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The Amazing Spider-Man


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I liked MJ in the first movie but she just seemed to get progressively worse throughout the other two. I think they just seemed to mix MJ and Gwen together in the Raimi trilogy so we never really got the actual characters. MJ was a model and an actress but was never feisty or a party girl, just a bit dull like Gwen and when we finally got Gwen she ended up being a model anyway.


I do think its a shame about Gwen in the Raimi trilogy though because I thought Bryce Dallas Howard did a good job making the character likable despite the short time she was in it and I would have liked to have seen more from her.

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Really? strange artificially created suit using peters dna, vs alien symbiote its always been the alien for me,


but in Rami's spider-man 3? they'd never even mentioned parkers parents in that trilogy, bringing in a suit his father and brock's created to cure cancer would have been a film on its own, can you imagine how crammed full the film would have been going down that route?


Not exactly as it is in the Ultimate one with all the backstory, just that the suit would have been much more easily added to the film through scientific origin/the 'cancer cure' thing - rather than an utterly stupid black blob that fell from the sky. Woulda taken like 3 minutes to explain it better and then that could've been that.


And the film being crammed is another issue.

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  • 2 months later...

Japanese Trailer ft. a few new scenes...



I can't remember what Sony's explanation was for The Lizards appearance... did they say a Lab Coat just wouldn't seem realistic?


... more unrealistic than a man lizard?


Anyway he didn't need a jacket, just pieces of material hanging off him as though he'd ripped through it/somewhat ripped it off... because without that distraction, the CGI model just looks bad.

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Was it just me or did the small flash back of his childhood there seem to imply that his father was working on/experimenting with Spider DNA?


I'll be kinda annoyed if they try to make it out that him being bitten was somehow planned and not just a lucky fluke

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I liked that trailer a lot. The movie looks good. However, I, as the above, am a bit worried that they make it seem that the spider bite was planned. That doesn't really fit with anything. I also thought that the trailer revealed a bit much of the story, or is that just me?


Definitely gonna watch it, though.

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