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Interesting reaction. I'd hardly call him an integral or rather crucial character. In fact as he's such a hugely comically orientated character, maybe they're shying away from that a bit.



Maybe so, but didn't JJ hate Spidey before Parker worked at the Bugle?


Surely they could have the Bugle and all its smear campaigns without needing to show JJJ?

Either way JJJ is only a supporting character so just like he doesnt have to be in every comic arc, I dont think he really needs to be in every movie either.


This is precisely what I am getting at really. You always seem to articulate my opinions into words better than I do.


I would like to see a Spider-man movie, or any comic book hero movie tbh, that can take a villain in its stride, and move along.


That was one of the coolest moments of Batman - The Dark Knight. When they got Cillian Murphy back to play Scarecrow, just as an intro.


This is how comic books often treat villains. They show up for one fight, lasting one issue and then disappear back to jail again.


Often movies can't afford to do this because they have to cast big names as big villains and splash them all over the posters, so they need a healthy chunk of screen time. Part of what went wrong with Spider-Man 3.


Or to simplify my point, if this film bares any resemblance to Ultimate Spider-Man, it will be brilliant.

Posted (edited)




MTV's Splash Page has perhaps the best image, seen below. We see Spidey's mask in it, which seems to have red lenses rather than the usual white ones. We can also pretty clearly make out his mechanical webshooters, so score one for us old-school fans. And what's with those shoes? Air Spideys, anyone?


There are more photos over at Perez Hilton, too. Now, don't get your webbed panties all in a bunch over these images. As Splash Page notes, this is probably a stunt costume, which could be fairly different from the "hero" suit that will be the real star of the film. Those sneaker-type boots might not even be a part of the actual costume at all.

Whether that's a stunt costume or not, it definately reveals the general design and size of the eyes. Edited by Retro_Link
I'm sorry but he isn't integral. He is there for comic relief. I'll be happy if Daily Bugle has very little focus in the film, if at all..


Using your own logic can we ban you? You're neither integral nor comic :kiss:


Well as a design, it's just arrows pointing to it! (and snce he's running, another diagonal is creating in the crease of his costume) :D

Posted (edited)


Last night, the Spider-Man Reboot returned to S. Grand Ave in Los Angeles to shoot another stunt scene.


During last night’s shoot both Andrew Garfield (who plays Spider-Man) and a stuntman were on location taking turns filming a scene in which Spidey swings over the "New York City" traffic. In the photo above Andrew is climbing the ladder to for a shot on top of the truck while the stuntman can be seen standing next to him in the black jacket.



















Source - Comicbookmovie.com

Edited by Murr

As someone pointed out before, the wrestling promoters could make it for him like they did in Ultimate Spidey.


It really does look like it's been painted on though.




That one looks like it's been painted on too tbf. Why is the spider "dripping" all the way down?


I do like how he's wearing a backpack though. Very Spidey.

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