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My external hard drive suddenly won't start up anymore... which makes me want to cry because it contains all my photos, drawings and Photoshop/Illustrator files and everything I ever made in school... ='(


I'm hoping dad can fix it when he comes home but I doubt it.

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Where do I find such a person?

Though I don't know how long it would take them and I leave the country on Friday, so I need this fixed now (needed to make a backup of my old PC before I leave too). I think it's the power supply that isn't working on this one, as it simply won't boot up, but I don't know.

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A spambot once posted:



Got (most of) my files back :)


Took all weekend almost, in the end couldn't find a free way to sort it out and started looking at different recovery softwares. Ended up spening 60euro on one called RecoverMyFiles (http://www.getdata.com)


And had to borrow another HDD to have somewhere to save the files to when found.


(If someone now suggests a free or cheaper software I could have used I'll be very upset that you didn't post sooner)


Took a while (by which I mean it takes A LONG TIME) but I eventually got it working... it crashed twice on me, though may have been my own fault, first time in the middle of the scan it just stopped working... though I think it may not have liked that I was doing other things on the laptop at the same time :P


2nd attempt when it was nearly finished (7 hours of scanning) and I decided to then plug in the borrowed HDD.. I guess I should have waited for it to finish first cause as soon as I did it froze up :P


3rd time lucky. Left on over night with both HDD's plugged in just in case.


After another 7 hours of scanning the broken drive I was then able to start saving the recovered files to another HDD.


The lenght of time it takes to scan the corrupt drive depends on size of course (it also works on SD cards and Thumbdrives FYI), mine was a 1TB drive, after 7 hours of scanning it had searched 300million blocks of 1.9billion, it what it said.


But based on the number of files it said it had found and it allows you to browse the files names and view previews of picture and document files, I figured it had found most the files by this stage anyway. I left it for another hour just in case but the number of files "found/recovered" didn't change so figured I was find.


Stopped the scan and was then able to start moving the recovered files to another drive, which I've now done.


Formatted the old HDD now, but will probably look at getting a 2nd one just incase the first one decides to not work again.


Here's a video of the software in action

The drive used in the video shows the same symptoms as what mine did... appearing as local and asking to format in My Computer, and appearing a RAW in Disk Management, which is why I decided to shell out the cash for it.


And considering I was able to recover pretty much 3 - 4 years worth of photos I had recently moved off my laptop to the external drive (which I though was for safe keeping :heh:) I'd say it was worth the cost.


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My very first issue of Edge was the one where they reviewed Half Life 2....I wish I still had it =/


The thing with EDGE is, it's the only magazine that makes me feel bad when I don't read it cover to cover, because I'm afraid that I'll miss some amazing content. But then, it's also always really dense, so sometimes I just can't be fucked :heh:

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this month featured an 8 page (EIGHT PAGES) on a processor company. Again: 8 pages.


Fuck that.


The feature on ARM was cool though because it augmented the PS Vita launch feature, and seeing as I have one of those it's of interest to me =p. Sometimes though, it's like reading though a fucking neuroscience journal.


Yeah, the thing with the girl who doesn't like beards is starting to annoy me a bit since I seem to be growing fonder of her. Bugger.


Is there some sort of dilemma I'm not seeing here?

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