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bad stuff thread.


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Need a poop?


Sorry that was rude and rather gross :p


I've been sidelined for the night with a massive headache after playing lots of football this afternoon.


Even after eating and drinking lots of water I stood up felt horrid and the light in the room hurt my eyes, went to sleep for hour and half woke up and feel better. But now I'm wide awake! So ruined my evening (girlfriend not happy) and now I'm awake. FFS.

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Today felt like a pretty crap day for no real reason. Throughout most of the day I felt really annoyed and angry and I don't know why. At certain points I felt like screaming and kicking something (almost threw the cats' drinking trays through the garage 'cause I walked into the counter and then two steps later spilled water all over the floor). Grrr.


Luckily I calmed down after exercise, but still have felt like poop today. I think I just need something fun to happen, but my friends are too much fail to decide on a date to meet up. Haven't seen them in months. =(

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I assume this is the negative thread.



WELL *smacks lips*




Paid at self-service, and had to verify my I.d with the woman. I showed her my provisional drivers license, stating that I am indeed a 19 year-old male caucasian person, etc etc. It's the i.d I use on a day to day basis. The woman stared at it for ages, then took my friends i.d. I figured "Well at least she's ACTUALLY looking at it/doing her job". Then she left, to consult with another worker, then a POLICE MAN/SECURITY PERSON.


My friend and I were half-laughing, like "Wtf, um lol we're 19.18 respectively ROFL" and then she eventually came back, and said "SORRY I JUST DON'T BELIEVE THESE ARE REAL".







She claimed "real" provisional licenses had just "Driver license" at the top instead of "PROVISIONAL driver license" and were a different colour. I pointed out in shock/laughter that she must be referring to ACTUAL full licenses, which are pink, but she said "no, sorry loads of fakes are going around with the exact same format of yours, and basically all the ones that looks like yours are fake". Which is WRONG since mine is real.


HOWEVER, it's not her fault, it's just her job to tell lies/spread falsities, so I told her such and like metaphorically put my head on her shoulder before leaving really annoyed/shocked at being told my i.d was fake.


I love/hate. Fact is I get served un-i.d most places, and was the next shop down the road. It was a humbling experience though. I felt guilty, like I'd done something. But then because I'm so well-behaved/such a brilliant person, I always feel scorned whenever I'm accused of something I haven't done.

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I assume this is the negative thread.



WELL *smacks lips*




Paid at self-service, and had to verify my I.d with the woman. I showed her my provisional drivers license, stating that I am indeed a 19 year-old male caucasian person, etc etc. It's the i.d I use on a day to day basis. The woman stared at it for ages, then took my friends i.d. I figured "Well at least she's ACTUALLY looking at it/doing her job". Then she left, to consult with another worker, then a POLICE MAN/SECURITY PERSON.


My friend and I were half-laughing, like "Wtf, um lol we're 19.18 respectively ROFL" and then she eventually came back, and said "SORRY I JUST DON'T BELIEVE THESE ARE REAL".







She claimed "real" provisional licenses had just "Driver license" at the top instead of "PROVISIONAL driver license" and were a different colour. I pointed out in shock/laughter that she must be referring to ACTUAL full licenses, which are pink, but she said "no, sorry loads of fakes are going around with the exact same format of yours, and basically all the ones that looks like yours are fake". Which is WRONG since mine is real.


HOWEVER, it's not her fault, it's just her job to tell lies/spread falsities, so I told her such and like metaphorically put my head on her shoulder before leaving really annoyed/shocked at being told my i.d was fake.


I love/hate. Fact is I get served un-i.d most places, and was the next shop down the road. It was a humbling experience though. I felt guilty, like I'd done something. But then because I'm so well-behaved/such a brilliant person, I always feel scorned whenever I'm accused of something I haven't done.


Holy shit! This exact thing happens in my local Sainsbury's all the time to my friends and I! Ahhhh!

My one friend who hasn't passed his test refuses to go in there any more after they went as far to ring the police to get him removed from the store after they refused his Provisional Licence and he kicked up a fuss. They told the shop they were, in so many words, idiots.


I've had my (full, UK) licence refused in there 9 times now, all since that happened. After I realised I had to resort to the tactics of someone under 18 to buy alcohol there - either hope they believe my ID is real, don't ID me or get someone else to buy it for me - I've taken the measure now insisting they get their manager. Once (time 8, if I recall correctly) the supervisor went as far to accuse me, in front of a half dozen customers, to accuse me of having a fake licence, which, needless to say, made me a little irate, and led me to saying "I'll calm the fuck down when you stop baselessly accusing me of fraud and get your manager, as I'm considering asking one of these kind folks (the queue/spectators) to call the police as according to you I'm committing major fraud and possess fake documents, though I personally think it's far more likely that you can't do your fucking job properly."




This is all especially frustrating as I worked for Serve Legal, a company that specialises in two things: the testing of shops/pubs to see if they ID 18-21 year old's, and the training of senior staff as to how to tell if an ID is genuine, and they in turn are meant to train the checkout grunts. The clients of Serve Legal include Sainsbury's, and I know for a fact that Sainsbury's in Harpenden has been both visited and had it's employees trained. I know this because I was the one who did it. Clearly, said someone didn't pass on my teachings...

Edited by The fish
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HOWEVER, it's not her fault, it's just her job to tell lies/spread falsities, so I told her such and like metaphorically put my head on her shoulder before leaving really annoyed/shocked at being told my i.d was fake.


What a fucking spastic.


You'd think she'd be trained....NO....NO....not even trained....provisional and driving licenses are common fucking sense. Stupid bitch. I'd have asked for the manager or someone who knows how to drive. Stupid wench.




I didn't realise on FBz that the situation was unresolved. Write and complain that shit, don't demand for vouchers or that you were outraged just request that the staff at that branch have a common sense training course.

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What a fucking spastic.


You'd think she'd be trained....NO....NO....not even trained....provisional and driving licenses are common fucking sense. Stupid bitch. I'd have asked for the manager or someone who knows how to drive. Stupid wench.




I didn't realise on FBz that the situation was unresolved. Write and complain that shit, don't demand for vouchers or that you were outraged just request that the staff at that branch have a common sense training course.


Yeah I might send a little letter.


I was half-tempted to ask to talk to the police guy/authority man in a hi-vis jacket who she went to consult, since it was presumably him who confirmed that I was in fact a filthy faker. But then I never get angry enough to do so, and don't like when people take out frustration on people/workers who don't know any better, or are "doing their jobs".

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Suffering from chronic fatigue (according to student doctor), as a result of stress induced insomnia and the fact that I've not had an actual bed to sleep on for ages. Also my old place was situated right the fuck next to a major London road where construction work was occurring, and it was infested with bed bugs.


This wouldn't be a problem, tbh, except that I feel perceptibly stupider. Like, I can't think straight, can't link two thoughts together, and its really really fucking annoying. On top of that, my sleep schedule is so disturbed that I can never really get more than 2 hours of continuous sleep at any one time, so I've rather stupidly taken to dosing myself with copious amounts of alcohol. Which really doesn't help my enfeebled mental condition.

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I think I have Oneitis for a lovely lady I work with.

Never had it this bad at all and it has shocked me. It's something I'm battling with and many men face but I'm determined to overcome it.


Plus, my girlfriend shouldn't know of this which makes life complicated.

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what did this thread use to be? i've apparently posted in it yet i've no idea what the hell it was, stop doing stupid title changes!


This is the User Image Gallery!






I was about to post a picture. But you can't right click and copy image url facebook photos now. Wtf. Fuck off facebook. What.

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