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Yesterday was an awesome day as I finally sorted myself out a place to live! It's a nice furnished flat in Edgbaston about 20 minutes walk from the city centre (and my office) and comes with a garage for my car, so it ticks all the boxes. Signed the contract and paid the deposit, gonna move in in a couple of weeks time!


Yeahhhhh buddy! A 20 min walk from the centre sounds interesting as I have fammo and friends around there...where abouts is it? Defo need a flat warming party.....

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Yesterday was an awesome day as I finally sorted myself out a place to live! It's a nice furnished flat in Edgbaston about 20 minutes walk from the city centre (and my office) and comes with a garage for my car, so it ticks all the boxes. Signed the contract and paid the deposit, gonna move in in a couple of weeks time!


When I was looking for a flat to rent, I nearly ended up living on the Hemisphere site in Edgbaston, but decided against it since it was horribly overpriced.


Instead I got a much better rental at the top of Broad st/five ways and I've lived here since.


Edgbaston is a great location for supermarkets/bus routes and like you said nice and close to city. Congrats.

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Caught up on Community, which is worrying/impressive considering I only really started watching about 2 weeks ago. Also found a boatload of Donald Glover gifs so prepare yourself for that.




Packing is going well. Most of what is left is stuff I'll need in the next week. i.e. No more packing!

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Recorded this a while ago but took me awhile to remember to upload it... but Oisín has finally started to walk... he had actually started walking about 2 days before this vid was recorded but this is his first time walking in the outside world


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Tumblr did this to you, didn't it?




fun. announced another show for London :D Which I think means I won't go see them in NYC. Would have been nice but would have cost me about £700 so...yeah.


And cool video Mokong. Bless 'im!

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Recorded this a while ago but took me awhile to remember to upload it... but Oisín has finally started to walk... he had actually started walking about 2 days before this vid was recorded but this is his first time walking in the outside world



Walking stage is very cute, Won't take him long until he's bounding down the hallway and stacking it over everything..fun times =p Samantha is now on the way to talking, bloody adorable stage as well.

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Happy Anniversary.


Claire and I viewed three flats today.


The first one was really nice, quite new, good appliances, good location, the second bedroom (my room) was a bit small, but a nice square shape and adjacent (via a hallway) to the lounge.


The second was okay. People were in it, so we were like "oh hiya...." etc. Smelled a tiny bit (family eww), was....just okay. TBH.


The last one was the most expensive. It is brand new, not actually quite finished yet, but it was amazing. The lounge was gargantuan...my room is just....insanely large. Almost too big. Plenty of room for all comics, all LEGO, not only LEGO display but also LEGO..like.,...train line, so I can have a cool Stark Industries train going through everything. Bitchin' kitchen, all SMEG appliances.


As far as I gather, I think we are the only people to have seen it. Certainly she isn't showing anyone else today. So I rang up and said we wanted dat shit.


Now just the partial worrying, until she gets back to me.


Edit; Oh. She just called back. Yeah we've basically got it lol. Win.







So yeah the expensive one. In my phone message I left for her I said along the lines of "It is definitely at the far end of our budget, so if there was any movement on price, even if marginal it would be great", but tbh assumed they definitely wouldn't budge as the place is new and so fantastic.


Anyway, hadn't heard anything further so I messaged her today. She came back saying she will go down to (a figure £70 more than initially quoted) and my heart skipped a beat, and was like whaaaaaa :(


I text back along the lines of "Its gone up? Will need to speak with Claire etc", then she text back clarifying that it was (£30 lower than figure) which is just...god....absolutely fantastic. So we are proceeding now.



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Nice one dude :D that new house feel is the best. Pics?


We just put an offer in on a place, but we went pretty darn low. We have a figure we'd happy go up to, but it might get snapped up in the mean time. To be honest just finding a place we liked at a price we could manage is enough, even if we don't get this one it's made the hunt more positive.

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I've had The Incredible Hulk for a while but never bothered to watch it. I don't know why it took me so long, I rather enjoyed it. I've always been more a DC fan but as i've gotten older i've become a sucker for the flawed hero that Marvel does so well. I'm also loving the continuity between all the Marvel films, they're all linked together so well.

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Nice one dude :D that new house feel is the best. Pics?


We just put an offer in on a place, but we went pretty darn low. We have a figure we'd happy go up to, but it might get snapped up in the mean time. To be honest just finding a place we liked at a price we could manage is enough, even if we don't get this one it's made the hunt more positive.


Yeah its unbelievable. Its about time I/we actually had our/my own place, as I've always lived with some kind of adult. Good luck with your offer. :)


I've had The Incredible Hulk for a while but never bothered to watch it. I don't know why it took me so long, I rather enjoyed it. I've always been more a DC fan but as i've gotten older i've become a sucker for the flawed hero that Marvel does so well. I'm also loving the continuity between all the Marvel films, they're all linked together so well.


Yes. Kind of on topic, but also off topic because its bad stuff. Odeon can actually fuck off. So hard. Literally they can fuck off and die.


A) £2.25 booking fee for booking by debit card over the internet.


B) When I booked, the earliest showing after work finishes (I finish at 16:00 on that day) is 20:00.


C) It was only in 3D on Thursday, the release.


D) Just checked Odeon. They have updated several things. They now have 2D showings on Thursday. And secondly, they now have an earlier 3D showing (17:40).


I know its petit, but I'm one of these irritating pricks who has to see things first. As it turns out, I'm seeing it the latest showing, and in a format I was wanting to avoid. Rewarded for booking early which is good. Cannot exchange or refund the tickets either. Very happy with Odeon.

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D) Just checked Odeon. They have updated several things. They now have 2D showings on Thursday. And secondly, they now have an earlier 3D showing (17:40).


You got me worried then that my Odeon was going to have added 2D showings for Thursday as well and id end up regretting booking the crappy 3D one. Doesnt seem to be the case though.


Theres talk of trying to get a multiplex in town soon, I really hope they manage it. Preferably Cineworld.

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Whilst we're briefly talking about the Marvel movies... what would you say is the 'correct' order to watch them in?...


Captain America (The First Avenger recruited, alongside Black Widow, Hawkeye)

Iron Man ("I'm here to talk to you about The Avenger inniative")

Iron Man 2 (Shows Incredible Hulk scene at the end)

Incredible Hulk (After credits "We're putting a team together")

Thor (Loki/Cosmic Cube ending...)


About right?

Edited by Retro_Link
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Whilst we're briefly talking about the Marvel movies... what would you say is the 'correct' order to watch them in?...


Captain America (The First Avenger recruited, alongside Black Widow, Hawkeye)

Iron Man ("I'm here to talk to you about The Avenger inniative")

Iron Man 2 (Shows Incredible Hulk scene at the end)

Incredible Hulk ("We're putting a team together")

Thor (Loki/Cosmic Cube ending...)


About right?


I'm pretty sure it showed a Thor scene at the end of IM2 with the Hammer in the ground.


Though I think I read somewhere (never spotted it myself) that at some point in IM2 there are some tvs in the background showing the scenes of Hulks rampage on the campus in his film

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I'm pretty sure it showed a Thor scene at the end of IM2 with the Hammer in the ground.


Though I think I read somewhere (never spotted it myself) that at some point in IM2 there are some tvs in the background showing the scenes of Hulks rampage on the campus in his film

Yeah sorry, I meant it shows the Incredible Hulk happening at the end of the film, not after the credits.
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While we're at it, how would you rank the leading ladies in all of the individual films?


For me


1 Natalie Portman/Liv Tyler (I can't choose between them)

2. Hayley Atwell

3. Gwyneth Paltrow.


Also, why the fuck is the film titled Avengers Assemble over here? What a lame ass name.

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Has it officially been called that here now, everywhere seems to have a different name down.

It doesn't sound as good as a title, but I prefer it as a name (if that makes sense), because it signifies the start of something.


Hmm probably...


Natalie Portman,

Liv Tyler,

Hayley Atwell,

Gwyneth Paltrow


But if I was watching Cap America at the time, I'd say Hayley Atwell because she's stunning in it!


Whilst if a certain beauty/shampoo advert came on (or whatever it is), I'd say Liv Tyler! :p

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I'd seen that the soundtrack had some decent songs on it so looked for it in iTunes under The Avengers, with nothing coming up that resembled the film. I happened to stumble into Cineworld yesterday to check when the film was out to be greeted by a gigantic cardboard poster with Avengers Assembled all over it.

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Whilst we're briefly talking about the Marvel movies... what would you say is the 'correct' order to watch them in?...


Captain America (The First Avenger recruited, alongside Black Widow, Hawkeye)

Iron Man ("I'm here to talk to you about The Avenger inniative")

Iron Man 2 (Shows Incredible Hulk scene at the end)

Incredible Hulk (After credits "We're putting a team together")

Thor (Loki/Cosmic Cube ending...)


About right?


Thats right, yeah.


Technically you'd need to stop and start some films though. Lol. And add in the awesome mini-Agent Coulson movies.

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Well I've been moved from my office in Aust (by the old Severn Bridge) to some swanky, funky modern new office.


There are quite a few pluses to this new office, one being that it's near the cinema (bout a 2 minute walk, 30 second drive) and we're now all on flexi time at this office, so can pop to cinema or bowling, or go for a TGI's at lunch if we really want to.


Good bye old office



Hello new office




Also I'm now being paid more to do less work than my old office. I've gone from being a Database Administrator that also is a Business Analyst that is also a MI Analyst to a rather boring sounding Incident Support Manager.

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