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I've been sort of moved department in work. I say sort of because I'm skeptical. I know just as soon as it gets busy in my old department, I'll be straight back and the new department will probably be forgotten about. But for now, I'm training in Visual Marketing. My old department was basically the mass produced stuff (portraits etc), whereas the new department is the fancy stuff (massive multiphoto display boards, prospectuses etc). It's includes a lot of design work as well as photo editing, but I'm only on photo editing for now.


I've decided to start practicing my design stuff now, so I've started trying out the pen tool in Photoshop. Here is my first attempt at line work/pen tool practice:




I'm quite happy considering it's my first attempt at an image entirely with the pen tool (except some slight work on the glow bit).

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Went to a networking event. Saw some people from my course. Met some interesting people. Had four glasses of wine. All for freeeee!


Hopefully some of the people I met will be good contacts.


Also managed to avoid seeing the landlady all day. Always nice. Although I imagine she'll moan about this tomorrow but she always moans.


And talks.


I need to move.

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I'm back!


I missed not having any sort of communication with the world. My phone's abroad fees are extortionate so I was practically in a bubble for the last week.


How was the meet/someone sum it up for me!






Prov Donk lost.


Epic gathering.






Penis and vagina win.

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It's probably a really stupid/long way of doing it, but I have a 16x16 grid of rulers saved as a template. I then use the shape tool to place squares where I want the pixels. Because the rulers are there, squares just lock to those. I do all of one colour at a time (eg all the black pixels) so that I can fill them when I'm done. Because all this is a shape and not a selection, I can apply a stroke (border) round them to separate out the pixels.


This is the grid:




And this is a quick end result:




The pixels have a black border round them, even if the background colour changes. Alternatively, I could have set the stroke/border to "eraser" and have the pixel gaps match the background for shirts or whatever. I can adjust the width and color of the border if need be, but I wouldn't want to change from black or see through.


I do the same on Illustrator. Under 'View' you can do 'Show Grid' and select 'Snap to Grid'. That way, because it's all vector based you can resize with no issues. Which is an issue I found with phototshop (although I might not have been doing it right).


This is what I managed to pull off.




I suspect it's a little easier on Illustrator.


I need to try my hand at the pen tool more.

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Went Go Karting with work today for our summer party. Our team came 3rd, but I got the best lap time of the day. Plus, I was the final driver for our team and I got us to 3rd from 4th on the final lap (which was also my fastest).


I am mad pro kart racer dude.

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Me and London Girl seem to be really hitting it off as of late. And I think she might be opening up a little more. We've been a bit more couply recently and she seems more relaxed around me than she did.. which is great for someone with the issues she's had. I'm starting to think it could work after all.


Also, going to a party in London with her tomorrow. We so excited.

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It's kinda a guilty good feeling when you have two attractive and good friends (with each other) fighting each other over you on a boat party. So, this girl that I'd seen around at parties etc. but had never been introduced to properly was part of our little group heading for the ridiculous piss up on a boat that we called a graduation party, and started hitting on me after we got some drinks in us.


This is she:




Then for some reason, one of my best friends all the way from first year that I lived with in dorms and everything was all like "he's mine!" which I took as a joke, and proceeded to get off, pretty epicly, with the other girl, who kinda turned out to be a little crazy, like telling me that she'd been watching me and shit. Anyway, long story short, I ended up sleeping with one of my best friends, and it doesn't seem to be awkward in the least, but at the same time got the other girls number for further kinky Rendezvous'! Dry spell begone! :heh:

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So while I'm here in the UK, my family (my parents and one of my sisters) went to an art market to try and sell my stuff. Apparently they made €129. =)


I know they sold most of it to people we know, but still, whooo! People buy my stuff! Soon I'll be there to try and sell it myself, hopefully I can still make some money then too. Because right now I've still not earned back what I spent on the supplies and all that haha.


But yay for my family doing this for me. =D

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Yeah Eenuh if I could buy all your stuff I would. Unfortunately I am broke right now so I can't but your stuff is great. Its a tad niche (or at least the art work as I know you do jewellery too) but wonderful nonetheless.


And don't forget we have a deal - when I have a child you're painting it's nursery.

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Thanks guys. =)


Ashley if you ever do have a child, I will! Even though I have no experience with murals etc, it would still be cool to do. =P


Magnus: I don't think I can really get my supplies any cheaper than I do. I have to import most of it, which means shipping is a bit high. Can't seem to find most of it at home. Plus I made a shitload of stuff, so that's why I spent so much money (got postcards, greeting cards, stickers, rings, earrings, earstuds, necklaces, magnets...). Wish I could get it cheaper, but yeah. =P

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Magnus: I don't think I can really get my supplies any cheaper than I do. I have to import most of it, which means shipping is a bit high. Can't seem to find most of it at home. Plus I made a shitload of stuff, so that's why I spent so much money (got postcards, greeting cards, stickers, rings, earrings, earstuds, necklaces, magnets...). Wish I could get it cheaper, but yeah. =P

Oh, for a second there, I thought you'd been selling your items at a loss. That would have been crazy! Yeah, I recently bought a bunch of magnets and similar things, and it ended up being quite expensive. But I guess you need to look at it as an investment. The actual cost per item is negligible - it's just that when you buy 50+ magnets at the same time, it's not so cheap anymore.


So approximately how many of your items did your family sell? €129 sounds good, but I don't know how expensive your stuff is. :p

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I don't really know what they sold haha. Apparently a few greeting cards (2 euro each), earstuds (5 euro), a necklace (8 or 10 euro)... no idea what else really or how much of each. =P


I don't think my stuff is priced very high, but of course I won't sell at a loss haha. The highest I ask is 10 euro for some necklaces, everything else is below that heh. I actually think the earstuds sell the most, people seem to like that stuff.

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I don't really know what they sold haha. Apparently a few greeting cards (2 euro each), earstuds (5 euro), a necklace (8 or 10 euro)... no idea what else really or how much of each. =P

€129 isn't too bad, then. :smile:


Setting a reasonable price is difficult. I recently made something for a friend and we had a hard time agreeing on a price, because neither of us wanted to rip the other person off.


You could always raise your prices and say it's art. ;)

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