/when you're up for playing again because otherwise it's going to be a grind.

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And finished! Managed to get my Galactic Readiness up to 100%, giving me an EMS of about 7000, but not too sure how much I'll go back into the multiplayer beyond a few more matches. Actually liked the ending, to a degree.


I chose to destroy the Reapers. Was pretty much in keeping with my character and how I'd played the story, even if it was sort of painted as being the 'renegade' option.


Can completely understand why people have issues with the ending. A lot of things left unresolved that I did want closed but I think it was purposefully left open for either our own interpretation or for more to come (and not just in DLC going by the little snippet that pops up post-credits telling us there's another Shepard story to be told). The fact that Shepard was still alive in mine at the end does show that the mass relays didn't wipe out life in the galaxy which lends support to the idea of more stories to come. Yes, I think they could have perhaps done more framing rather than leaving it as open as it was (particularly in regards to certain people still being alive or not) but considering the tone of the game, I do think the ending fit better than some are suggesting.


Sort of disagree that the ending didn't really cover your decisions across the games. They manifested themselves in readying the force to fight the Reapers. Rather than being heavily focused on the outcome, it seems to me like they wanted your decisions to have wider ramifications for the relationships between the different races and setting in motion strengthened, or renewed, relations that would sustain peace in the galaxy once you'd made your decision at the end.



Anyway, really enjoyed it, and already looking forward to taking another save over and playing again in a few months. Wouldn't say it was better than ME2, though, despite having a stronger story. Soundtrack didn't hit the same notes for me either, even though Mansell's pieces did hit the right tones. Still, I'd argue it's been one of the best, and perhaps most ambitious, IPs this generation and a brilliant trilogy of games. Probably be some time before we get another IP quite like this one.

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I just watched my brother finish the game. The best part was when...


... The door to the Normandy opens and Joker exits, followed by Liara and Ashley - both of whom he'd brought with him for the final assault.


I couldn't stop laughing.



Sort of disagree that the ending didn't really cover your decisions across the games. They manifested themselves in readying the force to fight the Reapers. Rather than being heavily focused on the outcome, it seems to me like they wanted your decisions to have wider ramifications for the relationships between the different races and setting in motion strengthened, or renewed, relations that would sustain peace in the galaxy once you'd made your decision at the end.

It's just too bad you end up destroying the mass relays, so there's not going to be much of a galactic community to speak of anymore.


I hope Tali wasn't in a hurry to build that house on Rannoch, since it would apparently take roughly thirty years to fly there from Earth. That's assuming they brought their liveships with them to Earth so they don't starve to death.


Then again, maybe she was on the Normandy when it crash landed.


Oh, well. C'est la vie. :heh:

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Soooooo completed this before,


Got a bit confused on that decision to make at the end but yeah...........


The ending was ok (in major denial right now)




I went straight to youtube to watch the other endings, thinking I must have picked the 'wrong one', still in disbelieve. Will discuss some more when I have slept on it and thought about it some more...

Edited by Mike1988uk
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Yeah, I'm totes with you there - mind numbing (btw, you were dead on with the end of mission N7 screen, it's so unthankful, there should have been an evac cut scene). The banter got me through it so let me know if/when you're up for playing again because otherwise it's going to be a grind.


Yeah that end screen is annoying they at least could have made something like the short scenes you get at the end of Killzone operations mode.


I carried on playing for a bit after you to get my incinerator trophy and then quit. I do wonder what the minimum amount you can finish game for best saving is...There must be a magic number for the combined total military strength...my effective (the green bar) is now full but I think I heard there were way more war assets than you actually needed to fill this....


If someone could post in here just the number that would be great!


I'm up for some more even if I finish without reaching 100% on it just for the trophy I guess. Wonder if @Goafer and @Happenstance are up for some?

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I can probably play tonight at some point, Mothers Day stuff during the day. I know Goafer is at a wedding at the moment but i'll leave him a message to see if he wants to join as he'll be back by tonight.


Ok tonight works for me probably. Gonna crack on with single player now and get as close to end game as I can.

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man this challenge this weekend is a real pain in the ass! a few times i've got to wave 10 and our team has been wiped out (by Banshee's every damn time)


a lot of the time i get people who don't know how to do the missions and fuck about and we die early, i even left a game earlier due to it! wave 1-4 it was basically every man for himself and i chose to look after this one guy, and melee'd everyone who got near with my Krogan. Then Wave 5 it was an upload one and i followed one guy and got swamped so i took the flak and covered his retreat. Then as i'm figting off a swarm of husks and Marauders, one of my "team mates" started swearing "stop fucking and around an join the upload" I spin and the guy i'd covered had obviously ran to the upload as had the other 2! And one had the cheek to scream and swear at me for not following them! -Disconect! i'm not staying with that bunch of douche bags! they don't work as a team for any round when i do, then when i get trapped covering some salerians retreat they tell me off for fucking around! if i'd know which one was swearing i'd have reported him, little shit


This is why i end up hating multiplayer on any game

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man this challenge this weekend is a real pain in the ass! a few times i've got to wave 10 and our team has been wiped out (by Banshee's every damn time)


Same here, I played it quite a bit yesterday. Got to wave 10 a lot of times but without team coordination it inevitably fails.


Does anyone here want to help me? I'm on the 360 version. A team of 4 all coordinating on mics should make it so much easier.

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Ok so a weekend in which I've amassed 20 hours of ME3 I'm am about to finish it! I have my theories on the ending that I posted earlier...still completely 100% spoiler free so all of this is my mind running away with itself.


the universe is in some way still gonna reset....that seems inevitable to me....or maybe humanity dies but other species don't and Shepard is in a statis pod and becomes the last remaining human and the humans become a legend...


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Bit late, but first of all:


LOL. Sorry but what the fuck, 'more immersed in the trilogy than you are'. Probably the most deranged fanboy quasi-insult I have ever heard.


Even funnier, tonight I'll be 'immersing' myself into the greatness that is mass effect, while you wait for them to sort out your character's face.


Thanks for being nice and understanding.


Anyway, I caved in, and started ME3 last week anyway. Finished it yesterday, and well.. After watching the ending, the face import issue seems like a minor complaint.


Let me say that the game in general, has been great, only a few minor issues, but, like many others, I found the ending pretty dissatisfying. I’ll continue in spoilers.


It was dissatisfying in 2 ways.

First of all, after playing “space Jesus” like Aimless put it, for 3 games, I wanted to have the super paragon ending. Everyone lives happily ever after etc. At the very least I wanted to have an ending with my love interest, Liara in my case. Anyway, is this were to be it, if this is the writers’ choice, then I guess I have to have get over it and accept it. Luckily, they left huge gaps for us to fill in the blanks. This is the second thing bugging me and everyone else: the execution. No closure on anything. We are left with 1 of 3 endings, which are presented in visually nearly identical ways. No explanations. No epilogue. No information on anything, not even how the ending you chose really affected the universe. Just a very brief clip of Earth with Reapers either flying away or crumbling down.


I chose the destroy option. After coming so far, none of the options really appealed to me. I chose this one because it was more in line with what my Shepard would have done. Controlling the Reapers sounded sketchy, I’ve been telling the Illusive man it couldn’t be done during the course of the game, and that destroying them was the only option that would end the cycle, so I went with that. Synthesis seemed like the ultimate Paragon ending, but I wasn’t ready for that, I didn’t want to change every living creature in the universe to.. something else. Even if Joker and EDI didn’t seem to have any trouble with it if you went that route. Anyway, felt miserable about deciding the fate of the Geth as well, especially after having worked so hard establish peace between them and the Quarrians. Why does it destroy the Geth as well though? Does the weapon target circuitry or something? Doesn’t it destroy all technology then? Including the fleet that’s flying above Earth?


Anyway, whichever ending you chose, the Normandy always inexplicably ends up flying to.. somewhere, then making a crash landing on some God forsaken planet. The fleet gets stranded in the Sol system.


Like I said, the gaps have an advantage, I can work around all the silly things and make up my own ending without changing anything already shown. My Shepard survives, and after the fleet finds her, they get the crucible engineers to work on a solution to restore the Geth. Meanwhile, me and Wrex, who has no purpose being so far from Eve, set off on a ship to find the Normandy the hard way: without the mass relays. Hacket explains why he ordered the Normandy to jump away, some emergency mission or something. He know where they went, so he gives an approximate of where the Normandy could be. After a only few years (the Normandy didn’t complete the mass relay jump, so they are relatively closeby), my Shepard is reunited with the crew and brings them back to home, their new home in some cases (Garrus, Tali and Javik). Shepard finally has the blue babies with Liara. The end.


Apart from the super good ending, I also miss the super bad ending. Why does the catalyst ghost let Shepard even make a decision like that? Where’s the choice to finally see the catalyst’s reasoning, and choose to have cycle start again? Meh.


At least, I liked the music during the ending.



I’ll talk about the rest of the game later, this already is a wall of text. I probably sound to negative, but like I said, I thought the game overall was good, and I enjoyed all of it untill the very end.

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Spoiler alert:


It doesn't matter what you choose.




Ok so here goes I didn't necessary like what was offered up BUT I did kind of like sort of like where I ended up...I'm not sure I need think about it more and decide whether to watch the other endings or earn them with a repeated playthrough... I will post more when I can be bothered to. For those wondering...


The middle option...but I secretely had wished there was 4th option to just let the cycle continue...


Edited by flameboy
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Ok so here goes I didn't necessary like what was offered up BUT I did kind of like sort of like where I ended up...I'm not sure I need think about it more and decide whether to watch the other endings or earn them with a repeated playthrough... I will post more when I can be bothered to. For those wondering...


The middle option...but I secretely had wished there was 4th option to just let the cycle continue...


You monster! Why would you want to let the Reapers destroy everything and then do it again in 50,000 years??? :cry:


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You monster! Why would you want to let the Reapers destroy everything and then do it again in 50,000 years???


the greater good in a kind of twisted way at least organic life gets to live on....not humanity, asari or the like but still. I didn't see killing the reapers as an option as geth or some other machines would wipe out all organic life end of. I guess space boys motives are up in the air somewhat...



As for all these people (across the internet) who think the ending should be changing. I'd say say screw that...the first time I read the major of casterbridge I hated the ending and then grew to understand it better and then grew to love it! This is the story Bioware wanted to tell they didn't say you had to like it.

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I'm not sure I need think about it more and decide whether to watch the other endings or earn them with a repeated playthrough...

Just watch them on YouTube. Seriously, they're not worth the trouble. :heh:


The biggest difference is the color of the space magic.


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