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I know hes such a lovely boy :3 He's our gentle giant... massive big tiger but he's scared of everything... including the damn sofa ha ha :D




my next door neighbour washes his car mats and hangs them over our shared wall... on occasion they would fall over into our garden and my sister got a snap of our little betty sleeping on one of them.... raging lol

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Spent most of today clearing out my wardrobe. You could say I spent today in the closet etc.


Threw out/giving to charity about half of my clothes and pretty much stripped out all the miscellaneous crap that normally lives in there. It's so empty in there now. Glorious days.


Also found out my first MP3 player, a Rio 500. It still works too, albeit with a slightly dodgy headphone socket. It's awesome.

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We're getting the weather we usually get in march here. I'm loving the fact that there's no snow to shovel. Who said this global warming thing is all bad.


Also: no frozen pipes! Yay!


You say that now, but it won't be as much fun when you get the weather you usually get in December in March.


...SNOW DAYS! (Not applicable to the unemployed/those not in education.)




I had the day off, so I got to do simple but satisfying stuff like continue with my painting of Snorlax, begin installing Ubuntu on my old laptop, finish learning Für Elise on piano, and have a dinner of all of my favourite foods: instant ramen with enoki mushrooms, natto, and smoked salmon :hehe:

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I had to come in through 4 inches of snow last year... no excuses for us... Its alright for a business that will just lose a days custom, but stuff like nhs and emergency services have to operate no matter the weather, I sadly fall under that umbrella =(


Yeah, well I had to climb through 4 and a half inches of snow. Cross-legged, through a mountain of vinegar and cheddar crisps, on the way to my work, delivering baby snow leopards to the Indians in Merthyr Tydfil.

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I've really enjoyed Christmas this year. It felt different. In that cozy way.


There was an awful rush in the beginning. Basically, I was slightly hungover Christmas Eve (not badly, just tiredness, luckily) and had to rush home from Dublin. Involved cycling & running & sweating & carrying awful bags. While rushing for my trains -- I wanted to cease. I wished to shrivel. Luckily, despite thinking I missed all trains, got home and replaced the single KitKat bar I'd been living off that day. It was unusually late to be home on Christmas Eve. Missed Mass and our visit to my Nana's [family things].


I've been lazy and doe-eyed the past few days. Visiting family & having fun with my immediate family. I sometimes forget how nice that is. We're such a LOL group.


Typical chistmas -- lots of film watching, eating & I enjoy the feeling of walking around in just socks , jocks & a t-shirt at night :)

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