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Did you read my entire post? I specifically state that I didn't feel there was anything funny about him in those clips, that I didn't even feel like he was trying to be funny in those particular clips. If those clips are representative of his style of comedy, I understand why you don't find him funny.


That is his style of comedy. And I use the term "comedy" very loosely.

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Had one of those pleasant days. Wasn't particularly fantastic but nice. Went to my housemate's parent's house. After some gardening we sat around drinking wine. Then went for an Indian and had more wine. Returned home and had more wine. Its a shame we didn't have time for the hot tub.


They're like in laws really, but the nice kind.

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One of the reasons I hate Carlin. Apparently shouting out common sense as if it's revolutionary thinking is hilarious comedy.

If you hate this as much as I do, do yourself a favour and never watch Russell Howard's Good News.

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My winning streak continues!


Won a Norwegian Wood (film) poster signed by the director :D


And went out for lunch which was a nice...I want to say change but I seem to be doing it regularly. Although I somehow managed to be out of the studio for two and a half hours...ah well. Fun anyway.

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It was a practical session at camera club today. There were 2 backgrounds set up with lighting. There were also 2 models. Not only were they gorgeous, they were amazingly professional. I was surprised to hear that they'd never modeled before.


Incredible club session. Expect photos soon.


Pictures now in the photography thread.


Also forgot to mention that the club is based in my old school. Nostalgia win.

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Had one of those massive coincidences.


Met a guy last week, who I got with, who reminded me so much of my favourite-person-in-the-world Calum's friend Callum. Literally like the same person. Have the exact same accent and could-be-ginger hair. Callum used to share a flat with Calum [loved the jokes of the same name], so I'd see him whenever I went round, and he's one of those really warm people that make you feel like you could be best friends with them. So I was thinking: I wonder what he's up to nowadays? Tempted to text him or something, but then thought against it, because it'd be random.


Go on Facebook just now, and having deleted loads of friends, I get joke people that I like but don't necessarily interact with that much turning up in my feed. Callum appears, linking a teaser trailer to a film he's going to be starring in. Stunningly has become an actor since I last saw him.


Click here for the trailer:


The thing that makes it more "!!!" is that it looks like he's playing a gay character (he's the guy on the bench). He's straight (/I assume he is), so it's such a stunning thing, especially as his first foray into acting.

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Just won £200 at work for our Social Media incentive.


I've had to sign up to twitter, Digg, Blogger, Youtube and Stumbleupon for this stupid incentive. I've had to sell my soul and share links on blogs, tweets, FB statuses, comment on videos on youtube.


but it all seems worth it now :) Awesome, and I got paid my first bonus yesterday.... DING DING DING DING DING DING

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Stunning night "in" at my friends halls - a gathering/party thing where everyone just got satisfactorilly tipsy. I loved so much; Mango Chow (the stunning rappper friend of mine) debuted her latest demo tonight - about a man who molests dolphins. Left me wet.


Invited Hamishmashs along this morning but turns out I mixed up the halls and it wasn't anywhere near his halls of residence in the first place! Oh well.


Sat by the stunnning thames in the stunning bit with the Swans and the Swimming, then walked back to hall, but sat and chatted outside for an unknown amount f time .



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I love the combination of porn and stun, then Jamie Bamber being both.


That's my favourite thing, because I used to always love that picture (both in message and because it's Jammy B), and only yesterday did I put 2 and 2 together. It's like I knew, before watching the series, he'd be significant. Blatantly an angel.


My favourite thing about the whole thing is Ja'mie King at the bottom, lengthways. Couldn't find anything for ages to fill that gap, and then I saw her, and was like "Uh huuuuhh".


"Mum, come and pick me up! You're a complete bitch, mum."

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Seeing as I can't see the full text, I'm going to assume it's a PSA poster about the benefits of a full back, sack and crack wax.


I wish. (Kinda. Can't work out if that'd be hot or not on him...)


It's a PETA poster complaining about how they use bearskin to make the hats of the queen's royal guard.






I was invited to my friend Hannah's wedding. Party for real. Party for real this time.

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:bouncy::bouncy::bouncy:Graphic Design Foundation degree course acceptance GET!!! :bouncy::bouncy::bouncy:


Fucking get in, only had the interview 5 days ago :D


Massive thanks to Ashley for writing me my reference and for Redshell for telling me how to create anaglyph 3D graphics (the interviewer dude LOVED the 3D poster I made for my portfolio - even gave him one of pairs of glasses so he could show it to colleagues :heh:)


Seriously fucking happy right now!!!



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