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bad stuff thread.


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When I said "a lot," I meant "a few," and by that I mean, not many =p.


I think @Daft may have a better idea as to whether that really happens but I just thought you went up in seniority of QA testing but it isn't exactly requiring a similar skill set to designing a game.

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Well for now I have a really good salary and a kick ass pension that's far better than what I would find in the private sector (assuming I'd even be offered a pension) so: Winning!


We'll see, I suppose, but my job is safe for now as I work in engineering which is a massive funding cash cow so I'm not worried about my job getting cut, which is nice.

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True, but from podcasts I've listened to over the years I've gathered that it's the equivalent of a foot in the door. There have been a couple of instances with, for example, Irrational Games taking on a couple of their QA staff as level designers.

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Nah they're just getting all pissy because the governments trying to make them do a bit of work for once.


Hey I do a hell of a lot of work! More so than I ever did in the private sector :heh:


Although I think the biggest threat to universities at the moment isn't so much the government as the universities themselves. Or should I say "you can't control what's happening so don't pretend like it's not".


But now's not the time to rant about work.

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Looks like my sister is gonna have to have one of her cats put down. Just feel sorry for my niece at the moment. Shes nearly 4 and will have lost 2 cats now. One run over last year and now this one today. She still gets upset occassionally talking about her old cat.


Ok even worse, apparently it might have been someone poisoning it with anti-freeze that did it!

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Can I ask ye guys a question?


I'm just wondering how to get around the youtube copyright system. A few mates up mine put up a charity vid using "somebody I used to know" song with themselves parodying the song.


I feel really sorry for them when it got taken down. I'm just wondering is there any truth to these urban myths of youtube having automatic scanners and such.


If there was pitch in the audio was changed would it help?

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Can anyone here explain section 9 of Kant's Critique of Aesthetic Judgment ("Investigation of the question of relative priority in a judgment of taste of the feeling of pleasure and the estimating of the object")?


It is incomprehensible to me, and I feel retarded and shitty.

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Can I ask ye guys a question?


I'm just wondering how to get around the youtube copyright system. A few mates up mine put up a charity vid using "somebody I used to know" song with themselves parodying the song.


I feel really sorry for them when it got taken down. I'm just wondering is there any truth to these urban myths of youtube having automatic scanners and such.


If there was pitch in the audio was changed would it help?


If it helps there are some off-pitch youtube videos of songs from Kanye's albums so I guess so?

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There's a huge abscess or something on my jawline that's been hurting and swelling since before Sunday :cry: I finally got over my distrust and hatred of doctors (no offense to anyone who's a doctor on here...) and made an appointment for this morning. The worst thing is that I told my parents and they freaked out more than I did. Should've kept to my policy of never telling them anything :heh:


edit: Goddamn this, €55 for the consultation >:/ There should be a new system: if I can say what wrong with me (thanks, Internet) before the doctor does, then the consultation should be free!

Edited by EddieColeslaw
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Ok past couple of weeks , the girl i loved left me broke my heart, i tore my cartilage in my knee and will need surgary in a couple of months, i lost my wallet with all my cards and some money. Today i noticed a couple of grey hairs ! im only 25 what the hell, i think it must be linked to all the stress and sadness. What should i do ? or am i doomed


you got to laugh.

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Today i noticed a couple of grey hairs ! im only 25 what the hell, i think it must be linked to all the stress and sadness. What should i do ? or am i doomed


Grey hairs at 25 isn't unheard of. Anecdotal: My sister-in-law (26) has quite a few hairs and my friend (22) has a couple of grey hairs as well.


Don't worry about it. Grey hairs can be quite cool. Also there are a few people one here (some younger than you) who are going bald (we had a thread a while back) so I doubt you'll get much sympathy over a few grey hairs at 25.

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hollllllyyy shiiiii~~~ some serious stuff went down today at work, I was beginning to wonder if a fight was going to break out... managers implementing a silly petty rule none of us really like, and 3 people basically went full throttle verbal abuse at him. I actually left the room (excused myself to the bathroom lol) at one point because it was so bad, like watching a car crash... I came back, not long after it kinda had simmered down a bit, boss shortly went out of the room and was on his mobile phone (probably to the boss) and shit is going to...hit...the...fan. Serious disciplinary and/or p45's I reckon. So glad I stayed out of the way

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Well, basically, you aren't really supposed to eat food in the call centre in our work... but the owner of the building (who we rent from) is perfectly ok with eating within reason (aka don't bring in a 3 course dinner, but fruit, and snacks are ok, as long as you are tidy, which we all are). The evening staff bring in chinese/pizza and make a whole load of mess which is what the no eating rule was designed for.


Our last boss basically told the higher up that it was fine and the owner was ok within reason etc... higher up not happy.... and now we've got a new manager who's dead keen to please higher ups. So he's basically been pedantic about the whole thing, no food AT ALL. Yet he sits and annoying slabbers away at chewing gum REALLY LOUDLY. And his phone rings constantly even though theres also a big fat sign that says TURN ALL MOBILE PHONES OFF... and the poor bastard part timers that are in get a 15 minute break over like 5.75 hours.. (they designed the shifts so they could spend the least money and have them having the least paid break possible legally speaking). One person is a diabetic and gets VERY ill if she doesn't eat regularly.... the boss said to her "I can't make an exception for you". I might have a quiet word in her ear and suggest she speaks to occupational health because legally speaking they CANNOT do that and occ. health would back that up.


It could have been dealt with far better from management. but I also don't believe that the 3 of them going all guns blazing was the right thing...

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