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Drunken thread ftw!!!!!!!!!!!!


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So revelatory a night. Yes.


K llove . !!!! *i love


** I love,


****I lv


******I love.


Yes discussing our circumsicion/lack of opely. I love discussig hte faxct soe of us can't/coldm't pull our foreskin back, and some of us could. something i'd never considered. I',m sporry, even though my friend is like "OH I feel so much better post-circumsicison" I'm like.....PLEAE no some of us have normal (not thar there's anyhing 4things wrong with abnormal foreskin) FORESKIN..bitch. Oh shit. Some of us can pull bck nd love the feeling,


I love,


But yeah other imprtant fuck fuck fuck fuck yes. yes its done, deal with it.


FIGHT LIKE APES[/ chorus is for gays]

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it has a name


like faora [/that's a superman villain but same idea] -

/ guy is dutch so he might'vr been giving me the dutch na,e.


He was all promoting it, but then...i hate the idea so late in life. Like he had a readon, fair enough. I don't. He said it was likelu to contract aids then i left the cinvo metaphorically


UGh i im scared ill be sick. keep cosing my eyes and chedking , then going the the toilet and NOT being sick, wish i were good. [/alanis]

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It's called phimosis, and it's not a big problem as long as it's not painful during sex and you can still retract your foreskin when your penis is flaccid to keep things clean down there.


Though I've heard from several people who've had circumcisions due to phimosis that sex was a lot more pleasurable afterward. Make of that what you will. :blank:

Edited by Magnus
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Though I've heard from several people who've had circumcisions due to phimosis that sex was a lot more pleasurable afterward. Make of that what you will. :blank:


Well they had a foreskin covering their cock constantly, so obviously it was more pleasurable when they didn't have it.

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Yeah Phimosisi! I knew it was phi/fi- something.


Yeah I said that to my friend, after he was promoting it. Like...how..how would they know if they found it more pleasurable than guys who can pull back their foreskin? Lies. / Untruths.

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To be fair, I've heard from a circumcised friend that the supposed reason sex is better when circumcised is because the glans becomes less sensitive and thus enables the guy to last longer.
Depends how much longer.


My friend has a circumcised boyfriend and she says it took like 40 minutes to get him to finish and she was extremely tired and annoyed at it. Granted, this wasn't full sex but I think it still stands.


If you want less sensitivity, just wear a condom anyway. :p

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I dunno, maybe she's just shit. He says he takes a long time by himself anyway.


Maybe less sensitive can be better for the girl but I'm a selfish cunt and I prefer it to be better for me. AND I imagine it's hard to wank without some sort of lube.

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Hey ya, brohemes, first time I've been drunk in about a month. Yah rememeber the days when I'd be in the meaningless post thread posting incomprehensible babble after having my motor functions impaired by a lil booze. Anyway, what do you have to do to show a girl that you really like her? I just don't remember, although its not like I ever knew in the first place, being that I've always been too much of a pussy to ever ask anyone out.


Edit; not that I really care about any given girl, just bored being single.


In conclusion;

Edited by The Bard
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Why am I up at this ungodly hour? Actually, more like why am I still up at this ungodly hour. Perhaps it has something to do with the slight buzz I'm carrying from last night.


Lots and lots of Jagerbombs were had (first time I'd had them). Lost count of how many I knocked back but it was around the 15 mark, probably more I just can't remember. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :bouncy: Too bad I dipped into my overdraft for the first time though :laughing:

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Was out tonight fort the finalk time with my comp science teamamte s. A riot was had because of how awesome I am. I am aslo a competent typer without bacsopace as people will see shortly, The guy who was gaay was very weird. He might have been gay I thought he was. He was holding nother guy andthrusting very hard at him it was amazing because he held him off the ground for ages. Eddie was there she will tell you how it was fun, tell them yo mofo. It was amazig to habe people talk about not computer sciecne cfo. 30 of us go itn for free because we just did because the baldy guy backed down. Teh gut in the jax kept selling me lollipops for a euro each but im sure no aida was in them. seemed likea nice guy,. friend had a borttle of drink and i was told to slap the top of it with a cglasss amd i did and the thing fizzed up like mad! I never knew that haopwnned. all inalll n y reviw is that i was happy to be there and the time i sent trying to teahd oeople to moonwalk was well spent because ifdindnt nokwn how to moon walkd because i suck at dancing but i almost got someone to neafrly moonwalk. missojn accompleished.

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Was out tonight fort the finalk time with my comp science teamamte s. A riot was had because of how awesome I am. I am aslo a competent typer without bacsopace as people will see shortly, The guy who was gaay was very weird. He might have been gay I thought he was. He was holding nother guy andthrusting very hard at him it was amazing because he held him off the ground for ages. Eddie was there she will tell you how it was fun, tell them yo mofo. It was amazig to habe people talk about not computer sciecne cfo. 30 of us go itn for free because we just did because the baldy guy backed down. Teh gut in the jax kept selling me lollipops for a euro each but im sure no aida was in them. seemed likea nice guy,. friend had a borttle of drink and i was told to slap the top of it with a cglasss amd i did and the thing fizzed up like mad! I never knew that haopwnned. all inalll n y reviw is that i was happy to be there and the time i sent trying to teahd oeople to moonwalk was well spent because ifdindnt nokwn how to moon walkd because i suck at dancing but i almost got someone to neafrly moonwalk. missojn accompleished.


You forgot to mention the part where you moonwalked with a chair down a room, and fell over at the end :D


Ah bless. It's like an excited child telling a story about his day.


He's so cute when he's drunk :p

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You forgot to mention the part where you moonwalked with a chair down a room, and fell over at the end :D




He's so cute when he's drunk :p


yes but you fgoget to mention that is only becaudse iam a deidcated mj. some peopel would stoiop near the tiem they would hit the carpet with the chair bu i didnt even take it i nto a count.

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Het you honkey aSS fagotts, tyou faggot ass sosns of bitches. I would rape yous all up the ass, ecspecually the womens...I would do them in the vajginas...because i love you all equally, i'm not a faggot bty the way so yuou know....no homo, n ohomo ai say!!!


Edited by martinist
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Het you honkey aSS fagotts, tyou faggot ass sosns of bitches. I would rape yous all up the ass, ecspecually the womens...I would do them in the vajginas...because i love you all equally, i'm not a faggot bty the way so yuou know....no homo, n ohomo ai say!!!


Oh dear...

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