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my DEAREST MOTHER sprayed perfume right beside me and i just went into an asthma attack. Cheers mum, fucking cheers.






Arrrrgh! that's one of the worst things to breathe in if you have asthma :sad: I hope you're ok.


I have asthma though it's much milder than when I was younger but I still find it annoying if say I'm at work and I happen to be in the vicinity of anyone wearing too much perfume as it makes it hard to breathe. :/


I haven't had an asthma attack in years but I'm aware that it's always a possibility so I tend to take both inhalers with me whenever I leave the house.

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Not very bad news but it's saddening me.


The great majority of the friends which I've made this year from college are leaving for home. They were all international students from all over and today's the day where a lot of them are going home for Christmas. It's really nice that I became such good friends with them since September but it's hard to see 10+ close friends leave (forever / long time) in such quick succession. I said good-bye to my closest friend this morning as she left for the States :(


I've never really had a friend like her. She always listened to me & I would do the same. I told her stuff I'd never mentioned to anyone. I loved how she always gave me a hug whenever she saw me, irregardless of circumstances, with a large smile. We had such fun.


It feels really strange. I'm suffering from exhaustion & this feeling of abandonment. At least I'm going out tonight to have a great night-out with those left before tomorrow. Some relief!


Thanks given for sympathy. :(

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Urgh annoyed. I went to the dentist last week for a check-up, when she told me after taking pictures that I have a few things that need to be fixed. I hadn't felt anything yet though so had no clue.


Now she has fixed one of my teeth and today I'm getting a slight painful sensation in it, whereas before she fixed it, it felt fine. I hope she hasn't made things worse! Don't want to end up with toothache before Christmas and before going on holiday. =(

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Urgh annoyed. I went to the dentist last week for a check-up, when she told me after taking pictures that I have a few things that need to be fixed. I hadn't felt anything yet though so had no clue.


Now she has fixed one of my teeth and today I'm getting a slight painful sensation in it, whereas before she fixed it, it felt fine. I hope she hasn't made things worse! Don't want to end up with toothache before Christmas and before going on holiday. =(

My last one was like that, it's just causing a sensation because because the filling is close to the nerve and the nerve isn't used to things there. It'll pass :)


My nan is back in the hospital again. Doctors don't know what's wrong with her and we had just been able to convince them to let us look after her on Christmas so she wasn't in the care home...now it doesn't look likely that she'll be able to be here at Christmas. It kills me that she may be stuck in a hospital or a care home over Christmas

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Thanks given for sympathy. :(


Thanks, Danny :)


I'm trying not to see it as a bad thing, necessarily. It was just great that I had the opportunity to meet so many genuinely amazing people. I'm happy but it is hard that they won't be there when I come back to college.


In our building of, usually, over 140 people there's about 10 left. 5 of which are social. I've spent the day with my favorite Dane (I mean...2nd favorite, of course Danny ;)) , Christina. We bought a bunch of silly food and had a silly time. I'll walk with her to the bus-stop tomorrow -- she'll be my last friend to leave.



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I knew i should have booked today off work. Today isn't going well at all. Firstly my train no shows (again), but a train which should have gone through an hour earlier showed up. And decided to terminate in Newport to make things more "interesting". The train conducter was helpful, but it didn't help me much. Had to catch a 2nd train, which narrowly made it to Cardiff in time for me to catch my now "3rd" train.


Yay public transport :nono:

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I love how my parents constantly troll me by assuring me that I don't need to work, after I ask multiple times to make sure, only to call me up sometime later with "OH WAIT BE READY FOR WORK IN 10MINS".


Goodbye, actual-productive-schedule-I-just-made-for-my-supposedly-free-day!


I mean, I don't MIND working, I'm an able unlazy person. What I DO mind is being told one thing, then another, then being rushed to get ready. It's not even an emergency, it's like they suddenly decide that it would be nice if I were there. :mad:

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My nan has vascluar dementia brought on by her mini strokes. Her brain has been damaged and the damage will just get worse and worse and worse so we'll not be able to have her round on Christmas and it won't be long before it's just gone


My siblings and I will go visit her Christmas afternoon but it's just horrible. Worst time ever. It's going to be awful :/ She may not even recognise us

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So, I just got back from seeing her...it was awful.


She's lost the ability to speak coherently but she's still in there and that's the thing that breaks my heart the most. She's stuck in there unable to be who she is.


Once we left, my sister, brother and I just broke down. Worst experience ever

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I'm truly sorry to hear that Serebii :( nothing I can say will be of much consolation but at least I'm sure that your nan knows that you all love and care about her even if she can't communicate back to you, that counts for more than you think.


Still... it can't be easy, especially today of all days. :/

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I swear to god family would do your bap in.... ARGH


bit of backstory before I tell you the incident in question.


My uncle is crazy man (like proper mental institute patient years ago) and is generally an all round stubborn, religious man who will not listen to anyone and likes things done his way.


Aunt in law (married to uncle) is a bit bitter. She's rage that my mum doesn't work and always goes on about her living the life of luxury etc.


My nan is a crazy woman (uncles mother) who is very selfish, always wants her own way, yet won't stand up to her bloody kids.




So today we had planned to have our nan over to meet my sisters boy, and have some boxing day nibbles. Now my sisters boyfriend is a bit funny about food (hes VERY picky) so it took a lot of reassurance and provision of food he will eat.


Nan rings saying shes gonna be a bit late, and that uncle had taken her to portrush (miles away) and would be half an hour late. Ok, annoying as my sister and bf had plans for later... but was ok with it and half an hour wouldn't have made a huge deal.


Then she rings saying that uncle has put on dinner and not to bother with food, just as my mum was putting in the food she had very carefully picked out for boyfriend and everyone!!! Then she just didn't bother turning up at all. >_<


It's not even like we like the bloody woman, shes freakin horrible, but we made the effort to put on the food and such and she just didnt give two shits about it. I gave my mum a hug and told sisters bf not to worry as she's a dickhead anyway lol.


Just really really hate my outside family (from this country anyway) as they are all religious (in a bad way) self righteous, self centred nobs.


this was my gran who always prefered my sister and suggested i drink vinegar to lose weight (at the age of 12!!!!)




by the way serebii, i hope your nan gets all the care and support she needs. its tough going through that but remember to keep lines of communication open between your family. Always helps to talk and be there for everyone too.

Edited by Raining_again
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