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Teenage Dream - Katy Perry


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I like Katy Perry. I think she's hot, although not amazingly.

I see no problem with her Elmo video.

I like Hot N' Cold, Kissed a Girl and California Gurls most out of her songs.


Anyone makes a thread about pop stars and everyone goes on about how terrible they are. I just want to say something "different".

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I like Katy Perry. I think she's hot, although not amazingly.

I see no problem with her Elmo video.

I like Hot N' Cold, Kissed a Girl and California Gurls most out of her songs.


Anyone makes a thread about pop stars and everyone goes on about how terrible they are. I just want to say something "different".


Barely knew who she was until those songs were mentioned, Meh typical shit she won't last more than another year.

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You'd all fuck her regardless of her musical abilities.


I definitely would. I'm actually really surprised about the amount of blokes who wouldn't? What's wrong with you, she's hot, lol.


I like Katy Perry. I think she's hot, although not amazingly.

I see no problem with her Elmo video.

I like Hot N' Cold, Kissed a Girl and California Gurls most out of her songs.


This. I've been reading all about the controversy and stuff and I think it's absolutely ridiculous and I can't see nothing wrong with the video. I personally liked her new album and her last one as well (prefer Teenage Dream more though).

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She looks like a slightly down syndrome version of Zooey Deschanel. I have no problem with her music though. I liked 'last friday night'.


She's a poor man's Zooey, I agree.


I don't like her, but I do have a nice memory of Hot 'N' Cold. So, I thank her for that.


I definitely would. I'm actually really surprised about the amount of blokes who wouldn't? What's wrong with you, she's hot, lol.


She's got a great body, but an extremely annoying face. Plus, as its already stated, she's a less-hotter version of Zooey.


I'd have her, but only from behind.

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That's your choice, and I'm not going to knock it. But, they all terrify me. Not in a sexy way, either. Some women can be hot and terrifying.


Hahaha, I know what you mean but I can't see it. The first picture is admittedly a freaky one of her though, lol. But yeah, I like Zooey as well.

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If girls look alike and one of them is hotter, the other one is automatically ugly?

People here seem have incredibly high standards. I'd say if you were in a bar you would never get with someone hotter than Katy Perry.

Although obviously, hotness is subjective. But there's subjective and there's ignoring the obvious.

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If girls look alike and one of them is hotter, the other one is automatically ugly?

People here seem have incredibly high standards. I'd say if you were in a bar you would never get with someone hotter than Katy Perry.

Although obviously, hotness is subjective. But there's subjective and there's ignoring the obvious.


It doesn't automatically make the other ugly, no. I don't think anybody called her ugly?


I like her body, but she pulls too many silly faces. It puts me off. You can do it and look quite "quirky" but she doesn't do it for me when she does it.

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How come a thread about an album automatically turns into an "I would/wouldn't hit that" fest? =/



On topic, I don't like her songs at all. Her voice just gets on my nerves, and I'm not a big fan of poppy songs that try and cling to the inside of your head for days on end.

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How come a thread about an album automatically turns into an "I would/wouldn't hit that" fest? =/



On topic, I don't like her songs at all. Her voice just gets on my nerves, and I'm not a big fan of poppy songs that try and cling to the inside of your head for days on end.


Well she does sell herself on her looks as much as her music.

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I've enjoyed a fair amount of her new album..a lot is complete rubbish though. A good pop hook always lures me in. My favourite is probaby Circle The Drain, which is a bit more "rocky"/aggresive. It grew on me.


I dislike her media personality/prescence.

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I think she's stunning. But she's very bitchy. I watched an interview with the and hated her cos of it, but then by the end of the interview i realised her bitchiness was the reason i'd watched the whole interview. There's something compelling about her sort of bitchiness.

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