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The Dark Knight Rises (Spoilers inside, enter at own risk)


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Saw it again yesterday with a friend who remarked on something I'd never considered before: While we're still under the impression that Bane is the child who escaped, how does the mask make sense? We're told he got it in the prison, yet the child escaped without any injuries. Is this a very obvious hint that the child isn't Bane that the audience somehow misses, or have I forgotten something that explains that detail?

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Saw it again yesterday with a friend who remarked on something I'd never considered before: While we're still under the impression that Bane is the child who escaped, how does the mask make sense? We're told he got it in the prison, yet the child escaped without any injuries. Is this a very obvious hint that the child isn't Bane that the audience somehow misses, or have I forgotten something that explains that detail?


Never really considered that either... I was sure it was Bane until the reveal near the end.


I would have to watch it again to remember better.

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Yeah, exactly. When she pointed it out, I was like "... whoa. I can't believe I never considered that." Which leads me to question if the film actually does lay it out like that - because if it did, and if so many missed such an obvious hint (I haven't heard anyone mention it, at least), then Nolan did an amazing job of hiding a hint in plain sight.

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I actually noticed it during the film, I thought it was a plothole, and kept bugging me until the reveal (it wasn't just the flashback scenes, the story outright says the child wasn't bothered until the day of the escape).

For some reason, it didn't click with me that Thalia was the child, even though I saw her betrayal coming from the moment she had sex with Bruce.


I'm surprised this was overlooked by so many people, actually, even the guys I went to see the movie with didn't notice until I mentioned it. And now I see even the guy with a Phoenix Wright avatar missed it :heh:

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I just assumed that it would get explained in a future flashback. While i still thought that the child was Bane, I assumed that he got the mask after he escaped. Did they say at any point that he got it while in the prison?

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the moment they started going on about Ras's child i knew it wasn't bane, as Nolan wouldn't alter the back story that far, Talia is his child so i knew someone was pulling his strings, and Tate was the only other female in the film, well apart from Selina's friend but i doubted it would be her

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I just assumed that it would get explained in a future flashback. While i still thought that the child was Bane, I assumed that he got the mask after he escaped. Did they say at any point that he got it while in the prison?


When Bruce is in the prison, it's explained that the guy in the next cell was the surgeon who tried and failed to fix the damage done to Bane.

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I copped it during the film too, plus when it was first suggested that Bane was the son of Ras I went to my friend beside me "but they aren't father & son in the comics...." then I remembered Talia and I shut up then :heh:

Bane didn't wear a mask for pain relief in the comics, so saying that is a poor argument really.:hmm:

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Bit annoying, they seem to have stopped doing Triple Play Editions?

There wasn't one for The Avengers and there hasn't been one announced for TDKR either. hmm.


I'm thinking I'll get the Blu-Ray Trilogy Box Set, seeing as I only have the first two films on DVD.





Then I guess if I can buy a DVD copy when it's £5 in a summer sale or something.

Edited by Retro_Link
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Yeah this annoys me as well. Took the Avengers round my friends to watch, but the HD bit of his tv was broken, and since we didn't have the DVD fallback option, we couldn't watch it.


Actually that reminds me, if you are playing a bluray on a pc, and you send it down a vga cable, can you watch it on another monitor albeit compressed to a lower resolution, or will it just not work?

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Yeah this annoys me as well. Took the Avengers round my friends to watch, but the HD bit of his tv was broken, and since we didn't have the DVD fallback option, we couldn't watch it.


Actually that reminds me, if you are playing a bluray on a pc, and you send it down a vga cable, can you watch it on another monitor albeit compressed to a lower resolution, or will it just not work?


The DVD and Blu-Rays of TDKR do come with an 'UltraViolet' Digital Copy though, so you can watch that on your PC/Tablets etc...

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The DVD and Blu-Rays of TDKR do come with an 'UltraViolet' Digital Copy though, so you can watch that on your PC/Tablets etc...


Always wondered about Ultraviolet. Do you have to be connected to the Internet to watch the movies or can you download them to your device and watch whenever? Do they also require a specific app if your watching on a phone/tablet?

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