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I've been working on my website ever since I got home from work and I'm fairly confident I've finally found a decent place to host it. All I wanted was a decent hosting place that has some good, simple templates for image galleries. Wouldn't have thought that was too much to ask, but most places are shit. Finally found ClikPic.


Can't show the actual site yet, since I'm on a 14 day trial and I won't be upgrading to proper membership until payday, but here's a brief preview:







There will be colour stuff, obviously, but I wanted B+W stuff for the menus/thumbnails. Need to work on the text too. Focused mainly on getting most of the photos up today.

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George Maciver has finally finished his second book, titled The Way of Life and The Way of Death in the 21st Century (catchy title) - and best of all, you can download it online!


George is actually a pretty mediocre writer, but I'm a huge fan of him as a person, as I have a fascination with nutjobs. I've had some run-ins with him in the past in another community, where he eventually revealed himself to be a huge homophobe. After that it was homosexuality this and homosexuality that, to the point where he eventually went off and started his own forum where "homosexual pedophiles" weren't allowed to join. Clearly he has some... issues.


But yeah, awesome. This book shows that there are other things that worry George, though - fluoride in toothpaste and the Illuminati, among other things. But mostly, this book is just an excuse to hark on about homosexuality.


Also, fifty percent of it is made up of Bible quotes, so that's always fun.


George's thoughts on...


... The thesis of his book:



... The United Nations:



... Jewish people:



... Muslims:



... Global warming:





... Women and feminism:







... The Vietnam War:



... Gun Control:




... Astronomy:



... And, of course, homosexuality:















If you want another example of George's writing, he wrote this short story about me and a girl he apparently holds a grudge against a few years ago. :indeed:

Well, that's absolutely hilarious.


That story was strange with all the emoticons. Was just weird and any point he was trying to make was thrown away. Is he just trying to slag you or are you gay?

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Today's the first day in about 4 weeks when I've been completely free to do what I want and not be constrained by the ever present prospect of having to finish up a piece of coursework for Uni.


As such, I have spent all day so far listening to music (mainly the new Panic! At The Disco album :D) and watching Veronica Mars Season 2, which I'm watching for the very first time (finished season 1 a week or so ago). Yes, I may be late to that party but better late than never right as it's damn good.

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Haha, i just got a wrong number text. Thanking "Mandilana" for the coffee, not sure he took her number down correctly, but will call her later in the week.


Maybe i'll be nice and tell him it's the wrong number.


Edit: I replied "Thank you honeybunny. I wanted your body the whole time. x"

He's not replied. Lol.


Maybe it was coffee with a relative?



Edited by Pancake
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Haha, i just got a wrong number text. Thanking "Mandilana" for the coffee, not sure he took her number down correctly, but will call her later in the week.


Maybe i'll be nice and tell him it's the wrong number.


Edit: I replied "Thank you honeybunny. I wanted your body the whole time. x"

He's not replied. Lol.


Maybe it was coffee with a relative?



Especially more sinister if it was an undertaker arranging the cremation of one of his relatives. :p

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Haha, i just got a wrong number text. Thanking "Mandilana" for the coffee, not sure he took her number down correctly, but will call her later in the week.


Maybe i'll be nice and tell him it's the wrong number.


Edit: I replied "Thank you honeybunny. I wanted your body the whole time. x"

He's not replied. Lol.


Maybe it was coffee with a relative?




That's just delightfully evil of you! :D

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Since about 90% of people probably pirate it, you've got to make money for a new version somewhere :/


PC games are just as easily pirated, but they don't charge £650 (thousands if you want Adobe's creative suite).


Hell, even Windows, which is a complete operating system FFS, doesn't charge that much. If the worlds most money grabbing company can charge £200 for a complete operating system, I'm fairly sure Adobe can charge a bit less for an fancy image editor.


And whilst we're on the topic of new versions of Photoshop: what do they really add to the new versions? Anything useful? I've tried CS2, 3 and 5 and there are maybe 2 (and that's pushing it) new tools added in that time that I consider useful.

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