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I like your glasses Kurtle. :D


They are like mine but less rimmy.


Thanks; I've always gone for a similar, plain style since I had to start wearing them.


Half of the reason I got semi-rimless ones was because they don't hold the lenses in with the bottom frame; meaning there's no screws to become loose to cause your lense to fall into your bowl of cereal.:grin: The other half of the reason is they look a bit neater.


Also, Kurtle: You look young, which I'm guessing means your angst derives from regular teenage predispositions. Don't worry, you have a right to be angsty, its a foreshadowing of the gruelling learning experience that female interactions can often be. Seriously, the amount of retroactive cringing I've done because I've been an absolute mong is unreal, but then you realise that nobody does nor will ever care, because they've been there too, so you may as well go out there and fuck some bitches. AMARITE?


That's no way to speak to your elders :heh:

I'm just clean shaven in that pic; I'm 23 in two months and a week.

Concerning the latter part of you post: I was in a serious relationship for years - I've just little/no experience of "bitches" beyond that.

Edited by Kurtle Squad
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I went bouldering today. Was a lot of fun. Going to take it up properly, I think. There's a wall about 15/20 minutes cycle away. Might check it out tomorrow and if everything is legit I'm in. It's like human tetris (and I don't mean that shitty game show).





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I went bouldering today. Was a lot of fun. Going to take it up properly, I think. There's a wall about 15/20 minutes cycle away. Might check it out tomorrow and if everything is legit I'm in. It's like human tetris (and I don't mean that shitty game show).






Wait...but....safety ropes? :(

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Man, I miss rock climbing/bouldering. Used to do it a lot at school as part of our Navy CCF thing (how it related to the Navy I have no idea but I'm not complaining as it was brilliant). Seeing those pics Daft has sparked my desire to do it again. Think I'll look into it.


One bad memory from it though was getting my hand caught in the relay thing one time (the person on the wall coming down went before I was ready and the skin between my thumb and index got caught). Not nice :laughing:

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I gave up rock climbing cause it gave me trigger thumb; had to choose between that and playing guitar. It's a lotta fun, although you have to be incredibly flexible to be any good at it.


I don't really use my thumbs, more my four fingers. But yeah, it's callus heaven. I think I'm going to do this instead of parkour. Lost my enthusiasm for that.


Man, I miss rock climbing/bouldering. Used to do it a lot at school as part of our Navy CCF thing (how it related to the Navy I have no idea but I'm not complaining as it was brilliant). Seeing those pics Daft has sparked my desire to do it again. Think I'll look into it.


One bad memory from it though was getting my hand caught in the relay thing one time (the person on the wall coming down went before I was ready and the skin between my thumb and index got caught). Not nice :laughing:




Yeah, hopefully I can get this going regularly. It's awesome exercise, too.

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I don't really use my thumbs, more my four fingers. But yeah, it's callus heaven. I think I'm going to do this instead of parkour. Lost my enthusiasm for that.


Are there specific Parkour 'classes' so to speak, or did you just go out generally running around looking for decent landscape / areas?



It looks fucking awesome, but I really have no idea where to start.



also.... your legs look so fucking muscular in those pictures. Guessing that's the cycling!

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Are there specific Parkour 'classes' so to speak, or did you just go out generally running around looking for decent landscape / areas?



It looks fucking awesome, but I really have no idea where to start.



also.... your legs look so fucking muscular in those pictures. Guessing that's the cycling!


I started off doing classes then met up with a couple people outside classes as well. The classes were ridiculously good for fitness and conditioning. It wasn't hard finding places to practice, there are known spots. None of my friends wanted to even give it a try so I kind of lost motivation. I may do it again but I also want to try something new (hence bouldering).


I did parkour because I knew I'd really regret not giving it a go when I was older if I didn't. So my initial aim was fulfilled. If you want to start, like a lot of things, try to find someone to do it with. That way you'll always push each other. Youtube is a good place to learn basics (there's a Freerunning Handbook by Dan Edwardes which is pretty good. He taught me a few times and was ace). Check if there's anything going on local to your area, too. I'd be surprised if there wasn't.


Yeah, I'm pretty happy with my legs. :heh:


Bouldering is obscenely good for the stomach muscles. That's what I'm hitting next. Me gusta.


Daft is






Was this climbing sparked by Infamous? :p Going to electrocute the cat now :(


Completely did not make the link with Infamous!! How did I miss that?! Cole is short for Nicholas, too. Just need to get a buzzcut now.

and some super powers... -_-


My friend has been bouldering for a while now, I just finally had time to go.

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Me out and about London today.






My face being eaten by a fish shaped boulder.




Outside the Boris' office with ma purddy bike.




And finally, nose surfing.




I'll stop posting photos of myself now.


Looks like awesome fun Daft! :) Apparently, there's a wall in this city too, makes me wanna go and try it...


Do iiiiit!! It's at least worth a try! I went again today. My hand still hurt from last time. Can't wait for them to get used to it. Can't find my climbing tape.

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Since a) I haven't posted a photo for a long while b) we are talking about awesome sports to take up and c) I simply love this photo:




Anybody else ever done any serious trampolining? I'm not talking back gardens, I mean the real thing :p


Btw, trampolining is not normally done in tiger pants, this was simply a special occasion

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