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Drunken thread ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Does Lucky Voice charge? We usually go to a Vietnamese place on Clerkenwell road because the food is decent and the karaoke is free.


Yeah it does charge unfortunately, but they do lots of special offers, like free karaoke if you're an Arsenal member. It's private booths with touch screens to select your songs and queue them up. And drinks quite cheap. Haven't been to the one you're talking about but went to one on Clerkenwell before called Murphys, which was alright but a bit crap really. Will have to try that one out.


We went in at 1am for an hour and paid £20 for the booth (didn't care about how much it cost, we just wanted to sing!!)

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Yeah it does charge unfortunately, but they do lots of special offers, like free karaoke if you're an Arsenal member. It's private booths with touch screens to select your songs and queue them up. And drinks quite cheap. Haven't been to the one you're talking about but went to one on Clerkenwell before called Murphys, which was alright but a bit crap really. Will have to try that one out.


We went in at 1am for an hour and paid £20 for the booth (didn't care about how much it cost, we just wanted to sing!!)




Well the place is Cafe VN. Nice food but the drinks are kind of on the pricey side (eg £4 for a Koppa). Tend to buy one/two and pop to Sainsburys/offy and sneak more in. They love us so its fine :heh:

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Tell me you at least said "want to see my banana?"


Went out in Shoreditch, walked a friend to Old Street and as I was walking back to mine I was stopped by two Indian girls asking me where Cafe 1001 was. I directed them and the one suddenly said "don't get me wrong. I like white people, they're lovely and you're great" and kissed my hand in that very medieval way.


It was weird.


Plus as I had just directed them to practically my house (live close by) I had to walk a different route to avoid them/awkwardness.


Pahaha no, if only I did. Though surely "want to see my Chunky Kong" would have been more suitable for such a Nintendo situation.


And I plan to cosplay as this next time:



I love the casual racism by those Indian ladies too :p It's almost as bad as people who are like "I'm not racist, I have a black friend, BUT..."


And @Magnus - That really isn't a great idea :P I have the physique of a 13 year old

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Well the place is Cafe VN. Nice food but the drinks are kind of on the pricey side (eg £4 for a Koppa). Tend to buy one/two and pop to Sainsburys/offy and sneak more in. They love us so its fine :heh:


£4 for Koppaberg is pretty standard unless you go to Spoons (or sneak them in like you said!)

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I love the casual racism by those Indian ladies too :p It's almost as bad as people who are like "I'm not racist, I have a black friend, BUT..."


I said ladies. Just because you have desert fever...


£4 for Koppaberg is pretty standard unless you go to Spoons (or sneak them in like you said!)


But, but...doesn't feel like you should pay that much in a Viet food place.

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  • 3 weeks later...



And whiskyer4 sours are yum.


Or just whisky shots.

Kinda sad this thread gets no love. But in alll honesty....even I haven't been getting drunk a super lot so who am I to judge.

?Found a girl and I'm happyu even, drinking even tless.

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I just had vodka, cider and then wine, but I appear sane enough to write. I don't seem to be able to get drunk enough to slurr my words, and my writing, without ridiculous amounds of alcohol now. I can still get drunk enough to feel tupsy and fun and excited and such without the aul' too man y beers but with it as it is now, I can't get ridiculously drunk whithout effort, And I'm prettu sure I would maek the same mistakes if I couldnt backdspace sober.

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Did you need a poo flamey?


No I have no fucking idea what I was trying to write! I did however need a poo for most of the day and couldn't go until much later the next day before I was up north in a cottage with a shitty septic toilet that couldn't handle poops. Ended up having to drive for miles to go to a Casino just to take a shit.

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hey guysds i jiurtst went out with rab mingis and he sjust kempt buying me whiskies so i'm completely ooff mne face rifght now and listening to alien ant farm they're so awersome ow my got i'm all about the enxcinema i'm so fucking awsome¬¬¬!!!!! get ma drink on and ma smoke on andf go ghome wifth somthing to poke onm!! snokw wewee d wcvwery day!!!

Edited by martinist
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On Saturday I went out to the same club I visited about a month ago and who do I see?


The same 'fit asian guys' as last time. We spent another happy half an hour dancing together before we got outside and I realised... they speak no English at all. The one tried to find me on facebook but we couldn't find english symbols on his phone :p

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haha, I'm watching Avengers on pirate DVD and fuck you it's good! Who needs all tose stupid issues and sit IT'S JUST GOOD FUCKING FUN DAMMIT!


If you want to watch a stupid movie where peoe gett all broody and shit aout bollocks then watch a fucking arty movie set n some dipshit Paris suburb featuring some pipe-smoking frog piece of crap actor wo does it al for the "craft" but secretly ponies around like a cocky little semen-stain in designer suits and tells everyboday ow great he is.


FUCK YOU it's a good movie and if you don't like it, consider this an open invitation to suck my cock every Sunday for the rest of eternity.

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