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Daft, you should slap this dude.



I don't give a shit what anyone says ; On here you come across as hilarious/cool/awesome.



In real life you come across as the above but also incredibly "approachable" or "be with-able" i.e. your presence is calming and you're awesome.



Gimme the address for this mother fucker, I'll show him what a cycle can do.

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It's true. Rez was my first.


...well this is awkward...


Cheers guys. I just wanted to blow off some steam but it's nice getting a response, especially such a positive one.


Speaking of kicking ass and having super slick awesome times, when's the next KNEE Meat?/When is Rez next in my city because I failed utterly to go to Gosh and I should make it up with milkshakes?

Edited by Daft
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Speaking of kicking ass and having super slick awesome times, when's the next KNEE Meat?/When is Rez next in my city because I failed utterly to go to Gosh and I should make it up with milkshakes?


(Ah thats cool) But....milkshakes....are...so...good.


Guess who has two thumbs a new PStriple and no job?


This guy!





That works better in person when you can see me point to myself with my two thumbs.


:( Bummer-jax.

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I am nasty to no one unless they deserve it, genuinely deserve it.


Although that time you verbally kicked the charity pusher in the balls still amuses me (even if I can't recall what you actually said I remember it being casually vicious and perfectly executed).


As others have said, fuck 'em. Ride over him with your tiny child's bike while wearing your tango shoes and stupid tiny hat.

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Thank youuuu! I love Black Francis. (My bike's new name now I've painted him.)

And the name of the lead singer of Pixies. I know.



I generally don't give a shit but even I have my limits. It's just little things here and there and I'm pretty self-conscious so I think about and remember even the smallest comments. My fault really. I also feel it's got to the point, for a while now, that pretty much any action I take is going to be seen as slightly out there (or whatever) because that's what people assume of me.


I guess on top of that is that I personally never knock people for trying new things or for their interests in general. One of my friends joking calls me a Trekkie quite often and I'm like yeah I like Star Trek, guess what fuckface (in my head), I like playing Chopin on the piano, too. I don't hear you calling me 'piano man' or something equally annoying! I know it's only a joke but it just feels relentless.


Man, I am all rant rant rant. :heh:


This is probably why I've taken to Tumblr so much. It's a space where I can just fuck around and only one of my really good friends use it and she's equally as silly and is awesome, to boot.


....What was I on about again?... :hehe:

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This is probably why I've taken to Tumblr so much. It's a space where I can just fuck around and only one of my really good friends use it and she's equally as silly and is awesome, to boot.


....What was I on about again?... :hehe:

This is awkward




I'm actually... male


Edit: I hate writing a long post on Tumblr and then realising there's whole paragraphs which are a bunch of shit. Takes as long editing as it does creating. Argh. Fuck the po-lice.

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Since my phone is atrocious (it just hangs up on people), I decided (inspired by Chair) to impulse buy an iPhone.


Only to find out that were I to do that (I'd change from O2 to 3), I'd mess up my family's magically cheap contract thing, meaning I'd no longer get free calls to my famille, and vice versa. *sigh*


I'm going to buy a record player soon I think. But might wait until after the summer when I'm in a new flat.

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Getting very sick of this course im on at the moment. Im just surrounded by either scummy idiots who talk about all the drugs they take or how many times theyve been in prison or arrogant tossers who just wont shut up about how awesome they are or how all their opinions are right and everyone else is wrong. Most days I just sit there getting more and more worked up and I cant even take something more interesting with me to pass the time like my DS or kindle because its very likely someone would try to steal them.

Do some drawing or some shit to improve yo' artist skills, draw what you see. No logic, just for fun.

Fuck you buddy.



"I'm not your buddy, friend."


Rants are for the weak.


Just ignore them chap.

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Since my phone is atrocious (it just hangs up on people), I decided (inspired by Chair) to impulse buy an iPhone.


Only to find out that were I to do that (I'd change from O2 to 3), I'd mess up my family's magically cheap contract thing, meaning I'd no longer get free calls to my famille, and vice versa. *sigh*


I'm going to buy a record player soon I think. But might wait until after the summer when I'm in a new flat.


Or you could...not get an iPhone. There's lots of other smart phones out there.

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