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I was tempted by the NES controller ones, but then I saw the bill was already £100 which is ridiculous enough as is.


This was exactly my thought when I was thinking about picking up the Duck Hunt and Donkey Kong ones... that would've been overkill.


Maybe on payday though (mid-month for me)...

Edited by Kav
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Holiday shopping!






It's a shame about the logo in the last one, it throws it off balance. Wish the design wrapped around (just plain blue on the back) but meh it was cheap.


Also Euros. Many Euros. Fuck Boris though, making it more expensive.

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I bought myself a Kindle Paperwhite as a treat for my birthday and because I've come so far in my weight loss.


I love my books but they take up a lot of room in my bedroom so I'm only going to keep series and ditch the rest (or try to).

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I quite like the look of ROM (based purely on the box art to be honest) and I went to a talk where the writer from 80 Days was there recently so looking forward to checking that out as well.


When I get round to it...I'm terrible lately.

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For some reason I thought you had a PS4 already and assumed you just never played it!


Get Bloodborne and Resogun :D


I think I have Resogun on PS+ if I renew it.


I'll consider Bloodborne. I probably need to give their games another chance (I wasn't keen on Demon's Souls).

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