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Harry Potter and the N-E Thread


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I love that trailer and that poster is great! As a big fan of the books and the movies, I'm quite excited to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I and I can't wait to see it in 2D and 3D. I'm quite sad that it's all coming to an end though since I grew up with both the books and the movies so it's kind of like saying goodbye to part of my childhood in a way. Still, I'm very much looking forward to watching the movie.


What about you guys? Discuss anything Potter-related here.

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I've read all but the last book, only because i havn't got around to purchasing it yet. They are darn good books, having started to read them when i was 10. Think i saw the first movie in the cinema when i was around 11 or 12, can't really remember. All i know is that i havn't seen all the movies, only the first 2.

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I LOVE the Harry Potter books. They were a massive part of me growing up. Midnight launches and then spending the next day reading the book only stopping for bathroom breaks.


I actually just re-read The Deathly Hallows and I can definitely say it's one of my favourite books ever. That chapter, The Battle of Hogwarts, is just fantastic. I remember reading it for the first time and being mesmerised.


I do like to read them all again once a year or so but I don't read the first or second one any more as I feel like I'm just too old for it and they aren't really that good compared to the later ones.

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I LOVE the Harry Potter books. They were a massive part of me growing up. Midnight launches and then spending the next day reading the book only stopping for bathroom breaks.


I actually just re-read The Deathly Hallows and I can definitely say it's one of my favourite books ever. That chapter, The Battle of Hogwarts, is just fantastic. I remember reading it for the first time and being mesmerised.


I do like to read them all again once a year or so but I don't read the first or second one any more as I feel like I'm just too old for it and they aren't really that good compared to the later ones.


I read them all every year, it takes me like a month or so to read them all and I still find myself just as hooked as I was when I first read it. My favourite books are Order of the Phoenix and Deathly Hallows. I'm currently re-reading the series again and I'm one-third through Order of the Phoenix. I want to finish the series by the time Deathly Hallows: Part I is released.

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There was a foreign guy who came into the cinema over the summer and sort of pointed at the posters to express what film he wanted to see, he pointed at one which wasn't out yet.


and then he went what about the film? "It all ends here"


I was like...there isn't a film called it all ends here, I was massively confused, he took me over to the poster and it was Harry Potter the same as the one above. amused me.

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I think all this twilight bashing in the last few years has made everyone appreciate how awesome harry potter really was :D


Haha, I don't get why people compare the two though. They're both completely different although if I had to choose which series never to read again, I'd never read Twilight again because I never grew up with Twilight. Still, can anybody tell me why people compare them? Does anybody have a clue because the only thing I see in common is the massive fanbase they both have.

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I'm a huuuge Harry Potter fan, both of the books and the films! :D I am one of the few fans who seem to be able to actually enjoy the films for what they are instead of bashing the heck out of them. I, too, can relate to the sadness of the final films finally coming out, having also grown up with the Harry Potter universe.


Nice to see another massive fan here! :D


I'm the same as you. I enjoy the films for what they are and nothing more. Yeah sure they miss some information from the books and stuff but the movies were always great.

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Love the harry potter books but I'm always disappointed by the films. I understand they need to cut things down but they just don't seem to do it very well.


They change the plot here and there too and while they may not be significant changes I still wonder why they feel the need. The books have been massively successful so why feel the need to change things?


I still watch each film as they come out but for me they never live up to the books. I suppose that's the same for a lot of films based on books.

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Haha, I don't get why people compare the two though. They're both completely different although if I had to choose which series never to read again, I'd never read Twilight again because I never grew up with Twilight. Still, can anybody tell me why people compare them? Does anybody have a clue because the only thing I see in common is the massive fanbase they both have.

They get compared because they're both series of books aimed at young audiences with fantasy elements yet are set in the real world (magical realism, though this genre doesn't only apply to the real world) with everyman/woman protagonists, and both have become massively popular. The key differences being that Harry Potter is aimed at children of both genders, and has a wide range of appeal, whereas Twilight has a much more specific audience - young teenage girls, and doesn't appeal much outside of this. Plus Twilight ultimately puts out Christian (Mormon) morals, which are less popular than the more generic "trust in yourself and your friends" ideas that Harry Potter embodies. So for both these reasons, a lot more people hate Twilight. (Disclaimer: I've never actually read any Twilight books, so these judgements are based on what I've heard only)


As for the Harry Potter film, it'll probably be watchable, but it annoys me that they've spilt it in two, although it's an obvious way to make more money. Still, the last book was one of the weakest in the series, especially the first half, largely because it disposed of the Hogwarts backdrop that (for me at least) created a lot of the appeal of the series. I just hope the film won't consist of a lot of fields and not much else.


Also: Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood) is the cousin of my old housemate, and is exactly like her. It always makes me laugh seeing her in the films.

Edited by Supergrunch
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They get compared because they're both series of books aimed at young audiences with fantasy elements yet are set in the real world (magical realism, though this genre doesn't only apply to the real world) with everyman/woman protagonists, and both have become massively popular. The key differences being that Harry Potter is aimed at children of both genders, and has a wide range of appeal, whereas Twilight has a much more specific audience - young teenage girls, and doesn't appeal much outside of this. Plus Twilight ultimately puts out Christian (Mormon) morals, which are less popular than the more generic "trust in yourself and your friends" ideas that Harry Potter embodies. So for both these reasons, a lot more people hate Twilight. (Disclaimer: I've never actually read any Twilight books, so these judgements are based on what I've heard only)


As for the Harry Potter film, it'll probably be watchable, but it annoys me that they've spilt it in two, although it's an obvious way to make more money. Still, the last book was one of the weakest in the series, especially the first half, largely because it disposed of the Hogwarts backdrop that (for me at least) created a lot of the appeal of the series. I just hope the film won't consist of a lot of fields and not much else.


Also: Evanna Lynch (Luna Lovegood) is the cousin of my old housemate, and is exactly like her. It always makes me laugh seeing her in the films.


Yeah, Twilight is pretty much like that. I didn't think about it before until somebody pointed it out to me. I see what you mean now though and it's cleared things up a little, however I still think it's pretty pointless since one's about a vampire and human falling in love and the other is about a wizarding school and a dark lord wanting to be powerful. I just don't see how many people can compare the two stories.

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My favourite book and film (which I own on DVD) is the Prisoner of Askaban. :grin:


My mum bought me the book when it first came out and didn't like it I thought it was lame.


then on Holiday I gave it a read and it was much better. :D I've read/listened/watched Philophers Stone TOO MANY times.


The films are okay, I was let down by Goblet of fire and Half Blood Prince though.


I will watch them though because they are enjoyable enough.


I wouldn't say I'm a massive fan but they are/were a good read, especially having to read them quickly so you didn't get spoilered by all the school people.


Needs more Big Ron adventures though.


The ending to Harry Potter was disappointing for me, apart from Naked Dumbledore. (which I made up in my head :p)

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Looking forward to the films. I did love all of the books (except for Order of the Phoenix, for some reason). I did enjoy how the books realistically depict the point of view of a child/teenager growing up.

In the first book, the world sounds mysterious and awesome to Harry, but he eventually sees how screwed up it really is, as the series progresses.


As for the films...OotP is the only one I haven't seen (what is it with that one?), and I pretty enjoyed the other ones (except for Prisoner of Azkaban. Awesome book, but I watched the film with a bunch of friends/family that didn't understand some details that really should've been explained there)

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Haha, I don't get why people compare the two though. They're both completely different although if I had to choose which series never to read again, I'd never read Twilight again because I never grew up with Twilight. Still, can anybody tell me why people compare them? Does anybody have a clue because the only thing I see in common is the massive fanbase they both have.


Because they are both badly written, highly unoriginal fantasy books aimed at a very similar demographic (I can only guess that demographic is near illiterate, ADHD-ridden tweens).


I enjoyed Harry Potter. It's like the Smallville of literature.

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I enjoyed the first four books - it started to get a little dreary after than. Especially the first half of the last book.


That's my take on it too. It became too "epic" and the fun went out of it. Order of the Phoenix was incredibly dull and, if anything, Deathly Hallows was even worse.


However, I really, really loved the first four.

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