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Temporary result of my chemistry exam: I passed (the only thing that may change is the required score, which - in all probability - will be lowered).


Thank god...

Our professor is considered to be a real asshole and always makes the exams extremely difficult (last 3 years: at least 70% failed the first exam, 2012: 90% (! out of 170 students) failed).


So that got me worried. I was lazy as fuck, too.


Anyway, I passed my first exam at university. :laughing:

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In a shop selling stuff, how did you know it wasn't for you and went back to another store to sell stuff?


(Dead mother aside, which I'd put down to being a one off)


There were quite a few things that didn't exactly help my decision:


  • Cigarette breaks- This is probably the main one for me. I have no idea how they get on target because of the amount of cigarette breaks they have. Smokers only take 45 minutes' lunch and the other 15 is used having fag breaks. However, in saying that, I'm pretty sure that, if I actually was bored enough and totaled up the amount of breaks had, I'm sure that it'd be well over 15 minutes. I was told I only had 45 minutes even though I didn't smoke. It got sorted on my second day though and I had my full hour instead. Still, it just seemed a bit of a piss-take to be having that many fags. I'm sure anybody could survive without a fag for four hours, at least!
  • "Get them into more debt"- It wasn't exactly said like this but it was what I was hearing during my time there. "That customer has almost paid everything off, get her in the shop! We need to get her into debt! We can't lose her!" was a quote from what I remember. I don't really want to do that. I don't want to be calling people to get them into more debt. I mean, obviously, if push come to shove and I had no choice because I had to provide for my family, I would but...nah, it's just not for me.
  • Learning everything in a week- Couldn't do it. The amount they wanted me to learn in a week was unbelievable. I mean, they did say I'd get a bit more time but they pretty much wanted me to pick everything up quick-snap. I picked up a lot of things from there but I was still a little unsure.

  • Information- The girl who I was going to take over told me why she was leaving and she told me it was because of the pressures. As you all may or may not know (forgot if I told you), two weeks ago, I went to the hospital to see about my twitches and I found out that it was due to stress and anxiety and feeling too much emotion. Like I'd twitch if I'm really happy or really sad, really excited or really nervous. Something I can't help. Anyway, she was telling me about the targets and stuff and told me how the managers were with them and stuff. I didn't believe it so much until I saw it for myself and I don't exactly want to be twitching and whatnot when I feel really pressured. My gut instinct told me it was a bad idea.
  • Money- This is the biggest reason why. Money. I sat down and worked it out properly, totalling everything up. It worked out that after paying for the bills and stuff, I'd only be making £20 more. Just seemed pointless.


I guess that debt in general isn't really my bag. I just don't want to be calling people up, trying to get them into more debt. I get that some people don't have a choice if they want to feed their families or pay bills and I totally respect that but fortunately for me, I could go back to the way things were.


When I went back to the managers of my old jobs, they completely understood so I'm glad they did.

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The guy who has been a douchebag to me for over a year, at work, doesn't realise I've handed my notice in.


This means, at 5pm when he really needs me for a test but hasn't asked me (I've overheard). I get to leave him in the lurch and walk out the door.


I would feel guilty that he hasn't been informed, but fuck him. I'm done!



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The guy who has been a douchebag to me for over a year, at work, doesn't realise I've handed my notice in.


This means, at 5pm when he really needs me for a test but hasn't asked me (I've overheard). I get to leave him in the lurch and walk out the door.


I would feel guilty that he hasn't been informed, but fuck him. I'm done!





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Took a mock exam today for my Oracle Certified Professional MySQL DBA (what a title) Exam. Well a mock of the 2nd exam anyways....


Only 20 questions, scored 13 right 7 wrong, which apparently according to a good old percentage calculator on Google equals 65%, which would be a pass. Not special, but felt relieved that the 20 mock questions thus far have been fairly okay, obviously I need to get some serious studying down, I've got till March 14th. But I'm feeling a little better after that mock.


Got a mock scheduled for the 1st exam tomorrow, which is also 20 questions. So hope I can do better on that.

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But what if it was out of 38?


13/38 = 0.342. How do you get 38.2% from that?



It appears I got my 34s and 38s the wrong way round when typing.


Or Google made a mistake.


Actually no I didn't, my percentage was out of 34. You changed the sum and confused everyone!

Edited by Charlie
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The guy I trained/am still training is getting crazy compliments, had a call put forward to the "example of excellent calls" log for new starters, etc etc (only been there two months), and he is amazing basically, which means he has been getting loads of compliments, as have I, I have been made star of the month because of it and yeah just really good basically.


He is better than people who have been there for years. #Winning

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