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That sounds so fucking rad man, I've been eyeballing a Neurobiology degree at Berkeley. Whereabouts are you studying?


Unfortunately, studying up in Dundee. It's not actually that bad but they sort of specialise in developmental psychology and psycholinguistics and I'm more into Neuropsychology (specifically the neural and biological basis of memory and dreams, along with neuroplasticity and a few other things). Just happy they were offering those modules.


That neurobiology degree at Berkeley sounds interesting. Something you're going to actively pursue?


Do go on...


Well, the study of Decision Making is looking into how we allocate mental resources to weigh up options and choose the most appropriate action or outcome. I think. It's been a few months since I last did any work on it.

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Unfortunately, studying up in Dundee. It's not actually that bad but they sort of specialise in developmental psychology and psycholinguistics and I'm more into Neuropsychology (specifically the neural and biological basis of memory and dreams, along with neuroplasticity and a few other things). Just happy they were offering those modules.


That neurobiology degree at Berkeley sounds interesting. Something you're going to actively pursue?




Well, the study of Decision Making is looking into how we allocate mental resources to weigh up options and choose the most appropriate action or outcome. I think. It's been a few months since I last did any work on it.


The psycholinguistics sounds good, but I get that it can be frustrating if your uni doesn't provide the options you actively want to pursue.


Yeah, my dad said he'll fund it (secretly he's always wanted me to go into some sort of scientific field), so I'm thinking about it :heh:. But I may just go for a masters in Philosophy instead.


I'm not very knowledgeable in aspects of decision making, but I'm reading a great book on it called "How We Decide" by Jonah Lehrer. It's good stuff, and really accessible.


You're just going to do degrees for teh rest of your life aren't you, Bard?




Stard is your new name/closer to your real name.


Shit man, it's the one thing I'm good at so why not keep at it? :heh:.


Stfu gaysemen.

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Got my diploma today. 75%, whoo. No idea what that means in the UK, degree wise, but it's great here.


Wish I had someone to celebrate it with though.

Think I'll go have a nap now to celebrate my 'no longer being in school'-ness.

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Had a good few days. Thursday night we had our films showing at Graphic in Soho (and playing throughout the summer so go check it out :p) so that of course resulted in gin. Then we bar hopped for the rest of the night. Ended up somewhere which I wasn't too hot on but someone paid for me to get in and gave me a drink so can't complain too much. Resulted in emotional goodbyes on Tottenham Court Road as that was the last planned event. Ended up getting home at 4:30, not done that for a while.


Yesterday went to uni via Paperchase and found an amazing present for Jodie. Did some work, chatted to people etc. We then went to the nearby Vietnamese and decided to get some drinks, go back to the studio and chill out. We're close to taking squatter's rights.


Its going to be weird not seeing these people every (week)day.

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Bastard!... Student Loan?


Nope, savings! :D I still have (or rather, had :p) a lot of money on my child savings account. :) But I am hoping for a handicap bonus through the monetary support that students get in Denmark due to the fact that my autism makes it more or less impossible for me to cope with a job beside my studies. Failing that, I'll probably take out a student loan.

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That sounds so sick man, it's the same thing I did soon as I moved out; get a new pc and kit it out with a fucking rad GPU and get a big ass TV and I'm sorted for uni life :heh:. Outta curiosity, what you studying at uni?


Ya gotta be prepared! :heh:


I'm studying classical philology, i.e. Latin and Ancient Greek, beginning September 1st. :)

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Just got back from celebrating my cousin's wedding over the last couple of days with the rest of the extended family. Wore a suit I had going unused in closet, I looked like a sexy-as-fuck stock broker. We also managed to get to the beach for the first time in four years. Good times all around.

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Had a great night. The hitRECord thing at BFI was awesome. So great, and inspirational, to see all these collaborative projects and just enjoy making things. Some really great things, can't wait to get more involved in the site :) And Anne Hathaway was there, just in the midst of the audience. Did this wonderful reading and flirted with JGL. They said "oh we're working on a film together at the moment" You mean Batman eh?


Anyway that was all well and good but then it got better (or should I say more good stuff happened)! Afterwards I was speaking to someone and chatting for a while and she mentioned she was an animator and I asked where and she said Studio AKA so I was a combination of :o and :D. Contact get.


Then walked to the bus via Soho to soak in the atmosphere. Think I saw Chairdriver and then Daft, but I could have been imagining things. Saw some great sights though. Thought I saw someone with a huge cameltoe but turned out to be a guy in tiny shorts (actually saw that earlier in the day but it amused me), some guy in a leopard print dress with cat ears stumbling around, someone who jumped out at me in a joking "boo!" way and someone else who I heard say "hah! He's bleeding" (my balloon shirt, often gets mistaken for blood).


Really was a nice joyous atmosphere to cap off a nice night :D

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No. And probably not even them. But I saw hair that looked like Chair at one point and then further up the street I saw someone on a bike wearing 3/4 jeans flying past, so naturally I assume Daft is the only person in London to be wearing that attire.

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Had a great night. The hitRECord thing at BFI was awesome. So great, and inspirational, to see all these collaborative projects and just enjoy making things. Some really great things, can't wait to get more involved in the site :) And Anne Hathaway was there, just in the midst of the audience. Did this wonderful reading and flirted with JGL. They said "oh we're working on a film together at the moment" You mean Batman eh?


Anyway that was all well and good but then it got better (or should I say more good stuff happened)! Afterwards I was speaking to someone and chatting for a while and she mentioned she was an animator and I asked where and she said Studio AKA so I was a combination of :o and :D. Contact get.


Then walked to the bus via Soho to soak in the atmosphere. Think I saw Chairdriver and then Daft, but I could have been imagining things. Saw some great sights though. Thought I saw someone with a huge cameltoe but turned out to be a guy in tiny shorts (actually saw that earlier in the day but it amused me), some guy in a leopard print dress with cat ears stumbling around, someone who jumped out at me in a joking "boo!" way and someone else who I heard say "hah! He's bleeding" (my balloon shirt, often gets mistaken for blood).


Really was a nice joyous atmosphere to cap off a nice night :D


Hey my brother was there and got to meet JGL too. :D

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I'm studying classical philology, i.e. Latin and Ancient Greek, beginning September 1st. :)

Philology as in comparative reconstruction etc., or as in learning the languages? (the latter is normally called "classics" in England, although it's a general term that covers culture and so on too)

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