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bad stuff thread.


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I had to sit through some bullshit presentation at work yesterday, going on about how we're going to improve, that they provide great opportunities to all staff to grow and go up in the business, that they offer great job security.


Basically a presentation about how great they, and everything else, is.


Then today, they text me half an hour before my shift starts, "hey can you come in at 3.30 today? You've lost your hours again".


After years of working my ass off for them, doing any hours they want, working every weekend, always on late, they can't even give me decent hours. Not even that, they don't have the decency to give me a days notice before dropping me. Fuck, not even an hours notice.


Alas, at least if they keep treating me like shit it will keep spurring me on to keep looking for other jobs.


EDIT: But after reading Flameboy's post I feel bad now :p I haven't had to endure a work day quite like that!

Edited by Josh64
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Then today, they text me half an hour before my shift starts, "hey can you come in at 3.30 today? You've lost your hours again".


After years of working my ass off for them, doing any hours they want, working every weekend, always on late, they can't even give me decent hours. Not even that, they don't have the decency to give me a days notice before dropping me. Fuck, not even an hours notice.

Don't they have to give you some form of reasonable notice, get you to physically sign a new contract with these new hours before they thrust them upon you?


Luckily on my end it's just the overtime that's been cancelled. About 18 hours worth, which when working 25 hours a week trying to save for a mortgage deposit is a big hit. We all think it's the tram works going on in Beeston crippling the business.


Another sexy Tesco moment is we all got a "personal" letter from one of the heads of Tesco asking us to fist the Price Promise shit to EVERY SINGLE CUSTOMER. I'm pretty sure everyone knows by now what it's about. But the amazing thing is in the second sentence - "When I'm shopping with my wife at Sainsbury's or Marks and Spencers" = fuck my own supermarket, I'm going to the competition.

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So I was in the kitchen with my mother talking about random crap then she starts clawing at my hair saying "oh i didn't know you were going grey" low and behold she was right....I'm 24 and i've got grey hairs, This is not supposed to happen!! My mother has ruind my self-esteem for the rest of my life. Why couldn't she have just kept her mouth shut? b00h!! sad martins!

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Food poisoning = sadface :(


Never buying a chicken burger from that sandwich shop again. Well, I didn't pay for it. A friend did as I bought her lunch a few days previous so she was paying me back. But still, blergh! Been in bed pretty much all day which would've been a plus if I'd been able to eat anything.

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I've been feeling a bit down for a while. It happens fairly frequently. It's not as if I have anything to be down about. I've recently started a well paid job, moved to a new area, made lots of great, new friends. I should be happy. I do wonder if I'll ever be truly happy. As if, no matter how good my life is, my brain won't accept prolonged periods of happiness.

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I've been feeling a bit down for a while. It happens fairly frequently. It's not as if I have anything to be down about. I've recently started a well paid job, moved to a new area, made lots of great, new friends. I should be happy. I do wonder if I'll ever be truly happy. As if, no matter how good my life is, my brain won't accept prolonged periods of happiness.


You must be missing northern culture, they're the classic symptoms.

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It does seem to be that the stereotypes are very true down here.


Although I'm not sure if it's a north/south thing or a class thing. Either way, I do miss the culture back home.


Oh right, I didn't actually think it'd differ that much. What stereotypes are these then?


To be honest, one of the reasons I didn't like my first uni was that I felt a bit 'out-classed'. It wasn't my reason for switching uni, but it did make me feel a little uncomfortable.

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Oh right, I didn't actually think it'd differ that much. What stereotypes are these then?


Just a general frowning upon anything remotely laddish. Lack of a friendly atmosphere.


I said hello to a dog walker when I was walking alongside the Thames a few weeks bag, and he edged away from me, and stared at me as if I'd just rimmed his dog.



In hindsight I probably shouldn't have rimmed his dog, but I still think his reaction was a bit too extreme.

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I was going to say, I actually look forward to getting a bit of silver.


He prefers to be called "Phillip".


Are you doing exercise? I find one feels a bit down if one does not get enough exercise.


I've just been for a 3.5 mile run in the rain. I feel better.




It won't last.

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So I was checking my bank account today and i see these payments for £9.05 and £1.50 that i didn't make, so i call up the bank, go through all this automated answering machine crap and about 15 minutes later i get to talk to an actual human being who, to my amazement, was british.


So i go through all this security crap with her and tell her about these payments and she goes off to check with the fraud office keeping me on hold for about 10 minutes. When she came back so says, Ok the fraud office says those two transactions were fraudulent so we'll refund the money and cancel the card and send you out some paperwork to fill out.


But if we find that you are trying to make a false claim with us then you will be liable for prosecution blah blah blah...


So they canceled my card and refunded my money and now i'm screwed for the rest of the month. I have to go down to the halifax with my drivers licence to get any money out of that account now untill they get a new card to me :(

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Had an absolutely hectic last 7 days. On Wednesday I received a call from my mum saying that my dad had stopped breathing at the hospital. Apparently his heart had stopped for about 8 minutes before they were able to resuscitate him. At that point, the doctors weren't sure if my dad would be able to breath without a ventilator and they were telling us that there was a significant chance that he was brain dead.


Miraculously, my dad came to on Thursday and on Friday they moved him out of intensive care and into a proper ward. Unbelievably, he seems completely normal. He is on morphine which is affecting his mood and he has some cracked ribs but we think he'll be completely back to normal soon.


It's really hard to articulate how I feel as I've gone through cycles of anxiety, relief, anger etc. The sequence of events happened so quickly. I'm obviously so relieved that he's okay, but I've come to realise that I'm not emotionally prepared for any of my family to die yet. I'm extremely lucky in that in my 23 years on Earth I haven't experienced the death of someone very close to me so I could never say for sure how I would react.


While this is all going on, I've started on a new project at work and was under immense pressure to prove my worth to the client from the get-go. I've been working 10 hour days plus a 2 hour commute so I've had little opportunity to relax. I also didn't exactly perform fantastic at my performance moderation and it's made me ask myself big questions about my future. I'm fast approaching a crossroads where I'll need to start considering whether this job is right for me or not because the way things are going, the system is going to squeeze me out the bottom. I enjoy my job, but it's more competitive than I ever imagined. Oh well. Life goes on.

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Had the joy of waking up super early this morning. Sat up in bed and checked the time on my phone and just as I put it down, my whole body seized up and I collapsed and started convulsing. Only lasted a couple of seconds but freaked me out as it's been awhile since that's happened after waking up.


Slightly more freaked out that it happened a second time shortly after as well.


On top of what may be stomach flu, headaches and a general feeling of tiredness, I've set about getting an appointment at the doctors to be on the safe side. Probably nothing more than a lack of proper sleep or anxiety or something (at least I hope it's nothing worse than those) but best to check to be on the safe side.

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Sadly my story doesn't have as happy an ending as Zell's.


My step dad died last night, so suddenly. We're thinking it might be from a stroke/heart attack but they're doing a post mortem to find out.


Saw him last night and today... He was so cold.

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