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Especially since anyone could tell you that it's not actually Team Fortress 2.


Except Kotaku, of course. I doubt they've ever watched Firefly.


I was going to say you should keep your eyes open for my brother and slaughter him painfully for me, but I suppose you probably wouldn't stand a chance if you ever ran into him. :heh:


D'oh! :heh: Right, I did have trouble identifying the characters. But I've never seen Firefly, so TF2 was obviously the first thing that sprang to mind.


I don't stand a chance yet. ;)

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The book I ordered for my cognitive neuroscience class finally arrived yesterday after 2 weeks or waiting (Was told it'd take 5 days at most. Well done there Waterstones). Just in time as well as I have to give an hour lecture on one of the chapters a week on monday so I've managed to start making my slides. Still quite a lot to do for it but its coming along nicely (and should be a damn sight better than the lecturer's slides).


Also finally managed to finish filling out my ethics application for my dissertation. Just need to email it to my supervisor to give the once over and then I can get is signed and handed in. What a relief. Shame that the entire experiment still lies ahead but there's plenty of time for it and it's relatively simple.


Oh interesting. What's the experiment on?


Absolutely amazing deal I just found 3 for pay as you go. Top up by 20 euros per month and everything is free except 29c for calling other networks on weekdays. So texts, unlimited data, three to three calls and calls to other networks on weekends are free... Switching in the morning :p


Aware I sound like a salesman but I am genuinely shocked by it. Puts Vodafone to shame.

OBECTION. I believe I found it, told you about it and then the next day you had changed over to it.

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Well of course he wouldn't want that.



He's Welsh, he'd much prefer her to be a sheep. Stereotypes for the win!


Nothing wrong with the Welsh............ you do need to know the difference between a sheep and a Welsh person. They do look the same, bleeting on and on about the old days and all wrapped up in woolen stuff. And, they are all white as well. And i say that as someone living in the country of Wales.

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this is a a baj e


EDIT: Just a test to see the time. My phone has mysteriously gone back one hour, meaning that I have missed my doctor's appointment. Fuck you you absolute piece of HTC Smart £100 shit that can't connect to the internet and lags like a mutha.


Why can I never just *have* things that work? I spent like...weeks planning my new phone purchase earlier this year and I still come away with a piece of fucking crap.


Feel free to move this to the bad stuff thread.

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this is a a baj e


EDIT: Just a test to see the time. My phone has mysteriously gone back one hour, meaning that I have missed my doctor's appointment. Fuck you you absolute piece of HTC Smart £100 shit that can't connect to the internet and lags like a mutha.


Why can I never just *have* things that work? I spent like...weeks planning my new phone purchase earlier this year and I still come away with a piece of fucking crap.


Feel free to move this to the bad stuff thread.


Looks like you should have bought a watch.

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