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bad stuff thread.


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Got a note on my door from facility manager claiming I haven't cleaned the common area, and if I don't do it by tomorrow I'm fined 50£ an hour for "hired proffesional"(read: herself). I did that on Tuesday and some neighbours had a vorspiel another place in the building yesterday and was wandering forth and back a few times, making it noticable dirty enough for the manager to complain about it. Wrote a slightly annoyed letter to her saying I'm not going to do it a second time. It really annoyed me because she hasn't complained about the others when it's even dirtier, and I'm pretty sure I'm the only who has vacuumed the place in a very long time.


And I'm so bored of my courses this semester. Getting more and more behind.

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Just my door, it's on rotation. Every five week for the common area and every three week for the toilet/bathroom. By the wonders of math, I had both this week.


The contract basically says we have to keep the place clean enough for their standard and can be told to do it better if they are not happy, then charge us if it still isn't good enough. But my point is that what I did on Tuesday is more than good enough and the rest isn't my fault. Usually people do it in Wednesday evening(some slackers do it after midnight) so the place is clean enough when she comes in Thursday morning to check, but Tuesday fit better to me. My problem is that Wednesday evening is a kind of little Saturday in this city and few neighbours left a few very dirty footprints and beer cap and a few beer marks on the floor. Nothing extreme, but just enough that she assumed the entire place was dirty. Which it isn't.

Edited by Tales
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I've been asked to make a ripomatic for a game proposal because of that video I edited. It's not that big a deal because it's just to get the vibe of the proposal across and be used internally in the studio (obviously it has to be good) but it is to me. :smile:

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Since this was originally the bad stuff thread, posting it here:


Basically certain things and people ruining my good mood. Been feeling great all week, but then something happens or someone says something and it immediately makes me feel bleh.


Also I seem to have forgotten how to draw. Shit.

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Out last night and there were some people from my secondary school on the bus. And then out of nowhere, they started chanting, "Diego is a faggot." Like 5 of them. And one of them, says they meant it in the nicest possible way. What nice way could I have possibly taken that? Anyway, I just ignored it, and moved to a seat further away, thought they would get bored. I basically got over it.


But today I can't stop thinking about it. Thinking I should have said something. I'm most annoyed that I can't stop thinking about it. GURRRR.


My new college friends defended me though, that was nice, and unexpected. But I keep thinking about the negative side instead of the positive one that my friends defended me.

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^^Exactly. I mean...jesus, I'd even understand if they were chanting "gay-boy"....now that would be funny.






But seriously Diageo, don't get hung up on it. Its...just stupid. Be thankful that you have awesome friends, and let the fact that douchebags exist unaffect you - it was a fact you knew before the incident. :)

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Well honestly if people you know go around saying that it says more about them than it does you.

Personally, I find it hard to do but I try to respect comments/opinions of those who I respect and let the rest float away. Easier said than done though :/ It has a way of gluing itself to my brain.


Did they used to be your friends in Secondary?

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Disgusting stuff, diageo. Anyone at your college you can report the behaviour to? I'm sure they won't tolerate such abuse even off their grounds.
Since it's an one off thing, I don't think I'll bother unless it happens again. Because I highly doubt it will.


Well honestly if people you know go around saying that it says more about them than it does you.

Personally, I find it hard to do but I try to respect comments/opinions of those who I respect and let the rest float away. Easier said than done though :/ It has a way of gluing itself to my brain.


Did they used to be your friends in Secondary?


Depends what you mean by friends, they weren't really.

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"Friendly acquaintances" then :p


I was curious as I imagine it would be a lot worse if you used to talk to them before. If it was me it'd be much worse if it was unexpected.


If I always knew them as a bunch of stupid gowls then it wouldn't be as bad.

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