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From the sounds of it, FLiNk wanted it to be just the two of you.


Hell yeah.


In somewhat related news: One of the shirts I have bought for work is unexpectedly...shinier than I anticipated. I thought it was a medium grey coloured shirt, it turns out it is quite glossy. Tomorrow, I am going to wear it and I'll either look like one of the following.


1. A gay, Primary School Teacher wearing a shiny shirt that is only missing some sequins and a tiara to top off the look.


2. A pretty suave mother who could have been a horse-hung Pakistani porn star in his previous life.


At the moment, scenario 1 is looking more likely judging by Ine's reaction.



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If only you owned more than one shirt.




It has to be worn now, more so out of curiosity. It could potentially be a winner and I'll be some kind of champion at work. I wore a bright pink shirt this one time that had all of the womens swooning over me. The men were a bit "err..." but the womens loved eet.


So, it could be Pink Shirt v2, but grey. Or, like I said, Saturday Night Fever sans sequins.




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Riddle me this (student gripe, I apologise in advance): what modules should I pick for next year? As I'm doing a joint major I only get to pick two politics/international relations modules, but there are, as always, more than two available. Of the eight out there, I'm interested in these four in particular:

  • International Relations and Security
  • Politics of Development
  • Politics of the European Union
  • Foreign Policy of Contending Powers

And I need to chose only two, so, yeah, there's a slight problem...


The first, IR and Security, is pretty "core" to IR, but it doesn't seem quite as interesting as the others as it's very general and theoretical. Development seems the least interesting on the surface, but as it focuses on Latin America and I plan on doing my dissertation (if I do one) on the drugs trade it would of course be most handy. EU is a little dry, but I've always liked it and it would be useful work-wise and it touches on economics, the other half of my degree. Lastly, foreign policy is pretty meaty and focuses on Iran, China and the US - interesting and obviously relevant, but a waste of a module slot?


The big issue is I don't know if I want to do broad, theoretical modules and risk being less interested, or specific, focused modules, and risk finding they're not to my liking. Either way, I have four options and two slots (square peg, round hole), and I really, really, really don't want to end up feeling like I've wasted a slot.



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Well, that was one "different" weekend. Which involved the Police (the law enforcement, not the band (wouldn't have made a lot of difference either way)). Went to Cardiff for the Streetpass event for a few hours, which was fun to say the least. Captured many DS's and played Monster Hunter from the lonely dude in the corner of GAME.


Then, i headed to Swansea to meet an ex (who i happen to remain good friends with, wasn't a bad split). Was planning on spending most of the day in Swansea, but ended up coming home earlier due to her over protective fiance and friends threatening to "do me in" for chatting to her and for being English (i wonder how they worked that one out). Complete idiots, and it made me think that she left me and ended up with him. He was a complete tool, one of them "i think i am hard because of my mates" persons. I would have done something, but seriously outnumbered and stood no chance. So i asked the staff of the bar to call the Police so i could leave the place without fear of my life.


I won't be going back for a little while, especially not to see her as long as she's with him.

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Riddle me this (student gripe, I apologise in advance): what modules should I pick for next year? As I'm doing a joint major I only get to pick two politics/international relations modules, but there are, as always, more than two available. Of the eight out there, I'm interested in these four in particular:

  • International Relations and Security
  • Politics of Development
  • Politics of the European Union
  • Foreign Policy of Contending Powers

And I need to chose only two, so, yeah, there's a slight problem...


The first, IR and Security, is pretty "core" to IR, but it doesn't seem quite as interesting as the others as it's very general and theoretical. Development seems the least interesting on the surface, but as it focuses on Latin America and I plan on doing my dissertation (if I do one) on the drugs trade it would of course be most handy. EU is a little dry, but I've always liked it and it would be useful work-wise and it touches on economics, the other half of my degree. Lastly, foreign policy is pretty meaty and focuses on Iran, China and the US - interesting and obviously relevant, but a waste of a module slot?


The big issue is I don't know if I want to do broad, theoretical modules and risk being less interested, or specific, focused modules, and risk finding they're not to my liking. Either way, I have four options and two slots (square peg, round hole), and I really, really, really don't want to end up feeling like I've wasted a slot.




Go with the two that don't start with "Politics of...", they're lazy titles.


And that's how you choose modules!

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Couldn't you wait until a day, such as Red Nose Day, whereby it will appear to have a purpose?


Either way, pics.


It's not a terrible shirt and it isn't a novelty one.


No picssss I'm afraid. Shirt is now in the laundry bin.


Wear it like a boss.


And take a photo so that we can see it.



Wore eet.

Damn right. Only a nancy boy would be afraid to wear pink.


Is that what you are, FLiNk? A nancy boy?




Wore it. Got a few comments from people, mostly that it looked like I had a bucket of water tipped over me after wearing a shirt. It is now known as the "shiny shirt". :D


I quite like it. It's growing on me.


In bad news, two of my work friends are pregnant, which means that their lives are effectively over. :p

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MEGAMI TENSEI. Tiny-fist_zpsc3ba1e51.gif


I was facing the penultimate boss in Digital Devil Saga 2, when it charged up for a powerful attack. I had no idea what to expect, so I was like, okay, let's just wait and see what it does. And then it hits me with an electricity attack that wipes out my entire party.


Game over.


So I go back, and this time I know to protect against electricity when the boss charges up. After fighting for twenty minutes or so and doing as okay as one could expect while fighting a boss in a MegaTen game, the boss starts charging up again AND THEN CHARMS MY ENTIRE PARTY. I can't protect against electricity attacks, my whole party gets wiped out and as if that wasn't bad enough, my healer makes sure to heal the boss fully before she dies.


Sometimes I don't know why I bother. :blank:

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[*]International Relations and Security


[*]Foreign Policy of Contending Powers


Personally I'd go for these two. I'm just coming to the end of a 3 year politics degree myself (dissertation handed in only hours ago!) and 'security' featured heavily in two of the more interesting modules. That might just be down to the charisma of that particular lecturer, but I really enjoyed it. That said I tend to enjoy/do better in the more theoretical stuff. I know this is a recommendation that doesn't really tailor to the specifics of your selection crisis, but hope it helps all the same :)


Whatever you do, for fucks sake don't choose the EU module :heh:

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  • International Relations and Security
  • Politics of Development
  • Politics of the European Union
  • Foreign Policy of Contending Powers

And I need to chose only two, so, yeah, there's a slight problem...





These two. While IR Theory can be as dull as ditchwater, it's the jumping-off point for virtually everything in the field. Security is interesting, as there are several contending theories of security, none of which explain the concept in a one-size-fits-all method.


Foreign policy of contending powers links into security studies, so it will be easier to transition. As for doing your dissertation on the drugs trade... up to you. But again, security studies and basi IR theories will be essential to this.


I am personally feeling terrible. I strained a groin and knee muscle months ago. It's not getting better, in fact, the pain has been worse these last few days.


Imagine a constant intense stinging pain bordering on agony the whole time, right on the inside of your hip. Then consider that sitting down makes it worse. But standing up creates a horrible feeling of tearing in the knee. Walking feels like someone is trying to pull your leg off.


I haven't slept properly for weeks - and even with my insomnia that means I'm getting less than three hours a night.


I just... can't bear the pain anymore.

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Personally I'd go for these two. I'm just coming to the end of a 3 year politics degree myself (dissertation handed in only hours ago!) and 'security' featured heavily in two of the more interesting modules. That might just be down to the charisma of that particular lecturer, but I really enjoyed it. That said I tend to enjoy/do better in the more theoretical stuff. I know this is a recommendation that doesn't really tailor to the specifics of your selection crisis, but hope it helps all the same :)


Whatever you do, for fucks sake don't choose the EU module :heh:


These two. While IR Theory can be as dull as ditchwater, it's the jumping-off point for virtually everything in the field. Security is interesting, as there are several contending theories of security, none of which explain the concept in a one-size-fits-all method.


Foreign policy of contending powers links into security studies, so it will be easier to transition. As for doing your dissertation on the drugs trade... up to you. But again, security studies and basi IR theories will be essential to this.


Cheers lads, that really does help. Regarding what ipaul said about lecturers, I had my first lecture with the person teaching Foreign Policy of Contending Powers today, and I really liked their style. I can avoid doing a dissertation due to the duel nature of my degree by taking two additional modules in third year, so I might well do that. Oh, and I really love the idea of the EU, and I find how it works genuinely interesting, but academically it's a total bloody nightmare.


I also know that if I follow the economics half of my degree for a career it'll most likely be into risk (currency or market) in banking, and security is obviously a pretty major factor in that.


Thanks for you help lads, I appreciate it. Now I just need to (for some reason) pick my third year modules too... :geek:

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I am personally feeling terrible. I strained a groin and knee muscle months ago. It's not getting better, in fact, the pain has been worse these last few days.


Imagine a constant intense stinging pain bordering on agony the whole time, right on the inside of your hip. Then consider that sitting down makes it worse. But standing up creates a horrible feeling of tearing in the knee. Walking feels like someone is trying to pull your leg off.


I haven't slept properly for weeks - and even with my insomnia that means I'm getting less than three hours a night.


I just... can't bear the pain anymore.


Man, that's horrible. I'm sorry to hear it. :(

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Cool, hope all works out. What exactly is your degree/where are you studying?


I'm studying Economics and International Relations at Lancaster University in sunny Lancaster (sorry, no prizes for guessing that last bit).


I'm a fresher again as I quit my first Uni (Surrey) after two out of five years. Because Civil Engineering sucks balls, and concrete is fucking dull (again, no prizes).

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Man, that's horrible. I'm sorry to hear it. :(


Yeah, no more football for a while. Which is just plain galling... I'm the team captain and I can't lead the team out on to the field.


There's little I've found that has made me prouder, and now that has been taken away.


I'm studying Economics and International Relations at Lancaster University in sunny Lancaster (sorry, no prizes for guessing that last bit).


I'm a fresher again as I quit my first Uni (Surrey) after two out of five years. Because Civil Engineering sucks balls, and concrete is fucking dull (again, no prizes).


Can I be a little pompous here... (Sorry, I lecture part time) read the following:




And PM the following:


1: Why do the Melians believe that they can trust the Lacedemonians will intervene on their behalf?


2: What reasons does the Athenian Ambassador give for believing that the Lacedmonians will not intervene?


3: Do you believe that it is possible to rely on other states to consistently come to the aid of others in times of war?


4: Who, in the global arena, has overarching and legally binding authority in international relations between states to enforce compliance?

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Can I be a little pompous here... (Sorry, I lecture part time) read the following:




And PM the following:


1: Why do the Melians believe that they can trust the Lacedemonians will intervene on their behalf?


2: What reasons does the Athenian Ambassador give for believing that the Lacedmonians will not intervene?


3: Do you believe that it is possible to rely on other states to consistently come to the aid of others in times of war?


4: Who, in the global arena, has overarching and legally binding authority in international relations between states to enforce compliance?


I have a big maths test at the end of the week (economics, woo), so I'll get back to you this weekend. :P

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I have a big maths test at the end of the week (economics, woo), so I'll get back to you this weekend. :P


No worries. If you can answer these questions well (sorry for sticking my nose in) then it will help guide you to the right sort of course.

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I booked an early finish yesterday to leave early from work to meet with friends tonight (plus i'm sick of leaving at half 6). They got back to be 20 hours later and said i couldn't have it due to a shortfall. Upon checking, there was leave left. Turns out they randomly select people who apply for leave instead of first come, first serve. Really has annoyed me, i would be leaving work now.


And to top it off, a mate of mine put a request in 20 hours after me and got the early finish instead of me. I'm seriously not happy, and have challenged the holiday people.

Edited by Jimbob
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I lost the necklace my sister gave me before she got married like 15 years ago. I got to my friend's house after work and realised it wasn't around my neck. I never take it off. I had it on at the gym so it must have broken off between then, my afternoon at work and my cycle to my friend's. I called the gym but they said they hadn't seen anything. My only hope is that it somehow magically fell off while I was sitting at desk and didn't notice. Knowing my luck, it fell of while I was cycling.


I don't give a shit about the cost, it's probably my most precious possession...and now I've fucking lost it.

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I lost the necklace my sister gave me before she got married like 15 years ago. I got to my friend's house after work and realised it wasn't around my neck. I never take it off. I had it on at the gym so it must have broken off between then, my afternoon at work and my cycle to my friend's. I called the gym but they said they hadn't seen anything. My only hope is that it somehow magically fell off while I was sitting at desk and didn't notice. Knowing my luck, it fell of while I was cycling.


I don't give a shit about the cost, it's probably my most precious possession...and now I've fucking lost it.


Sorry to hear about that, dude. I hope you find it. If it isn't in the gym or in work, it might be worth notifying the police in case somebody has done their good deed for the day and handed it in. It's a long shot, but you never know. Hope it turns up.

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I cycled through three London boroughs. If it fell on the street it's most likely gone. Fingers crossed it's just on the floor by my desk.


If I don't find it I think I'm going to get the two sides as tattoos. The head of Athena and Pegasus, would be cool.

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I'm studying Economics and International Relations at Lancaster University in sunny Lancaster (sorry, no prizes for guessing that last bit).


I'm a fresher again as I quit my first Uni (Surrey) after two out of five years. Because Civil Engineering sucks balls, and concrete is fucking dull (again, no prizes).


Ah Lancaster! I was this close to going there meself. Applied to start in 2009 but my college made a right balls up of the IB so I did shit, took another year at college and decided on Southampton instead, after a couple more a levels. It looked nice when I visited, can't believe that's four years ago now.

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