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I love this so much:




How it's so busy. How it wasn't posed (as in, it wasn't like "Hey everyone huddle together for a photo!", we were just in that position already), but it feels so composed. Like, has a certain Last Supper vibe to it. And I love how everyone's legs are errywhere, and people are in embrace. And I love how the 5 of us in the centre, and the guy in the bottom right-hand corner, are playable -- feels worth it. So much value. And I must say Her aura is incredible. Ys.

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Stunning. I love how the light is so natural like as if the picture was almost spontaneous. How you're all in the photo and sitting there and just being there. In the moment. So much. It's like Susan Sontag says the photograph helps us take possession of a space. I love how this picture is an imaginary possession of a past that is unreal an yet so real. I'm in need of it. And in that moment we were infinite. Love. Yes. Unnf.



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Stunning. I love how the light is so natural like as if the picture was almost spontaneous. How you're all in the photo and sitting there and just being there. In the moment. So much. It's like Susan Sontag says the photograph helps us take possession of a space. I love how this picture is an imaginary possession of a past that is unreal an yet so real. I'm in need of it. And in that moment we were infinite. Love. Yes. Unnf.




yes first I gave him the bit of seedcake out of my mouth and it was leap-year like now yes 16 years ago my God after that long kiss I near lost my breath yes he said was a flower of the mountain yes so we are flowers all a woman’s body yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down Jo me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.

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yes first I gave him the bit of seedcake out of my mouth and it was leap-year like now yes 16 years ago my God after that long kiss I near lost my breath yes he said was a flower of the mountain yes so we are flowers all a woman’s body yes my mountain flower and first I put my arms around him yes and drew him down Jo me so he could feel my breasts all perfume yes and his heart was going like mad and yes I said yes I will Yes.


You've torn me asunder.

Edited by Razz
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You've torn me asunder.



Split me open

With devotion

You put your hands in

And rip my heart out

Eat the music


Does he conceal

What he really feels?

He's a woman at heart

And I love him for that

Let's split him open

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Paul and I are in the new ONM!




Hopefully someone will scan it as I just took this in Tescos.


I heard we were in it so thought I'd check it out. Spotted Paul immediately but spent a while trying to find me...then remember I was stood next to him. Its been a long week.


Sorry to go back in time a week everybody but just noticed this!

They could have at least got a pic with my beautiful face in it! Who wants to see people's backs?!?! Crappy ONM photographers!

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Looking dapper Bard. But you can't fool us, we know you're cretin.


Sorry to go back in time a week everybody but just noticed this!

They could have at least got a pic with my beautiful face in it! Who wants to see people's backs?!?! Crappy ONM photographers!


I'm just still happy I look like a cheese string.

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You hide your drunkness well TBF. :p


I think the fact that I was dressed as a snooker player detracted from/ made my drunkenness seem totally appropriate.



Was he the one you groped? :heh:


Yes/No/ It's happened so many times that it's not worth reporting :heh:. If you want to know, it was his ex...yeah. Although he told me to/ we're such good friends that I think he was pissed off at her for embarrassing me =p.


Looking dapper Bard. But you can't fool us, we know you're cretin.


Yes. I'm cretin. I'm the template from whence all cretins are spawned.


Also, Kurtle: You look young, which I'm guessing means your angst derives from regular teenage predispositions. Don't worry, you have a right to be angsty, its a foreshadowing of the gruelling learning experience that female interactions can often be. Seriously, the amount of retroactive cringing I've done because I've been an absolute mong is unreal, but then you realise that nobody does nor will ever care, because they've been there too, so you may as well go out there and fuck some bitches. AMARITE?

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