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Bye. I'm going to Florida tomorrow. For those who are not aware I have a Daily (and award winning) video show, "ReZourceman Daily", now I'm not certain if there will be episodes, but there may be when I'm away;





So I've wanted to go to Florida desperately/properly for over a decade (as in, I am a huge thrill seeker and passionate about roller coasters, not just a passing interest) so I am shitting myself and cannot wait.


Will you miss me? :(


Bonus ;



Enjoy the veal mealdeal festeal and all that razmataz. Hope the rollercoasters match the ones in your fantasy wank-bank.


Avoid mozzies like the plague...


Uhm. Just, do shit and spend a lidl, live a lot. In all likelihood, the dollar will have deflated in value, allowing yourself to raise your minimum Drafts game by one squash doctor.


Still so jealous, I wanna go to all those crazy fun theme parks! I would even go with you if that meant I got to actually go to them. =P


Hope you have lots of fun there in the land of rollercoasters (or is it lollercoasters?)!



You make jokes?


My god they must be bad if ReZ's jokes over shadowed them..


Well they overshadow yours, that much is certain.

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