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Pets are funnies


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I love Cutestory and Jean Grey as names. Both make me lol.


You realise the cat's name is not Cutestory right? I was merely referencing Arrested Development.


The family dog was put down this morning (apparently dad knew he would have to soon but neglected to tell us...) apparently. I don't really have any good photos of her but here she is:




Rosie. 13 years (and a month), which is a good age for a dog I suppose. Still, going to be weird going to my dad's now.

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You know, we have/had pet threads.




A couple of my cat taken with my phone. The first he's just sitting there wondered why I'm making him sit there. The second I'm making him stand up to get a treat from me.


Male Wedge-head Siamese. Completely annoying, meows to complain about everything and nothing. Loves to eat fruit.

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  • 9 months later...

I realised I haven't actually posted pictures of my cats in this thread yet (well, they're my mum's cats, but I still see them as mine).








He's 16 and is now completely deaf. He is also getting quite thin. Even so, he's quite healthy for his age (he's had a check-up and his internal organs show no signs of deterioration). He's an old man, but he's certainly a fighter.







Due to Figaro's old age, he hasn't been eating as much food. Which means that there's still food left in his bowl when he's finished - which is quickly mopped up my Maximus, hence his large belly. He's still the same as he has been for years - still hates Sparkle (he hated Jasmine back when we had her, too...yet he's gotten on with all the male cats just fine). He is a bit softer now, though.







You know how kittens are utterly cute, cuddly, soft and (at times) rather daft? Well, Nero is still exactly like that - he's just a big kitten. Always playful, has a great loud (and incredibly cute) meow, is still absolutely fascinated by torches/reflected light (i.e. from a glass watch).







She got an eye/ear infection and unfortunately hasn't been quite the same since. She had to have some injections which left her incredibly unbalanced for quite a while. While she has mostly recovered from it, she has definitely lost a lot of confidence in herself - there's a ledge at the top of the conservatory (where it meets the top of the garage) that she used to love, but she hasn't dared to jump up there since. She's still incredibly bossy, though - when she wants a stroke she lets you know with a demanding meow.

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Cube does have awesome cats. I still don't have any pets, though my sister has like a tiny dwarf hamster that's kinda fun when I go round, it's very...sitty though, it doesn't do much but sit on you/sometimes run onto your head.


On an unrelated note, have a funny cat/dog video;

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