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What Have You Bought?


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Couldn't you make that yourself really, really easily?


True enough, apart from the emblem on the jacket (I suck at sewing) if I took the time and effort to search I could find the components quite cheaply. I should probably be less frivolous with my money, revenue and customs must always look forward to receiving parcels addressed to me.

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North high uniform for MCM Comic con next month. Gonna cost me a pretty penny when you include shipping and customs charges.

What anime is that fancy dress from?

My thoughts exactly.






Fuck it, if it isn't Dorito's it's going to make one awesome costume.

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True enough, apart from the emblem on the jacket (I suck at sewing) if I took the time and effort to search I could find the components quite cheaply. I should probably be less frivolous with my money, revenue and customs must always look forward to receiving parcels addressed to me.


You could just buy some red felt and stick the emblem on with glue!


What I bought in town yesterday:


From River Island, I call it my holiday skirt :love:.




Aso, Dan and I bought these from John Lewis. They're ridiculously cutesy and spew worthy:


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One of these plastic folding boards to fold shirts easily! Since I'm not good at folding mine nicely. Only €4, so thought, why not! =P




Custom fitted arch supports since I apparently walk funny/have one leg that is shorter etc. Was something like €98, of which only about half gets paid back by health insurance, ouch. =(

Edited by Eenuh
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It's super easy to use, you just flip the sides a few times and you have a perfectly folded shirt/t-shirt/trousers, whoo. Good if you don't have much space. I can't put all my clothes on clothes hangers for example heh.


I'm just hoping the thing won't break soon since it's such a cheap plastic thing. =P

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I prefer the cupcake thing.

I painted it back in sixth form. It's to help 'feminise' all of Dan's black electrical gadgets.


Talking about the tv yeah?


Lol :heh:

I was waiting for that.


Okay, but what's that horrible, unwashed hobo doing in your... oh.

He's certainly turned the bedroom into a slum :rolleyes: .

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