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Friend Attacked (Thrip)


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I'm shaking with anger.


Some cunt smacked my friend's head against a wall.


Fucking scum of the earth. Homophobic piece of shit.


I ran for 10 minutes to find a policeman. Then spent the rest of the night wiping blood off his face.


There's blood all over my shoes and white jeans. FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.

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I'm shaking with anger.


Some cunt smacked my friend's head against a wall.


Fucking scum of the earth. Homophobic piece of shit.


I ran for 10 minutes to find a policeman. Then spent the rest of the night wiping blood off his face.


There's blood all over my shoes and white jeans. FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.


Was it a chav (or subcategory of)?

Edited by Mr_Odwin
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I'm shaking with anger.


Some cunt smacked my friend's head against a wall.


Fucking scum of the earth. Homophobic piece of shit.


I ran for 10 minutes to find a policeman. Then spent the rest of the night wiping blood off his face.


There's blood all over my shoes and white jeans. FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.

Why did he/she do that?

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I'm shaking with anger.


Some cunt smacked my friend's head against a wall.


Fucking scum of the earth. Homophobic piece of shit.


I ran for 10 minutes to find a policeman. Then spent the rest of the night wiping blood off his face.


There's blood all over my shoes and white jeans. FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.


You sure it was a homophobic attack? Hope he's ok :(

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Why did he/she do that?
You sure it was a homophobic attack? Hope he's ok :(


My friend Johnny and I left the club last night and began walking home. He's pretty camp and everything is "maxi" with him. "Maxi-cringe", "maxi-unfair" etc.


We were walking down New Road (not even a bad area, but there is shite people going to and from clubs on Park End Road) http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?client=safari&rls=en&q=oxford%20new%20road&oe=UTF-8&redir_esc=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&sa=N&hl=en&tab=wl, and some guy comes up to us and asks directions to an ATM.


Johnny's pretty drunk, and he goes "How the fuck should I know? That's maxi-irrelevent."


Then I say its at the top of the road, but the guy isn't listening, and he's like "Oi, shut up, don't need chit-chat from a faggot." and kinda sizes up to Johnny and pushes him backwards.


"Get your shitty hands off me."


And then I was like "Guys, don't be dicks to each other.", kinda holding Johnny backwards.


"You're a bunch of poofs." Headbutts Johnny really quickly and extremely forcefully square on the forehead/nose, and his head smashes off the wall he's standing against.


The guy walks off, unphased, and I'm like "Fuckfuckfuckfuck" because Johnny's stumbling about, his eyes rolling, blood pouring everywhere. I call for help, and a group of randomers come over. I tell them to watch him, and I ran all the way to High Street, looking for the police (using a phone didn't occur to me...).


Gave a witness report. But I couldn't remember any details apart from the fact he wore a white shirt. :angry:

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Wow, what an idiot. Just shows that people can still do this sort of thing and many of them get away with it :hmm:


Keep us posted on if you find him/if he gets punished.

Edited by Supergrunch
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Jesus Christ, what a dick. Assaulting someone else like that because he sounded camp? It's baffling how that guy isn't in prison.

Don't ATM machines have cameras on them? Did you tell the police he could've easily end up at the one you mentioned?

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ooo that sucks, I was mugged once, well it was a pretty poorly attempted mugging but it still counts! This guy came up to me when i was sitting on a bench with my phone out, the guy made a grab for it so I threw the thing in my pocket and belted the guy in the face. I broke his nose, that was the day that I finally felt like a big man!

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Of course the guy that did this totally overreacted and shouldn't have resorted to violence, but it sounds to me like your friend shouldn't have been such a dick to the guy in the first place. You don't know how psycho random people are going to be so why provoke them in such a stupid way?

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Of course the guy that did this totally overreacted and shouldn't have resorted to violence' date=' but it sounds to me like your friend shouldn't have been such a dick to the guy in the first place. You don't know how psycho random people are going to be so why provoke them in such a stupid way?[/quote']

Completely agree with this. Theres no excuse for what the douche did and I hope your friend is okay, but it would have been avoided if your friend wasn't acting knobbish.

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Was it a chav (or subcategory of)?
Categorizing him as a human being is giving him way too much credit.
Paj said chav... they aren't human.
Of course the guy that did this totally overreacted and shouldn't have resorted to violence' date=' but it sounds to me like your friend shouldn't have been such a dick to the guy in the first place. You don't know how psycho random people are going to be so why provoke them in such a stupid way?[/quote']

Completely agree with this. Theres no excuse for what the douche did and I hope your friend is okay, but it would have been avoided if your friend wasn't acting knobbish.

Yeah I agree. There's no excuse for such behaviour, but there's a strong likelyhood this wouldn't have happened if your friend had just answered him normally.

It's best to just try and stay low on nights out, and try not to provoke anyone.

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Of course the guy that did this totally overreacted and shouldn't have resorted to violence' date=' but it sounds to me like your friend shouldn't have been such a dick to the guy in the first place. You don't know how psycho random people are going to be so why provoke them in such a stupid way?[/quote']



I share your view here.



from past experiences in which I've behaved foolishly, or been on the receiving end of someone else behaving foolishly you learn one vital lesson in these type of things...



it takes 2 to tango!



but still i hope your friend is okay and recovers, and i hope that the guilty party is apprehended and punished justifiably for his actions.


unfortunately by the way you've described the events and how it all occurred sounds like he'll get a slap on the wrist and be labelled as a 'naughty boy!'

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Of course the guy that did this totally overreacted and shouldn't have resorted to violence' date=' but it sounds to me like your friend shouldn't have been such a dick to the guy in the first place. You don't know how psycho random people are going to be so why provoke them in such a stupid way?[/quote']


That's completely fucking irrelevant. If you're going to start blaming the victims of violence as their own mistake, as if other people are some kind of mysterious unstoppable force of nature that you just have to put up with, then you may as well just lock yourself inside and chuck the key away. The fact that this guy clearly identified Chair's friend as a homosexual and then approached him "for directions" rather suggests to me things were going to go down the way he wanted no matter what Chair's friend had said, and what he did would not have been excused by anything Chair's friend could have said.


I hope the cops find him and put a boot up his arse, literally.

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That's completely fucking irrelevant. If you're going to start blaming the victims of violence as their own mistake, as if other people are some kind of mysterious unstoppable force of nature that you just have to put up with, then you may as well just lock yourself inside and chuck the key away. The fact that this guy clearly identified Chair's friend as a homosexual and then approached him "for directions" rather suggests to me things were going to go down the way he wanted no matter what Chair's friend had said, and what he did would not have been excused by anything Chair's friend could have said.


I hope the cops find him and put a boot up his arse, literally.

What are you talking about?... chair said...


We were walking down New Road (not even a bad area, but there is shite people going to and from clubs on Park End Road) http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?client...N&hl=en&tab=wl, and some guy comes up to us and asks directions to an ATM.


Johnny's pretty drunk, and he goes "How the fuck should I know? That's maxi-irrelevent."


Then I say its at the top of the road, but the guy isn't listening, and he's like "Oi, shut up, don't need chit-chat from a faggot." and kinda sizes up to Johnny and pushes him backwards.

Where in that does he said the guy indentified them as homosexuals and then approached them?
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There's also common decency. Responding to an honest request with "How the fuck should I know?" isn't exactly being polite. In the grand scheme of things, though, it's irrelevant. He was hit by a jerk who needs to be caught.


Gaggle, no one is blaming the victim for getting hit. We're simply saying that certain types of behaviour are detrimental to self-preservation. I don't go up to a gang of hooded people at night and ask for directions, either. In a perfect society, I should be able to do that, but we don't live in a perfect society, so I'm not. Doing so anyway is quite frankly foolish behaviour.


Now, this case is nowhere near as obvious, but the point still stands. You have to watch out for your own behaviour on a night out. Some people are easily provoked, even beyond common sense. Violence is still violence, though, and the victim can never be blamed for it.

Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
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What are you talking about?... chair said...


Where in that does he said the guy indentified them as homosexuals and then approached them?


His immediate response is "Oi, shut up, don't need chit-chat from a faggot." Join the dots and see what you get.

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His immediate response is "Oi, shut up, don't need chit-chat from a faggot." Join the dots and see what you get.
I'm guessing the fact chair's friend answered the guys question with...
"How the fuck should I know? That's maxi-irrelevent."
and in probably somewhat of a camp way (given chairs description of his friend), led the guy to realise he was most likely talking to someone gay. Where are you getting that he singled him out beforehand?


Anyway, I hope your friend is ok chair.

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His immediate response is "Oi, shut up, don't need chit-chat from a faggot." Join the dots and see what you get.


If someone used "maxi-irrelevant" near me, I would've identified him as a camp gay, too.


Honestly, what the prick did was unexcused (and his motives only make it worse), but if chair's friend had been more polite, the prick might've just chuckled some verbal insults instead of going immediately for the headbutt.


I know chair's friend was drunk, but random provocation is asking for a fight.

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There's blood all over my shoes and white jeans. FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT.


I said in another topic, "white trousers are just screaming disaster waiting to happen".


Jokes aside, I hope you're mate is alright. No one deserves to get beaten up like that, but I can't help but agree with people that a more polite response might have avoided trouble.

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Some chavs are nice.


This scumbag, though, should be locked up and the key thrown away. It doesn't matter what chairdriver's friend said, there is no justification for headbutting someone unless you genuinely need to defend yourself (which he didn't, obviously).


I know chairdriver's friend didn't say the most polite thing in the world, but you do not attack someone for saying something rude. Scumbags learn at school, through lack of discipline, that it's OK to attack people, and it's not. Ever. Lock him away.

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Some chavs are nice.


This scumbag, though, should be locked up and the key thrown away. It doesn't matter what chairdriver's friend said, there is no justification for headbutting someone unless you genuinely need to defend yourself (which he didn't, obviously).


I know chairdriver's friend didn't say the most polite thing in the world, but you do not attack someone for saying something rude. Scumbags learn at school, through lack of discipline, that it's OK to attack people, and it's not. Ever. Lock him away.


We're not saying it was ok for him to do that. We're saying that there are people out there. So if you going around saying things like that, expect to get your head kicked in.

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