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bad stuff thread.


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I've been sat at my house in Manchester for two weeks without any human interaction whatsoever, apart from when the homely looking checkout monkey at Tesco gives me the ol looky loo, and I'm thus going insane. Can't even find a fucking smoke peddlar, so I can pass the time with some medicine of the herbal nature =(.


Go sit in a pub and be 'that guy'.

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No, that's what I do when I'm in company :heh:.


Seriously though, I need help. Forgetting basic communication/ social skills, like not scratching your balls and sniffing your fingers when an amnesty international worker approaches you on the street. Full closure though, that was meant solely as a deterrent.


It also didn't actually happen.

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Work decided to back-track on my holiday once again, this time saying no chance. As July is the last month for tax credits re-newals etc, and they need maximum staff on all phones. As i said in the meet thread, i don't care anymore what they say so i am still coming to the meet, just probably will get one huge disciplinary when i get back. Union reps say i will win if it comes to that.


And, in other news. I signed off last Thursday from JSA, should have had all relevent stuff by Wednesday, none of which has shown up. I call Benefit Enquiries, they say i am still signed on and to call the sign-off number, of which i do. They say i have signed off, and the B E is the place to solve my issue. One call back, they say call the local. It seems no-one wants to take the blame.

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'London Girl' says:


dang it

Dyson says:


'London Girl' says:

Caz is talking to me about work

and reminded me that I have a crush on one of the waitresses ;__; my mind is the most unhelpful thing evar




I agree, FUUUUUUUU london girl's brain ._.


I know she's bi and we're not together and she has commitment issues and she says she wants to be with me and it's probably nothing and I'm being rubbish at it all and I can't stop a sentance but still, don't headfuck me like thiiiiiiiiiiiiis. Do you like me or not ¬¬


AND HEY if not then let me be




*stupid mood* :(

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It really is a load of bullshit when they'd already given you the holiday. Wasn't it actually part of the deal when you were hired?


It was indeed, same for flexible hours in the case that i can't get in for the start time, no matter what train i catch in. They "agree" to honour these things to get you in, then once you are in and signed to a contract. BAM!!!, they become real.


I was told in the training they treat you as individuals then as employees. Now it seems, they don't give a toss about the indivduals.

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Hmmmm. Claire's family are having something for dinner that I am not a huge fan of. Yesterday they texted when at the supermarket saying what (we) wanted. I told Claire to text saying if possible to get a Chicago Town Pepperoni Pizza, and told her to say (because this one don't always have the take away one) "Any pepperoni one that DOES NOT have red onions." Of course, she decided to omit this in the text, and the pizza's basically covered in red onions. Basically the main ingredient. And like...I was so explicit too because I know the Takeaway pepperoni one is the only Chicago Town pepperoni one that DOESN'T have red onions on.




It wouldn't be so bad, but I HATE red onions, and its not the kind of food you can pick off because it permeates anything it touches. Little things like this make me want to kill myself, cos' I could have had an epic pizza and now its going to taste like shit.

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Red onions are fucking...just...evil. Like....seriously they would not be a problem (not a big fan of mushrooms, but they don't taste of much and they don't make everything they touch digivolve into mushroom-hybrids, like red onions do). Like. Cos' I was soooo ready and geared up for epic pepperoni pizza and I just looked in the freezer and was like "......gonna kill that girl".

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I'm sorry but I'm with Ash on this one, Red Onions are epic :) but I can understand not wanting to eat a Pizza because it has an ingredient on it that you really don't like, Im the same with mushrooms. :/

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I'm gonna try and pick off before it goes in the oven so the juices don't flow. The only problem/annoyance is ;


A) I've done it before a smaller pizza with LESS red onion on and it was annoying.

B) Well...I covered this in "A)", but yeah...this is bigger + more on. lulz.

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But onions are great! How can you not like it? =O





I had a bit of a breakdown last night. Feeling lost again and not sure what to do (art related). Often wonder if it's really something I have to pursue or not... but then I don't have anything else so yeahhhhh.

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I had a bit of a breakdown last night. Feeling lost again and not sure what to do (art related). Often wonder if it's really something I have to pursue or not... but then I don't have anything else so yeahhhhh.


Art wise, were childrens books something that you wanted to look at? this site looks interesting, list of artists needed type things (varying dates, from very old, to very recent).


If it was something you wanted to do, I feel confident that your talent could carry you a lot of the way, and make it easier for you! You can do eeeeeet. :p

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Well my problem is mainly that I don't have my own style... Every time I draw something I end up not liking it. I don't know if I want to have a more cartoony/simplified style or a more realistic/grown-up style or whatever. It bothers me a lot.


Doesn't help that I've not drawn anything decent in over a year now... Whenever I put my pencil to the paper, nothing good seems to come out anymore. Hope I can get out of this rut really.

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Draw a pink frog sat atop a Unicorn at the base of an erupting volcano [/inspiration].


I'm sure the stuff you've been doing is awesome though (even if you dislike it!). Recently Ryan Ottley (the artist of Invincible) was burning all his old work because he didn't like it and there was an absolute uproar, which showed how....critical of their own work (very very talented artists - I include you in that) can be.


But I hope you feel satisfied with your own stuff soon, and I'm sure you'll be successful. :)

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ReZ, grow some balls and buy your own damn pizza instead of whining to us about it. :heh:


I'm with ReZ on this one, Eenuh; you're probaly/most likely way too critical of your own stuff. It sounds like you've just "lost" yourself a bit right now, not really satisfied with what you produce and doubting which direction to go. We believe in you! :D

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