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bad stuff thread.


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Everyone gets them feelings. I'm having them right now as I'm about to start my second year. Is it really what I want to be doing and is it worth it...


I came to my phone today to find it has deleting every message stored on the thing. One message contained the only picture I had of someone too and now I don't think I'll ever see their face again - I'd purposely locked the text so it couldn't be deleted too. Gutted doesn't even cover it.

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You're bound to get like that at some point guys, it's committing to something for 3-5years and trying to push through a lot of hard work. But it is worth it.


I complained and struggled and whinged about all sorts when it came to uni, but I did make sure good friends, some decent connections and I now have a city I now enjoy living in, although now I'm nowhere near there :(.


Freaking out is perfectly acceptable, I'm willing to bet there's quite a few people in your classes doing exactly the same thing.


I'm not at all complaining, I'm just worried because I know how I react under pressure. But yeah, I guess most people go through it in some way or another. Which is somewhat comforting. :)


Thanks again for the encouragement, guys. :)

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I'm not at all complaining, I'm just worried because I know how I react under pressure. But yeah, I guess most people go through it in some way or another. Which is somewhat comforting. :)


Thanks again for the encouragement, guys. :)


Oh no, I meant about me complaining not you.


Definitely, you've got a new place, new workload and new stuff to learn, it's stressful, I've been the same with Spotify, new area of cambridge, new place to live and a different sector of an industry.


But I'll enjoy it, I mean you have to at some stage or there's no point doing it!

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I really don't know why I bother with my dad. I'm away with him for the weekend and all he does is talk crap at me or lecture me. He did it once on my 21st birthday, ruining the entire thing. I'm just so sick of this, I think this might be it between me and him now.


An example.of his arseholeness. Some of you might remember I told you I have a problem in cars, I get very uncomfortable. My dad knows this so finds it funny to try and make it worse, driving very close to the car infront or just accelerating quickly.

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Me and my friends have gone to VW Action every year since 2007. We always go for the weekend and camp. Since me and 2 friends work in/with schools, it's normally one last getaway before the kids go back and we have to work.


Today I went on my own, just for the day instead of camping. Pretty much sums up my friends now. Half of them have moved away and the other half don't want to know. A perfect example of one friend was the other day when I asked if she wanted to do something. Her reply was that her boyfriend was busy recording with his band. No idea why that prevented her from doing something, if anything it would have been better to let him get on with it on his own. I fail to see why she had to be there.


I also messaged them all to see if they want to go see Hayseed Dixie, a band we've enjoyed a few times before. No replies. There's even 3 dates/locations (all local) to choose from. Guess that's another thing I'll have to go to on my own.


Seriously, it seems like all my friends are on here now. That's depressing. I mean you guys are great and all, but just having internet friends isn't right.




Oh and although my ankle doesn't hurt anymore and I can walk normally, it's gone purple/black. So have my toes. Mildly concerning.

Edited by Goafer
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Seriously, it seems like all my friends are on here now. That's depressing. I mean you guys are great and all, but just having internet friends isn't right.

I know what you mean, my mates and I used to go out all the time but since uni it's all fallen apart for me. They seem to go out all the time and say they'll let me know. I only find out via Facebook photos that they've gone out, gone abroad and gone to music festivals. I wouldn't go to something like Download, but it would be nice to be asked.

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I know what you mean, my mates and I used to go out all the time but since uni it's all fallen apart for me. They seem to go out all the time and say they'll let me know. I only find out via Facebook photos that they've gone out, gone abroad and gone to music festivals. I wouldn't go to something like Download, but it would be nice to be asked.


Most of my friends I only see every couple of months. I do go the the boyfriends gigs (I'd consider him a friend now anyway), but it always seems like "yeah you can come too" as opposed to actually being asked. Plus the bassist has left the band, so there will be no more gigs until they get a replacement.


It's just really pissed me off that I had to go to the car show on my own. This would have been our 5th year there. It's tradition and not a single friend could make it. I thought I'd give it one last try with Hayseed Dixie, but it seems like that isn't going to work either. I can put up with people saying they can't make it, but if I get no replies at all I think I'm going to have to burn a bridge or two.


Fuck em. Next year I'll go to VW Action with some people from a Volkswagen forum I go on (or people from here if anyone is interested). Doubt I'll even mention it to my friends. If they want to go, they can organise it themselves.

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Rookie Mistake No 1


I never shave before going out for obvious reasons, so I normally do it the day before. Alas I forgot to do that so ended up doing it before going out yesterday. Obviously this ended up in the most retarded cut on the side of my face that just would't stop bleeding. All the more annoying, considering I never normally cut myself when shaving.

Edited by Jon
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Back from my crappy weekend.


Started off nice enough but by Saturday afternoon I was already getting moaned at and called "an opinionated git" by my dad. Also, apparently because I said "its a town centre on a Saturday" when he was complaining about the traffic im somehow overly negative and hurting him! Its just really weird, I think he must have this opinion that im a negative person so will ignore anything else I say and fixate on some slightly negative comment. We went to a football match yesterday, he asked me quite a few times if I was enjoying it and I answered yes all the time because I actually was. Later I mention how the bar at the ground could have used some more chairs as a lot of people were standing and I get an earfull :S


Its something my sister and I discuss a lot, we basically have to walk on eggshells around him to avoid a pointless argument but because Im not gonna drag my sister into this and make it uncomfortable for her as well, I cant tell him that im not the only one who has these problems with him.


Anyway, it was a very uncomfortable morning and drive back today and im glad to be home!

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@Goafer and @Happenstance, I am looking forward to getting my car. And my flat. And getting out of debt. Thus all of these things meaning we can spend more epic time together and you two being astounded by how great of a friend I am and how modest I am. :)



Seriously though. The problem with my main friends around here is that they are all moving on a little bit. My best friend (Mike, Goafer) came down today with his girlfriend....to be continued in @Good Stuff Thread.

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Feeling shitttttt. Things just aren't going great.


My parents are driving me crazy with their constant pushing for jobs I don't want to do and moaning about this and that. Now they really want me to do an accounting course of a year, even though that sounds really pointless. I'm not starting my own business or anything, I just want to do freelance work. I can get an accountant for that...

I asked two people who do freelance stuff and they say it's best to use an accountant too, but my parents won't listen. =(



Also, I did a summer camp a few weeks ago. I was supposed to earn €240, which they said I would get paid fully. Now I've been given the money and it's only €173. I contacted them about it and they say it's gone to taxes, but I'll get some money back when I do my taxes at the end of the year or whenever.

What? I don't even know how, I never got any papers for this, no proof that I did this job. Urghhhhh. This sucks, I was counting on having that money. =(

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Ask them for paperwork, its crazy to be taxed and not have any record of it. In this country at least.




Its funny how if you cook the packet chilli like it says on the packet it tastes great, but if you pressure cook it enough it looks like, smells like, tastes like and has the texture of dog food. Apparently some people like it cooked that way. :/

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I'm worrying myself over money, particularly as my job doesn't pay well. I'm increasingly tempted to look for weekend work, but I don't really know what kind. Thinking of doing some tutoring, but not sure where to look and what the hours are like.


I really just want something to help me pay off this damn overdraft and have enough to start actually saving money. Well, being in plus money, at least.

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My computer just somehow got a major virus off of the Guilfest site (was checking the dates after someone asked about a Pokémon giveaway there). This virus yields a massive ZERO search results on google and isn't being detected by Virus Scanners.


I may need to rewrite Windows a bit to remove it

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Then how do you know you have a virus?

Because no programme is called 0.323518821146213.2134354.exe and masquerades as Command Prompt.


Also found some files at the same time, changing registry to open up nltysmms.exe upon loading MSN, Windows Live Messenger, Windows Sidebar and Media Tray.


Malwarebytes picked up the first one, but the second one was getting through all my virus scans and it was self replicating whenever I removed any part of it. I had to rewrite some registry to prevent it replicating and remove it

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