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Pff Phoebe is the only good thing in Friends :p


But the Frasier boxset is made of pure awesomeness.

Have you watched Friends beyond s6/7 :/ she seriously becomes the most annoying character by miles. She starts off like a really kooky hippy, and ends up a self-centred bitch.
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Have you watched Friends beyond s6/7 :/ she seriously becomes the most annoying character by miles. She starts off like a really kooky hippy, and ends up a self-centred bitch.


This is very true.


Ross becomes very whiny, as well. They all change, actually. Hmm.


It's still great. Not as great, but still.

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Friends went through the same thing as most other sitcoms, where the characters slowly become exaggerated versions of themselves as the writes forget that there used to be more to their characters than one or two quirks and they struggle to keep telling jokes after ten years.


Friends was never all that great to begin with, though. Comforting, maybe, in an "I know these characters and enjoy spending time with them" kind of way, but never particularly funny. :heh:

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Have you watched Friends beyond s6/7 :/ she seriously becomes the most annoying character by miles. She starts off like a really kooky hippy, and ends up a self-centred bitch.


As Magnus said they all become self-parodies. I just really dig Lisa Kudrow, I think she's awesome. And who can't love Phoebe in this:


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I bought that Friends box set last year, great price and it's about the most complete set you can get. Lasted many months of laughs, now moved on to Frasier :D


For 12, thank god! I think I'd get a bus pass if it was £115 for 6.


Mine is the same, thankfully! With £500 for insurance to boot, although that's quite good given it's my name, fully comp and 3 years no claims, whee.


Anyway went to trafford centre:


New hat!






Just so I have something to wear monday


and some new slippers from accessorize that were £20.

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£50 for the above, the seller wanted £60 with the games, but I'm not fussed about them, so offered £44 for the consoles and mentioned I don't want the games and he accepted, £6 postage...


so 2 smart GBA's for £50.





And I wonder why I'm always broke heh.

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Silly bugger, they go for way less than that! I'd have sold mine a while back, but the battery on the back keeps falling out etc.


I thought £25 per GBA was good considering it's the Zelda one and NES one's,


think the Zelda one's alone go for about £30+

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I have the black one... you racist buggers.


I had that one too but fancy the extra minute per episode.


I bought that Friends box set last year, great price and it's about the most complete set you can get. Lasted many months of laughs, now moved on to Frasier :D


Yeah, doesn't matter how many times I watch an episode, I still laugh at the same jokes.


Pff Phoebe is the only good thing in Friends :p


But the Frasier boxset is made of pure awesomeness.


Phoebe got very boring, her quirky nature was a breath of fresh air to begin with but when they started basing entire episodes around her craziness it got too much. I struggle to sit through one episode of Kelsey grammar without falling asleep.


Have you watched Friends beyond s6/7 :/ she seriously becomes the most annoying character by miles. She starts off like a really kooky hippy, and ends up a self-centred bitch.


That could be said for the show itself, the quality of the earlier seasons (up to 4) were never really bettered, although thankfully 10 was a great return to form.


Friends was/still is great. One of few shows I can simply watch again and again. So many classic episodes (mainly from the first few series). Even though the end you could tell it wasn't what it was I wouldn't say there was a bad episode.





Friends was never great...




I'll let this slide as you've suffered enough over the past few days :heh:


Oh but it was. It was hilarious. But like with so many popular things, it became a big trend among the cool kids to claim it sucked.


I think the fact it still stands up very well today is a testament to how good the show was. Nothing has come close to bettering it in it's format.

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