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N-europe's Got Talent!

mcj metroid

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awesome Danny! Some great playing there!


edit: Front page is on in user alphabetical order

also I've decided to add a short description below the piece. It be great if you could give a short description of your piece when you're posting or if you want me to edit what I have there already..


I WOULD put the first post into spoiler boxes but it would be like hiding a painting behind a curtain:D besides Nobody clicks on those damn things.

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That was beautiful Dannyboy! Would love to hear some of the other songs from Amélie (love the film and the soundtrack). =)



Most people here will know that I draw I think (latest example is in the general gallery). But I've recently started making earrings too. I'm still very much a n00b at making any, but there's quite a few I like already. This is one of them. =)



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So here it is, me playing Comptine d'un autre été: l'après-midi from Amélie. No, it's not my best playthrough, yes, the audiovisual quality is subpar, and yes, my posture is terrible. But here it is.


That's awesome Dannyboy!


As for my entry? How about the banner right at the top of the page...

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Good job there Danny.




You mean you don't really even play the piano? I mean I did notice some stiffness in your fingers, but you still got through the piece quite well...

Well, I've had lessons once, but that was many years ago, and frankly, I only remember one piece of advice I got from them, one which is basic knowledge, anyway. This piece I learned purely from studying a tutorial on YouTube and then just practicing daily for two weeks while I was working on a large assignment for school. I've just always been pretty musical, I guess.

Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
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This isn't Talent per se. Talent is only achieved through hours and hours and hours of practice. No one is "born" with a talent.

With that out of the way I might as well post random shit from my site.






All of this stuff can be improved in hundreds of ways, but this is simply what I am currently "best" at doing.

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I draw a terrible blog comic about my life on my very own terrible website.


It is terrible in every conceivable way.


I like to call it a webshite.


Because it is literally like I have taken a crap onto a clean white page of the Internet.


This is the fifth line of this post.

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Stop talking shit about shit that's not shit, Scoop. Your webcomic's pretty funny. :D


It's in-keeping with the theme of the site, to be awful and terrible. I am actually quite proud of some of the strips on there, though, considering they consume very little time and effort. But really, thanks, that's very cool of you to say.

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