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After two and a half weeks of almost non-stop writing, I've finally finished the (hopefully) penultimate draft of my Bachelor Thesis. My supervisor is happy with it, and now I'm waiting for feedback by the institute's professor.

Here's hoping there won't be a lot to correct so I'll be ready to hand my thesis in by next Wednesday :peace: (my degree will have to wait until next year, though, 'cause I have some exams to resit; still...getting the thesis done is a load off my shoulders :p)

*starts PS5 to begin a Slay the Spire run* :D

Edited by drahkon
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On 16/06/2021 at 12:10 AM, Jonnas said:

Today was a consistent sunny 25-29 degrees all day where I work. But just as I left by the end of the afternoon, a surprise thunderstorm broke out, and it rained massively. Almost like a tropical storm.

So why is this good news? Because the smell of cold rain on hot ground (whether it be stone, dirt, grass, or pavement) is unique, pleasant, and something I rarely experience outside of holidays. Getting to feel that during my trip home instead of having to deal with the overbearing thick heat from earlier was nothing short of a blessing.

I dunno, maybe lately I've been feeling short on these small pleasures of life, but it felt just excellent today.

I love thunderstorms!  They do happen in Ireland, just not very often, usually after a big bout of heat.  And the relief from the air pressure is so nice too.  I will often sit out and experience them if i can find a sheltered spot somewhere.  Just puts me in the best mood :)

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  • 4 weeks later...

I dont know how to feel about this but im trying to be positive so posting it here,

I'm going through the process of applying for a blue badge (for non UK peeps its a driving thing to allow people to use disability spaces) and my GP is in FULL support of me doing so.  This is the same GP who in the past has been a bit iffy about my pain, was mildly fat shaming etc.

So i'm hopeful that itll be something i can get to help me get out more but then its like...

i'm 35 and THAT disabled.   But on the other hand im being validated and acknowledged.

I had a CT of my lungs last week (still waiting on results) but it wasnt nearly as scary and didnt take much time at all thank goodness!  Another thing I'm very conflicted about.  Like... I dont want to have something show up on the scan like ILD, but then im like so what actually happens IF nothing comes up.  Like we're literally back to the drawing board with no easy answers at all.

Also my condition (Psoriatic arthritis) is progressive and does not have a cure.  All I can hope for is some level of remission achieved by stacking more drugs on top of my already mildly crazy regime.  I dunno im trying to be positive through a pretty tough time, it really means a lot for my GP especially to actually listen and be hugely frustrated on my behalf.  It's a very weird place to be in after fighting with people to listen to me for like 20 years lol

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On 01/09/2021 at 9:21 PM, Raining_again said:

I dont know how to feel about this but im trying to be positive so posting it here,

I'm going through the process of applying for a blue badge (for non UK peeps its a driving thing to allow people to use disability spaces) and my GP is in FULL support of me doing so.  This is the same GP who in the past has been a bit iffy about my pain, was mildly fat shaming etc.

So i'm hopeful that itll be something i can get to help me get out more but then its like...

i'm 35 and THAT disabled.   But on the other hand im being validated and acknowledged.

I had a CT of my lungs last week (still waiting on results) but it wasnt nearly as scary and didnt take much time at all thank goodness!  Another thing I'm very conflicted about.  Like... I dont want to have something show up on the scan like ILD, but then im like so what actually happens IF nothing comes up.  Like we're literally back to the drawing board with no easy answers at all.

Also my condition (Psoriatic arthritis) is progressive and does not have a cure.  All I can hope for is some level of remission achieved by stacking more drugs on top of my already mildly crazy regime.  I dunno im trying to be positive through a pretty tough time, it really means a lot for my GP especially to actually listen and be hugely frustrated on my behalf.  It's a very weird place to be in after fighting with people to listen to me for like 20 years lol

I always say its better to find something, at least then you KNOW what it is, whether good or bad. No answers are the fucking worst. I'm glad you're getting a blue badge though, it sounds like you've needed it for a long old time, so hopefully it can provide some assistance for you day to day. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

@Raining_again its finally happening, I got a letter yesterday morning! I'm on the waiting list for surgery! :bouncy:

It might seem like bad news to many of you, which to be honest I'm fairly torn myself. Yesterday I finally got confirmation that my surgery will go ahead which means:

total hysterectomy (sub-total and total are different!)
bilateral salpingectomy
excision of endometriosis (again)
segmental bowel resection

So basically hysterectomy plus excision of endo plus cutting my bowels, which is madness. But in a ridiculous way gang it really validates all the pain over the last 15+ years. My organs have been stuck together, growing masses and generally causing me agony...which kind of also explains some of my mental health / capabilities over the years too. One doctor recently pointed out that I shouldn't be able to exercise, let alone work. Yet I had to tell him that nobody had ever given me any pain relief or help with it until it got to this stage. 

Anyway, its happening. Slightly terrified, kinda excited. This will quite literally change my whole life, I just hope for the better. 

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On 10/10/2021 at 10:17 AM, nightwolf said:

@Raining_again its finally happening, I got a letter yesterday morning! I'm on the waiting list for surgery! :bouncy:

It might seem like bad news to many of you, which to be honest I'm fairly torn myself. Yesterday I finally got confirmation that my surgery will go ahead which means:

total hysterectomy (sub-total and total are different!)
bilateral salpingectomy
excision of endometriosis (again)
segmental bowel resection

So basically hysterectomy plus excision of endo plus cutting my bowels, which is madness. But in a ridiculous way gang it really validates all the pain over the last 15+ years. My organs have been stuck together, growing masses and generally causing me agony...which kind of also explains some of my mental health / capabilities over the years too. One doctor recently pointed out that I shouldn't be able to exercise, let alone work. Yet I had to tell him that nobody had ever given me any pain relief or help with it until it got to this stage. 

Anyway, its happening. Slightly terrified, kinda excited. This will quite literally change my whole life, I just hope for the better. 

it may sound like bad news to folk who have zero understanding of how horrendous it is to live with a severe chronic pain condition that often results in barely being able to function.

And its also multi layered.  Of course its a relief to be free of that issue.  But theres a lot to process, the physical pain of an op, the loss, the grief.  Even if you dont mind not having kids, or not having bio kids its still a big part of whats considered of being a woman.  And the endless questions of "when are you having kids already" etc

I'm so sorry that you've been let down, this really seems to be so common with women, apparently we are all just "hysterical", no one can tell me that sexism doesnt exist in medicine.  My cousin has similar, and was treated the very same.

I am nervously excited for you :heart:

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