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That and a component cable, a triple phono coupler, a double phono coupler and a psthwiisixty component cable all of which I don't need because my graphics card can take HDCP like a real man.

Edited by Vokfets
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OHMYWORD i'm going to steal that kitten :3



what's its name??


Haha she's outrageously sweet. Did wee on my bed this morning though which was a shame.


Currently is unnamed, we're thinking maybe Inky / Inka / Ink. Or Miso, as in Miso soup. Or Scribble, as the pattern on her face looks drawn on. But yeah, suggestions welcome!



Bonus photo:



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aww i like miso :3 she's adorable.... makes me want another kitteh...


they grow up way too fast... mines not far off a year and he's huge, our big tiger :)


she looks like a lil zebra :)


Haha yeah :) We have a big old ginger one, must be about 17 now, it's incredible how huge he is in comparison to the kitten!!

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Choose Scribble, so cute.


Actually we got a kitten, wel not we, my GF's Daughter has claimed him/her (we're not sure yet) but we've been calling him..him, and His name is Slippers.


Anyway, I bought:




Was going to grab an Hori Fighting Stick, but Game didn't have any and it was cheap too, 38 Dollars, bah ;-; Going to try another one today hope that they have one.

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Currently is unnamed, we're thinking maybe Inky / Inka / Ink. Or Miso, as in Miso soup. Or Scribble, as the pattern on her face looks drawn on. But yeah, suggestions welcome!


Go for Scribble, don't go for Miso and seem like those people who use Oriental words for the sake of them being Japanese/Chinese/Whatever.

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Go for Scribble, don't go for Miso and seem like those people who use Oriental words for the sake of them being Japanese/Chinese/Whatever.


That's actually the thing putting me off going for Miso, as I totally agree, it's too obviously and arbitrarily Japanese. My dad suggested it, who has almost zero interest in oriental-ness / asian culture / whatever. I enjoy the prospect of naming it after a type of soup though, and it is a nice name..


Big love for having spotted the M haha, I had not noticed!

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The M is actually a really common thing in tabby cats heh. Most will have it (some more apparent than others obviously).


Cute cat by the way. Makes me want a kitten. =)

*her two cats probably feel jealous now heh*

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That's actually the thing putting me off going for Miso, as I totally agree, it's too obviously and arbitrarily Japanese.

Good judgement. Althought inspired by Goafer, Majin as a name. Although it doesn't sound "right". It's just that saying "I've got a kitten/cat called Majin" sounds weird.


Although if I ever get another cat it'll be called Sweetcorn based on a dream where I had a cat (called Sweetcorn) which was pure white with around 5-6 massive pieces of sweecorn growing out of it. Probably based on me calling my old cat Swee. Better than Majin.



Go with Scribble. Smash the system.

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