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good stuff thread.


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Today is going pretty well:


- Payday

- Bigger part of my tax return came in

- Really good deals on so bought clothes/drinks/cool stuff

- Work going well, reports coming along

- Hot date to look forward to later

- Weekend!!!


Great Friday.

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And stop making me miserable with all the money :heh:


If I could go to strip clubs and throw naked women at money I would.


Although in fairness I had a decent enough day. We took a trip to a Japanese restaurant at lunch and although I didn't get any it was nice to get out of the studio in reasonable weather.

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My life is on a rollllll the last couple of days.


Tiny little venue, 400 people.

2 and a half hour set.

Somehow ended up right in front of the legend that is Dave Grohl.


Things I have now done with Dave:

Touched him

Shook hands with him.

Shared a bottle of water with him.

Shared a towel with him.

Had his sweat drip on me.

And I have his guitar pick.


God it was awesome.

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I had a productive day and I'm currently munching on my neatly layed out skittles.


Eating them in the pattern which denotes the rainbow. Having a minutes silence each time it gets to blue since it is sadly missing from this colourful and sugary delicious snack. :)


My room has gone back to its darkened mess, I shall tidy it tomorrow.


I got up early fins and did revision and then wrote mor of my book, I've come up with this new idea just now its awesome, I'm so happeh. :grin:


In the interim I've been at the cinema watching ridiculous films (Gnomeo and Juliet and True Grit)


Both were good. :D


*munches on more skittles sans the blue*

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Things I have now done with Dave:

Touched him

Shook hands with him.

Shared a bottle of water with him.

Shared a towel with him.

Had his sweat drip on me.

And I have his guitar pick.


God it was awesome.


Literally sounds sexual.


I was also in Camden tonight! Although my night was less awesome but still nice.


Aaaaaand it turns out the girl I hypothetically like has a boyfriend (who, judging from her description of him, is just like me) so that's a load off my mind. Once I know there's no hope I happily move on. Still going to see her/the beach at some point soon.

Edited by Ashley
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I love. Seeing my sister having had a few drinks for the first time. She's one of the funniest people I know.


They grow up so fast. Reminds me of my "Innocence Lost!!!! I'm Terri." phase of 2008. I was all "I so identify with Holden Caulfield..." then. :geek:


Also I realised Object Of My Desire by Dana Rayne/generic dance band/DJ is such a striking song. It's so vital.

My body screams "Please make LOVE TO MEEEEEE"


That's me done.

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Not sure if this is a good thing or a depressing thing, but for the moment I'm being positive.


Got some family round to stay for the weekend, which includes my cousin Scott who thinks he can try to hit my brother or I and not have it returned tenfold. A good thing was that I managed to get him to spend more time playing Streets of Rage 3 on the Mega Drive Collection than he did playing shortly purchased Quantum of Solace. It took some explaining for the kid to realise that this collection was actually a collection of Mega Drive games, then the first kill shot:

"What's a Mega Drive?"




I felt a part of myself and gamers around the world die at that moment. He's not that young and should at least know what one is. Previously that day I had to explain the backwards compatability between the Xbox 360 being able to play Xbox games, not the other way around, and I had the unfortunate mistake of mentioning the same concept with the Wii and Gamecube:


"What's a Gamecube?"






To be fair he did tell me he owns about 7 years worth of Fifa games so he can't be that much of a gamer. So maybe he's a Sony guy, I know he had a PS1, surely he must've heard about its rival... After showing the box...


"What's a Nintendo 64?"




Boom. Headshot.



This should've gone in the negative topic... But at least he's learnt something, so that's alright.

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So my trip. LUL. (Bit up until the blue paragraph is mildly boring if you want to skip it. Don't though, the bits up until it are well written and of course have the ReZourceman humour stamp of approval)


We left on Thursday and taxi'd to a nearby but not adjacent train station. ~At 4:45PM~


We left by train. We had to change once.


We arrived, checked in, went up to our respective rooms and "got ready"/freshened up for 25 minutes. We then went down to join the others. ~So we arrived at the hotel at about 6:45PM~


(The meeting itself was basically a bimonthly meeting of the regional sales people - the peeps who go to chemists and places like B&M ~i.e. not large supermarkets)


So we went down and said hello etc. About 10 or so people (and their manager who works in Aylesbury, my office/so I've met him before/see him a lot) all seemed very nice. We then taxi'd over to an Indian restaurant.




Indian Restaurant was realllllly nice. Definitely up with the best I've had really....in terms of food. Venue itself was average.


I had a meat samosa to start, then one of my favourites - Chicken Makhani, for main, with Keema Rice (yeeeaahhh)




A mildly spiced diced boneless spring chicken roasted in tandoori

cooked in special sauce made from fragrant spices, ground almond, butter and cream.


So that was great. Heard some great stories and anecdotes from both the guy-manager-from Aylesbury, and particularly the Irish guy. He was awesome.


We then taxi'd back to the hotel and I went straight upto the room, my excuse "tired/want to speak to girlfriend" reality ; wanted to watch 10 O'Clock Live, masturbate and read comic books (in that order FYtmI)


A Scottish guy playfully slapped me round the face (I loll'd) and then wondered if we were really at that stage yet. He must have been mildly drunk.


The rest of the evening is boring. I just did as I said above until about 1:30AM or something, I then decided to get some shut eye as had to be up to check out at 8:30 so obviously up earlier.




So I then got up, got ready and checked I hadn't left anything (as within only a few hours my stuff somehow managed to get everywhere) took some amusing photos of the guy on the entertainment leaflet enjoying the TV WAY WAY WAY too much...one can only assume he was watching Comedy Rainbow on the TV internet service.






Went down, checked out, and the others found me and ushered me into the room where we waited for the last few people. I poured myself a delicious still water from a (glass bottle in the centre of the table!) for the first time in any of my employments.....I felt mildly important. (but still insignificant of course)


The manager guy started the meeting, first greeting everyone, and particularly me and (the colleague I went with) as it was our first of his meetings.


I found it all very interesting and it was good to get an insight onto how the portion of the business that I was actually pretty involved in worked. It was depressing when it got to the "incentive"/targets/bonus' for the sales force who's oppurtunity-to-earn's alone were like....£400 more than my standard monthly salary (well I'm a temp so equivilant) but still when I go permanent it doesn't jump a HUGE amount. Well ish. I'm on approx £255 a week at the moment, and it'll go upto £17K. Anyway.


SO that was depressing, lol. Then a few more chicks from Aylesbury joined us for part of the meeting (they just came up that day as didn't need to be there for the whole meeting) and they talked us through some of the new products (like the dry shampoo and the new hair styling powder, both part of the got2be range) so I got (2x free shampoos, 2x male powder and 1x female powder) (<3 free stuff)


Its cool stuff. One of the chicks was awesome, great voice and sense of humour. She discussed the advertising campaign on C4/E4 and the programmes its on. "Does anyone watch any of these" me; "Pretty much all of them" I lullzd/ Glory Daze is one of them too, which we saw advertised when in Florida ( :( ) and looks great. Also I THINK (not certain) but think that Big Bang Theory is back in May. It came up with a chart and dates of which programmes the advertising was running on.


Also was the first people ever to see the new idents and ads on E4 showing the styling powder. Lame but AWESOME. :p


Then "working lunch" they bought in a trolley of food. Giant hot chicken kebabs. I grabbed one, then was like....holy shit these are delicious and grabbed another.


Then it wrapped up fairly soon after that.


We walked to train station, then got on a train that was SARDINE PACKED it was unbearable. Such bad conditions. Shit train. So cramped compared to Chiltern Railways....is this how they do it up north? (Yes, Birmingham is up north) it was dreadful. "Cross Country". EWWWWW.


We changed at Banbury, (train was delayed due to suicide) and so basically we left Brum at about 13:50 ish and got to Ayles (or my car) at 4:45 ish. Annoying journey. We would have driven but the person I went with (is 40ish, female) and has never drove on motorway before (.......) she also didn't cope well AT ALL with the train stuff. Panicking loads. I was a little bit pathetic, which is horrible to say as she is a nice lass, heart in right place, but she is one of these people who just live in a bubble to the world. Never been on a plane for example. Anyway.


Yeah it was fine. So I had a good trip, enjoyed it a LOT! (But it was totally different to my normal work) I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope I get to go to the next one in 6 weeks, because (mainly) it was just good to actually hear and learn about the fucking products for once, and next time is all about the new range of hair dye, which sounds great.


I'm not sure if I'm going to get to go....Myeeehhhh. The thing is ....it probably isn't super important to my role. God. Really want to go though. Might ask the manager dude who ran this....not sure quite how much sway he will have with my actual manager though. Thing is its also his last one cos' he is retiring in June.




WHEW. Well done if you got through this, was probably boring.

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I hope you took them to a classy restaurant before having your wicked way with them.
Indian Restaurant was realllllly nice. Definitely up with the best I've had really....in terms of food. Venue itself was average.


I had a meat samosa to start, then one of my favourites - Chicken Makhani, for main, with Keema Rice (yeeeaahhh)



He's nothing but a gentleman when it comes to his food.


So that was great. Heard some great stories and anecdotes from both the guy-manager-from Aylesbury, and particularly the Irish guy. He was awesome.


We then taxi'd back to the hotel

Then the comic orgy began. ReZ said he's glad Deadpool is "the merc with a mouth, because it certainly got filled."




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I'm not sure which thread this really belongs in but it amused me so it can go here:


Apparently I am attending the same event as One Direction (X-Factor) on Thursday and they will be doing a performance and signing. Swoon...not. Although my little cousin likes those kind of bands and its her birthday in April so that could be that sorted.

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