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The main drawback of making your own clothes is the cost of the fabric. It's not much cheaper than buying a t-shirt.


T-shirts are made so cheaply in China that we don't even sell the basic fabric T-shirt fabric. It would be more expensive for us to import the fabric than a manufacture to import the already-made T-shirts.


However, this only applies to the more basic stuff like T-Shirts. Stuff like material for proper sport T-shirts, coats and stuff are better priced compared to the finished article. I have a waterproof coat that folds to an extremely small size that cost me ?10...and ?7 was for the zip.

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Have been struggling to get people to come do my experiment for my dissertation because it's a language study that takes 45 minutes and everyone, including myself who is doing it as a dissertation, hates the subject.


Thankfully, a friend of a friend offered to take part in my study and is getting all of her friends to sign up for it. Absolute legend. So looks like I will actually be able to get testing finished by the end of this coming week and have my first draft of my dissertation ready to hand in at the end of next week as everything but data analysis and discussion is done so not much left to do seeing as I've been marking/adding data to the stats program as I've gone along. Shame I have to get up early for it all tomorrow. Still, pub afterwards.

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Spent the weekend with my woman to celebrate Valentines as I was busy last weekend. Was on her family's boat yesterday briefly which when added to the Zelda Wind Waker travelling on the ocean song made it so much more awesome. Shame I didn't get to drive :(


Went to Cambridge for a hotel stay last night and went around town. I was thinking about how much I like many parts and absolutely hate other parts. Same goes for the people, though I'd say it was more hate than like the people in Cambridge.


So a pretty decent weekend overall!


I ordered a new xbox as well so hopefully tomorrow should be a good day as well!

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been a pretty good weekend


as a last minute thing decided to go and see Zach Braff's new play All New People at the Kings Theatre in Glasgow.




Glad I made that decision as it was a really good show, the 1hour 45 minute show flew by and there were plenty laughs (it's more Garden State than Scrubs)


If you're in/near London it's on there for 10 weeks starting Wednesday.

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Spent the weekend with my woman to celebrate Valentines as I was busy last weekend. Was on her family's boat yesterday briefly which when added to the Zelda Wind Waker travelling on the ocean song made it so much more awesome. Shame I didn't get to drive :(


Went to Cambridge for a hotel stay last night and went around town. I was thinking about how much I like many parts and absolutely hate other parts. Same goes for the people, though I'd say it was more hate than like the people in Cambridge.


So a pretty decent weekend overall!


I ordered a new xbox as well so hopefully tomorrow should be a good day as well!


You missed a trick on the boat. The Pirates of the Caribbean theme instantly makes it feel more epic. We were listening to it on the boat in Oman and it was immense!


been a pretty good weekend


as a last minute thing decided to go and see Zach Braff's new play All New People at the Kings Theatre in Glasgow.




Glad I made that decision as it was a really good show, the 1hour 45 minute show flew by and there were plenty laughs (it's more Garden State than Scrubs)


If you're in/near London it's on there for 10 weeks starting Wednesday.


I so nearly went to see that too! Wish I had now.


I decide against it because I would only be going because it was Zach Braff and I knew nothing about the play itself.

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I find not many people here know many skills anyway, I can sew, do quite a bit of woodwork (although the woodwork and diy is more due to my dad) etc, but most people just tend to buy or get someone else to do it.


I have never learned how to make anything, have never sewn or done anything with fabric. Apart from sewing on new buttons on Jim's coat two months ago, but that's the only thing I've ever done. =P


It would be so useful if I could machine sew though. For example when I buy trousers, they are always too long, so it would be great if I could make them shorter myself, rather than paying extra to have it done somewhere.


Also my mind is currently going in overdrive again, thinking of stuff to make. I've already made a list of things I could make for the flat, and I haven't even tried the machine yet haha.

(Though now all these ideas are keeping me up and I want to sleeeeeep!)

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I have never learned how to make anything, have never sewn or done anything with fabric. Apart from sewing on new buttons on Jim's coat two months ago, but that's the only thing I've ever done. =P


It would be so useful if I could machine sew though. For example when I buy trousers, they are always too long, so it would be great if I could make them shorter myself, rather than paying extra to have it done somewhere.


Also my mind is currently going in overdrive again, thinking of stuff to make. I've already made a list of things I could make for the flat, and I haven't even tried the machine yet haha.

(Though now all these ideas are keeping me up and I want to sleeeeeep!)


I'd suggest getting some scrap fabric and playing around with the machine and trying all the different types of stitches. The best thing to do before you start sewing would be to read up on what each type of stitch is used for.

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I'd suggest getting some scrap fabric and playing around with the machine and trying all the different types of stitches. The best thing to do before you start sewing would be to read up on what each type of stitch is used for.


Yeah I already have some scrap fabric here, plus clothes we were about to give away so might find something in there too. =)

Going to the fabric store in a bit to pick up some things like threads and pins and whatever else one might need, whee!


I feel all excited about this, even though chances are I won't be any good at it haha. =P

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I have never learned how to make anything, have never sewn or done anything with fabric. Apart from sewing on new buttons on Jim's coat two months ago, but that's the only thing I've ever done. =P


It would be so useful if I could machine sew though. For example when I buy trousers, they are always too long, so it would be great if I could make them shorter myself, rather than paying extra to have it done somewhere.


Also my mind is currently going in overdrive again, thinking of stuff to make. I've already made a list of things I could make for the flat, and I haven't even tried the machine yet haha.

(Though now all these ideas are keeping me up and I want to sleeeeeep!)


I find this much the same, except making buttons go back on things.


Its handy to have at any rate! I've managed to fix a lot of my clothing :love:

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You missed a trick on the boat. The Pirates of the Caribbean theme instantly makes it feel more epic. We were listening to it on the boat in Oman and it was immense!




I so nearly went to see that too! Wish I had now.


I decide against it because I would only be going because it was Zach Braff and I knew nothing about the play itself.


If only there was some place you could have looked that had a brief summary of what it was like. Maybe ill search the internet to find such a place...

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I missed out on a night of bowling with a large group and the chance to drink a bottle of wine. Turns out my inner cat took over and I napped in a ball all day. At least that was nice.


I'm feeling a little out of touch with the people I'm living with, I need a good night-out. With whiskey, of course.


GOOD-THING : I thought I had no sugar for my several cups of coffee for tonight but then I remembered all the packets that @EddieColeslaw got for me in a caf?! :yay:

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