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Being azn with my sister's phone's camera.




I love how I looked up 'azn' but really didn't need to as the picture encapsulates the meaning; I like anyway and I appreciate the jokiness of it. :)

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I often play the guitar with no trousers on. It'd be funny if it weren't true.




Underwear Guitar Hero session.




fear not our girlfriends were in the bedroom too, albeit not in their underwear though.


man 2009 was way cooler than 2011 me.

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My Mum/Sister got me this sweatshirt for my birthday (which was ages ago, but they didn't send it down, for some reason..). It's Abercrombie (pregnantly not Abercrombie & Fitch), and usually I hate the feeling of shite brands, but I love. I feel like I'm one step further in channelling the vibe of Padmé Adamala, my lifelong dream.








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