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There's only an incredibly slim chance that my poor little 7 year old cat will make it past monday and i am utterly devastated.


He has spinal damage possibly from arthritis that was gradually getting worse, and he is not responding to treatment. We have increased the dose and given til Monday, but if he gets worse i will call out of hours vet because I can't bear him suffering any more than he already is.


Wheres the line though? How far do you give them before they're just suffering too damn much?

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I'm sorry to hear that Raining. :(


That's not something a cat owner should have to go through, but you're right... if he's suffering and clearly going through too much pain then, well you know what's best, though I hate to even allude to it. :sad:


It's such a tough thing to decide, my thoughts are with you and your cats, I really wish for the best though. :heart:

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Been trying to improve my state of mind the last few months with the help of counselling but feels like I've fallen off a cliff this week. I feel so sick at the thought of most things and wonder more and more what the point of anything is. I've been managing to go to work but had to call in sick today and yesterday which is another worry as no one there knows I have anxiety/depression so I'm either gonna have to have an awkward conversation about it or say some bullshit like 'I was feeling sick' and piss them off.


I feel like just not going back to work again but know being unemployed does absolutely nothing for my state of mind, especially when I take a turn for the worst like today.


Tried to get a doctors appointment but can't even try and book until Monday so will have to wait it out. Elsewhere little Banjo is coming to his end. His back legs started to go late December and he's been walking like a drunk sailor since but the last few weeks he's been getting noticeably worse every day and now he just can't use his back legs at all and keeps randomly urinating all over the house, sometimes without realising it. Starting to wonder how good his quality of life is.

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@Josh64 i'm so sorry to hear about your little one.


Sadly the day after I posted here my little one declined so much that i had to rush him to the vet, where we decided to send him to the rainbow bridge. Those few minutes of my life were the worst, simply because it was so unexpected, came out of nowhere 2 weeks ago, and he was only 7 years old.


The only thing getting me out of bed every single day is my other 2. Poor Sparky has been in a very very bad way, he has a bad case of cat flu, ontop of the grief of losing his best friend. Clementine is doing ok but shes only been here for a few weeks and never really got to bond with Freddy at all. I honestly think she was sent to me for a reason as her happy little moments are the only thing i'm hanging onto at the moment.


I only realized yesterday how many people have my back.. one of my friends who runs a home for kitties (its like an old peoples home for special and older kitties) arranged for a few of the people i know really well to be there for me today, even though a lot of them had plans and had to rush off after seeing me. And every single one of the kitties fussed around me, they have a sense for someone grieving and they just know you need comfort.



I am devastated beyond words but being held together by an awful lot of special people and kitties.

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I'm sorry to hear that things haven't been going to well for you @Josh64 and Banjo as well. :(


Also I'm very sorry for your loss @Raining_again :( poor Freddy... I can't even imagine how tough it must be right now for you and your other kitties but I really do wish you all the very best, I hope that Sparky gets better. :heart:


It's nice to hear that people around you are rallying round, cats definitely have a sense for these things as well, I can remember when our older cat sadly passed away some time ago our younger cat was looking for him for a while, grieving in her own way but she'd always be around us more as well as she knew that we were missing him as well.


You know where I am if you need to talk Hannah and Josh as well, if I'm not there at any time just give me a shout and I will be. :hug:

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  • 2 weeks later...

So sorry for the loss @@Raining_again, hopefully Sparky gets better soon. And sorry to hear about Banjo @Josh64.


The town where i live (Caldicot), there are a quite a few people whom have commented on the state of the town in terms of shops and what is actually being done to improve things. It seems that we have quite a number of empty premises (but to be fair, it's similar in places like Newport and other towns across the UK). It's a shame to see the town decline so much in recent times, people are blaming Asda for killing the town.


But ultimately, it's the landlords and the council whom are at fault (high rents meaning no shop can set-up). We're going to lose a shop that has been in town for over 20 years because the landlord decided to boot them out because Domino's Pizza wants it. Now, going back to earlier a bit. Some empty places have been converted to take-aways, which to be honest as much as i like a take-away, there are too many as it is. So with this news that this shop is being booted out due to landlord greed and Domino's, i put a post on the community facebook page saying if people are unhappy about what's going on to do something about it.


Which is what i did. I wrote to my MP, Councillor and AM over the state of the town. A few others have also, and we've all got replies back. Heck, my Councillor popped over today to have a chat, except i'm in work and no-one was there. What we're hoping is that by getting Ministers involved (we have a Town Team whom help arrange fund raisers and try and get the town more lively again) we can get some change done. For a town i've lived in for over 20 years, i hate to see it go into further disarray.

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Thanks for the kind messages guys.


Today was the day for Banjo :( tried to make his last few days as good as they could be by taking him to places he liked and spoiling him with treats. Stayed up late last night as he slept on me, I got really smelly but it was worth it :p


Today was so awful. I couldn't really prepare myself for it. It was as nice as if could be though. Had the vets come over to the house and he was in my arms as they did it. It was heart breaking as he fell over and passed on though, I'll never feel quite the same without him.


Even though it was an inevitability I never imagined life without him. I keep looking at my feet waiting to trip up over him, glancing over to the step to help him up, listening out for his super loud snoring and then remembering he's not there.

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I'm really sorry to hear that @Josh64 :( poor Banjo... at least you gave him the best life a Pug could possibly have though, still doesn't make it any easier I'm sure.


Again if you need to talk then just give me a shout, wishing you all the best. :heart:

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I haven't had a sip of alcohol in a year and a half. At this point, the smell from the local pub's dumpster would be enough to get me wasted.


Edit: Not to trivialize or reduce the tragedy of the prior posts with my dumbass confession. Really sorry for your loss Josh :(.

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Thanks for the kind words last week guys.


I'm in need of another rant now, lol. Last week I went off the rails a bit. My anxiety was the worst it had been in years and I felt like I was going to faint at work. I haven't had a panic attack that bad in a very long time, I could barely breathe, had pins and needles in my face and was losing my sight, if I didn't know it was anxiety I'd have thought I was dying of something. Anyway I quickly found the HR lady and went in for a chat with her. I'd asked her numerous times over the last few weeks for a meeting as I could tell I ws getting worse but she never followed it up, I even offered to come in on my days off to chat with her but no.


Anyway, my intention for the chat was to explain my situation and that I'd started on meds that will help in the long term but may have some short term effects on my state of mind. Alas, by this point I was so worked up the meeting went something like, "So there's been something I've been wanting to discl...." followed by uncontrollable crying. She must have wondered wtf was going on. She did already know that I had anxiety and depression as I disclosed it on my return to work meeting but I guess she didn't know the extent of it.


Anyway, when I finally managed to pull myself together I said that I am a mess right now and just can't do this and walked out. I haven't walked out of a job without giving notice or anything like that and it really wasn't my plan to do it that day either (I'd set everything up for my shift by the time we had the meeting) but I just totally freaked out and unlike usual was not able to calm myself down from acting stupid in the moment and doing something rash, two things that I just went and did.


So yeah, I'm unemployed again. I wish I could have talked myself down as usual but simply had no control in that moment. So now I'm a bit fucked lol. As far as my counselling is concerned, the over the phone course I've been on is apparently 6-8 weeks long and I'd came to the end of that two weeks ago but she said she feels I need more help so I'm on a waiting list for face to face therapy now. I wasn't sure it was necessary when she said but after last week I'm glad she made that decision because I feel like quite the basket case.


On the plus side Yooka-Laylee is pretty engrossing and is a good form of escapism. I'm applying for new jobs again now (not mentioning my brief previous one lol)

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Oh Josh thats so awful :(


I just want to hug you and bawl my eyes out with you. That moment my little freddy's light went out, when his head dropped, I physically felt something leave me, more than a physical pain could ever do to my soul. Yet life moves on without him and that hurts me too.


I have anxiety as well, but i suffer more with adhd/ocd than anxiety. My whole life is feeling upside down, everything is on its head, and I just miss my wee lad :weep:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Trying to lose weight, stopped drinking and changed my diet drasitcally. Stomach doesn't like it, started hurting really bad since Thursday on and off.


Started walking six miles a day. Completely wrecked my right ankle really bad when I was comming down off a foot hill, now i'm limping around like an invalid.


loosing weight sucks. Droped half a stone though...

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