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Mafia General Discussion Thread


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Aw man, and I wanted to start sign-ups in a week or so. I forgot I had moved a few spots down.


Well, if necessary, I'll wait.


Mine's on hold for now. I probably won't start it until I've finished sorting out moving in and everything.

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We need a new general rule. Stop using your real life problems as an ekscuse. If it got in the way, write a line about it, not a Phd. I'm not just talking about danny, Nintendohnut just did it in the medieval mafia, and no one ever used his inactivity as a reason why he is suspicious, yet he writes an essay that would fit two dozen word pages about it. He was barely mentioned at all.


It's not fair for the rest of us that we have to tip toe around inactive people that just go back to make sure we don't get them pissed. If you pull an ekscuse like that when there are no grounds for it(i.e. people are suspecting them because of other reasons than inactivity) they should be punished in one way or another.

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Real life is a perfectly good justification for not posting as much as one could. Condemning it is silly, even more so if enforced by the rules.


That said, I do think that we shouldn't withhold lynches just because we are waiting for someone to come online to defend themselves. But that's more related to the general reluctance to lynch anybody.

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We need a new general rule. Stop using your real life problems as an ekscuse. If it got in the way, write a line about it, not a Phd. I'm not just talking about danny, Nintendohnut just did it in the medieval mafia, and no one ever used his inactivity as a reason why he is suspicious, yet he writes an essay that would fit two dozen word pages about it. He was barely mentioned at all.


It's not fair for the rest of us that we have to tip toe around inactive people that just go back to make sure we don't get them pissed. If you pull an ekscuse like that when there are no grounds for it(i.e. people are suspecting them because of other reasons than inactivity) they should be punished in one way or another.

I agree with you there Tales. Just ignore their emotional tantrums and concentrate on the game. That's what I do.


By I agree, I mean that they do it. Not that they should be banned or whatever.

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I think it's a legitimate defence if people are attacking you solely for being inactive... but if there's some evidence or whatever on that person as well and they don't respond, I think people should be ready to lynch that person. They'll know full well it's a risk and tbh have no right to be overly frustrated if they are.


Personally I get more suspicious of someone if they respond to legitimate accusations by bringing up their personal life and how busy they are without saying anything to alleviate any suspicions that aren't based on inactivity.


As Diageo says, just ignore any sentiment if you don't want to read it and take the facts alone. The person is busy and therefore inactive. If they say nothing else or ignore other questions then just lynch them and be done with it :p they had their chance to defend themselves.


Most of the time, people explain (probably in too many words) that they've been busy but ALSO respond to questions put to them. So I don't see a problem with it.


TL;DR - If they don't respond to accusations with any reasons other than "I've been too busy" then lynch them, guilt free. If they say they're busy AND respond to accusations, then I see no problem.

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Real life is fine but it really undermines it if you use it as justification for an excuse. For example "I was busy in real life so my targets were random." That isn't just real life, it is using real life as an excuse. The targets were not random because of real life. I'm not sure if Danny saw it that way, so I think he over-reacted when Tales said he wasn't accepting him using real life as his excuse.


Not trying to get on anyone's back but I definitely see where Tales is coming from, and think he was definitely right here. It's very frustrating when you are one of the only ones who is active and you have evidence you have mentioned many times, but no one is willing to get to the bottom of it because it has been turned into a personal thing to mention the inactivity.


Essentially the interaction went thus: Tales says Danny's targets are suspicious. Danny said they were random because of real life. Tales said not to use real life as an excuse and to take responsibility for his targets. Danny got really offended for some reason and turned it personal. At which point Tales is the bad guy for bringing it up repeatedly and may as well go home.


Saying you are busy is fine but you should be allowed to say you believe it is an excuse.


I like Tales btw, I see his posts as to the point. I like Danny too. I like everyone :p

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What a load of bollocks. When i'm down the last thing i think about is a forum game on the internet. People can't see into the future, so nobody can guarantee that they will give the game their full attention.


^Perfectly acceptable.


However I don't think it's right to use it as an excuse and jump down people's throats when you ARE in a game and they want to lynch you.


Fair enough people have lives and I'm definitely not saying don't play, I just think people need to be prepared for the chance of being lynched if they're not giving the game their full attention. They've no right to get indignant and make others feel bad especially when they turn out to be mafia all along. It really cheapens it.


I appreciate people still taking the time to play games when they're busy as even the little activity they offer allows these games to continue. Just please don't use your real life as the sole excuse for everything you do in the game and definitely don't make others feel bad because they bring up a fact of inactivity :)


(not directed at anyone when I say 'you', just a general you/we/us kind of thing :p)

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One could argue it's a perfectly valid game technique that can be utilised for distraction, subversion or camouflage. It's a naturally evolved thing, and of course its use can be legit or illicit, welcome or not.


There are many things in the game which grates my focus, but ultimately I have to live with them because that's simply what you get when you have all the ingredients in teh cauldron. Personally I'm, oddly, not a fan of any lengthy post during a game -- but I realise that this is due to my adhd attention span with TEH INTERNET at large.


Yet somehow I'm a great fan of rambling onandonandon at any given opportunity :P


tldr: Can be a mafia tactic, can be a heartfelt explanation. If people were writing such posts in this thread to explain their activity in-game then I'd genuinely be annoyed because of the way such talking-about-the-game-even-meta-whilst-playing stuff just generally annoys me.

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real life > mafia


I think it's pretty ridiculous to get in a fight over the happenings of a mafia game, even if the way other people play makes things difficult for you. I think Tales is overreacting and making quite immature posts that are only going to upset people and cause division.


friends > mafia


I think maddog's game was cool, and it's none of my business why there were breaks in play (though he did let us know what was going on which was good of him). And if someone posts that they're having a shitty time and will be gone, or inexplicably disappear for a couple of days, that should be ok too.


That said, since it is in my view a legitimate tactic they shouldn't be upset that they get voted out. Just as long as people aren't fighting!


I miss posting in rhyme...all of the time

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I believe my overreaction clouded what is was I actually objected to, and I hadn't considered that before reading this discussion about it, which obviousy couldn't have taken place during the game.


I wouldn't have minded at all if I'd been lynched because of my explanation. In your shoes I would've called bullshit on it myself, especially the random targets thing. In fact I fully expected to be lynched at the end of the day - I'm still surprised I survived.


Now, what I thought Tales was saying was that my real-life busyness couldn't be used as an excuse for not concentrating on and participating in the game. That I objected to, because it honestly was busyness that resulted in me not engaging much in the game, and you can't blame anyone for prioritisng real life over a simple internet game.


I want to clarify that I would never, ever object to people lynching others because of inactivity or for using it as their explanation, true or not. (Whether lynching inactives is a smart tactic for the town is a different discussion for another time.) In fact I secretly hoped I'd be lynched so I wouldn't have to think about the game anymore, but I felt I owed it to my teammates to at least try to stay alive. The reason I overreacted was that I felt I was being personally attacked for it, that it had gone beyond the game. Tales has explained that that wasn't the intention, and I have apologised for overreacting, and I still hope we'll be able to put this misunderstanding behind us eventually.


Not trying to get on anyone's back but I definitely see where Tales is coming from, and think he was definitely right here. It's very frustrating when you are one of the only ones who is active and you have evidence you have mentioned many times, but no one is willing to get to the bottom of it because it has been turned into a personal thing to mention the inactivity.


Essentially the interaction went thus: Tales says Danny's targets are suspicious. Danny said they were random because of real life. Tales said not to use real life as an excuse and to take responsibility for his targets. Danny got really offended for some reason and turned it personal. At which point Tales is the bad guy for bringing it up repeatedly and may as well go home.


Saying you are busy is fine but you should be allowed to say you believe it is an excuse.


I like Tales btw, I see his posts as to the point. I like Danny too. I like everyone :p


I was perfectly fine with people suspecting me because of inactivity, bringing it up, disbelieving my explanation or even lynching me for it.


I wasn't fine with what I felt was a personal attack on my choice, and I wasn't fine with the idea that real-life can't be a legitimate explanation (not excuse - explanation) for inactivity or lack of concentration on targets and the game as a whole.


Obviously I misunderstood Tales's point, and it seems my points were misunderstood as well, possibly due to my original bluntness. Basically I think we've all misunderstood each other in some way.


PS: I like you all as well. :)

Edited by Dannyboy-the-Dane
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