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And he's been thanked three times so far, he must be correct ;)


I remember standing outside your house in the cold and rain discussing whatever shit we were discussing at some stupid time in the morning while you were smoking. Strangely it is one of the most vivid memories of my visit to your house.

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*skips to the end of the thread*


Fuck you, non-smokers.


"oh but it smells so bad!" - So does your fart. Stop farting. Go to the farting area and fart. And cars. Cars! Cars are smelly. Stop them. And I don't like olives. Eat your olves over there! Did you ask me if it was ok to eat olives near me?!


Seriously; I'm one of the conscientous smokers, so I feel bad if I smoke near anyone ever. But FUCK YOU. I'm OUTSIDE. You will not get CANCER. I WAS HERE FIRST. Go stand over there. Don't stand next to me then complain.


If you ban smoking because it smells bad then you need to ban certain people because they're idiots and they're taking up my aural space with their stupid talks about big brother and football.


Just fuck off and be open minded. You're a tool if you are offended. OFFENDED! I didn't actually rape your wife, I just said the words. That offends you but doesn't actually cause your wife any vaginal bleeding. Get some perspective.




Just fuck off. There's far worse to complain about. Fuck off. I'm having a cigarette and it's outdoors and if it gets in your face then fuck off.


Again, even though the smell plays a small part, it's mostly the choking on the smoke. What about the asthma sufferers such as myself who have to walk through the shit to get inside places? I don't mind smokers but I find it so damn ignorant and plain rude when they stand outside the door (even though they have all the space in the world to stand anywhere else and they have a smoker's area in the garden). Also, eating olives and having smoke down your throat is totally different. For one, olives don't make other people choke...


Also, I'd ban smoking because of people who choke on the smoke all of the time and are fed up of doing it such as myself. I would say fair enough and leave it be if they went in their own area like a smoker's bench outside or something but doing it right in front of the door where people have to walk in and out of, to those selfish people, I would say piss off.


Actually, this raises another question, what is wrong with the smoking shelters provided if there were any? I've been to pubs and they have a smoking shelter in the back but do they use them? No, they use the entrance. What's with that? What's wrong with the shelter?


Reading back, I must calm down, lmao. But it does annoy me when I'm constantly avoiding places so I don't have to cough all of the time.

Edited by Animal
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*skips to the end of the thread*


Fuck you, non-smokers.


"oh but it smells so bad!" - So does your fart. Stop farting. Go to the farting area and fart. And cars. Cars! Cars are smelly. Stop them. And I don't like olives. Eat your olves over there! Did you ask me if it was ok to eat olives near me?!


Seriously; I'm one of the conscientous smokers, so I feel bad if I smoke near anyone ever. But FUCK YOU. I'm OUTSIDE. You will not get CANCER. I WAS HERE FIRST. Go stand over there. Don't stand next to me then complain.


If you ban smoking because it smells bad then you need to ban certain people because they're idiots and they're taking up my aural space with their stupid talks about big brother and football.


Just fuck off and be open minded. You're a tool if you are offended. OFFENDED! I didn't actually rape your wife, I just said the words. That offends you but doesn't actually cause your wife any vaginal bleeding. Get some perspective.




Just fuck off. There's far worse to complain about. Fuck off. I'm having a cigarette and it's outdoors and if it gets in your face then fuck off.


Haha ^


To be fair, you are one of the most polite smokers I know, so agreed, possibly not as aggressive but agreed. :p

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The world would be a nicer place if we never came across anything that could harm us but would you get annoyed at people walking their dogs near you if you had a dog allergy? Or if people didn't cut their grass enough causing a high pollen count and you suffered from hayfever? Why is it smokers are seen as self-centered for engaging in something they enjoy within their legal rights?


For instance when I was at college a lot of people used to smoke on the bus because the driver wanted to smoke too. I complained to the bus company as that was illegal anyway and the windows were normally closed anyway due to the British climate. However, as annoying as it is that people hover outside doors with fags I know they have the right too.


And...can you not hold your breath as you leave the establishment? "OH BUT I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO!!" yes well, they also shouldn't have to move because you don't like it.

Edited by Ashley
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Like I mentioned to Raining on MSN: Smoker friends are generally fine. I don't think I've ever had a problem with my friends smoking (apart from that time with the one who cried about the ban).


Smoker randomers are a bit different. Most are fine. Only a few are problematic. Like the type that Sheikah pointed out earlier, or the doorway people.

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The world would be a nicer place if we never came across anything that could harm us but would you get annoyed at people walking their dogs near you if you had a dog allergy? Or if people didn't cut their grass enough causing a high pollen count and you suffered from hayfever? Why is it smokers are seen as self-centered for engaging in something they enjoy within their legal rights?


No but the chances of coming across a smoker is more likely and I suffer from hayfever. With walking dogs, you're passing them for a split second. With smoke, once you inhale a little, you start to choke a lot. As I have said before, if they were in a shelter, I wouldn't mind it but why do they have to be right at the entrance to a building when they have a shelter especially built for their smoking needs? And if they don't have a shelter, then why can't they walk a little bit away from the entrance so people can pass?

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"oh but it smells so bad!" - So does your fart. Stop farting. Go to the farting area and fart.


I don't fart round other people. It's something called common decency. Something I'd expect smokers to consider too (and many do I imagine).




I remember being at a club one night and venturing outside for some fresh air. Seeing all the smokers huddled under a large umbrella in the rain was possibly one of the most pathetic things I've seen for a long time.


Smokers, meh. I only care when I'm working my arse off and they're outside smoking. The ones at work have been told time and time again that they can't have cigarette breaks anymore because it's not fair on everyone else. Yet they still do it. I'll refrain from dropping the C bomb, but that's basically what they are.

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No but the chances of coming across a smoker is more likely and I suffer from hayfever. With walking dogs, you're passing them for a split second. With smoke, once you inhale a little, you start to choke a lot. As I have said before, if they were in a shelter, I wouldn't mind it but why do they have to be right at the entrance to a building when they have a shelter especially built for their smoking needs?


See my edit/as I said before they are within their legal right to do that. Until new legislation comes in telling them they must be X feet away from a doorway they will continue to do so.

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And...can you not hold your breath as you leave the establishment? "OH BUT I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO!!" yes well, they also shouldn't have to move because you don't like it.


Why not? Why can't they go into the shelter? Why can't they move a few inches to the left or right away from the door? It's just completely selfish to people who have to breathe in that shit and choke on it. To the smokers who smoke in doorways, think of others and be considerate by moving a little to the left or right or smoke in the shelters built especially for you!

Edited by Animal
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Uhhh...nobody should be standing in doorways. Smokers or not. You're meant to get into and out of the building easily and freely.


It's not a case of going around people. If you need to go around somebody to get into a building, then THEY are in the wrong. Whatever they're doing. They can be shagging the doorframe for all I care. They're wrong.

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Uhhh...nobody should be standing in doorways. Smokers or not. You're meant to get into and out of the building easily and freely.


It's not a case of going around people. If you need to go around somebody to get into a building, then THEY are in the wrong. Whatever they're doing. They can be shagging the doorframe for all I care. They're wrong.


I don't like them either but at least I don't choke because they're there. It's pretty annoying though...:p

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I don't like them either but at least I don't choke because they're there. It's pretty annoying though...:p


What I'm saying is that it's annoying when anybody does it.


For example, you're approaching a pub and you need to go through a mosh-pit full of people before you can even get through the door. The whole "excuse me...sorry...sorry...excuse me...cheers, mate" stuff.


Get out of the waaaay.


Whether they're smoking or not, they shouldn't be standing there.

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What I'm saying is that it's annoying when anybody does it.


For example, you're approaching a pub and you need to go through a mosh-pit full of people before you can even get through the door. The whole "excuse me...sorry...sorry...excuse me...cheers, mate" stuff.


Get out of the waaaay.


Whether they're smoking or not, they shouldn't be standing there.


Yeah true. But if I had to choose either to go through that or choke and have a sore throat for the next half an hour, I'd choose the first any day of the week.

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What I'm saying is that it's annoying when anybody does it.


For example, you're approaching a pub and you need to go through a mosh-pit full of people before you can even get through the door. The whole "excuse me...sorry...sorry...excuse me...cheers, mate" stuff.


Get out of the waaaay.


Whether they're smoking or not, they shouldn't be standing there.


its a fire hazard apart from anything... (lol)


Yeah I used to work in the NHS on a hospital site... we had to stay away from building, 2m away from any door (even emergency exits which were closed) stay away from the public view (easy enough to do where I was) and be mindful of open windows etc. No smoke breaks in the NHS, all had to be under the normal breaks which everyone gets.


I think the entrance thing was more of a h&s fire hazard more than anything. Stand behind a fire door....well i'm sure you can guess what would happen.


I don't think there's any law to say you can't stand at a door smoking, as long as you aren't physically in the building.... not to say I agree with it, thats just what the law is.

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I don't think there's any law to say you can't stand at a door smoking, as long as you aren't physically in the building.... not to say I agree with it, thats just what the law is.


It depends where you live. Some cities have bylaws against it.


Ok, the term you guys are looking for isn't 'smoker', it's 'asshole'.


Even if there wasn't such a thing as smoking they'd still be assholes. Get over yourselves.


The smoke doesn't exactly help things though.

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I tried smoking when I was 15 or so. Didn't like it. Tried it a couple of times in my early 20's when drunk and still didn't like it. I have a few friends and quite a few family members who smoke and it doesn't ever bother me.


The smoking ban is a good thing in my opinion and generally anywhere I go there are outside smoking areas that are not by the main front door. Can't say I've really ever experience people blowing smoke in my face as I walk into an establishment. I agree that's not nice.


A good thing I have noticed since the ban is that my clothes no longer stink of smoke when coming out of pubs/clubs which is nice :)

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The only thing that annoys me about smokers - I don't care about standing in doorways etc etc.


But walking along a busy road holding a cigarette.


The amount of fucking times some idiotic bimbo has nearly burnt me because they don't pay attention, it's like walking down a street holding a match at child level and going wooooo burn everyone.


Idiot. If you're going to smoke, hold the bloody thing away from everyone else, why should I have to move away from it because you have a habit that can burn everyone?



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I've got a burn from someone doing that whilst at Reading Festival. Was going in closer to the front for NIN and as I walked past a smoker moved his hand low enough to burn my arm. I felt something tingling then realised what happened.


Whole way through watching NIN as awesome as they were, the tingling/prickly sensation of my burning skin was really distracting :(



But yeah, smokers in doorways? I blame the design of the place then or the management who haven't moved the smoker's area far enough away. The smokers are already having to go outside and into a certain area.


I'm 100% for the law to keep them away from indoors, but they are doing something they want to do and its not illlegal O.o

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