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A Day In The Life Of HWYD


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Pulled some bloke at the random gay bar, brought him back to mine and we blew each other in the bathroom (my bedroom was too conventional, and had too much Balamory stuff lying around) Then we watched Tori Amos videos whilst listening to Sinead O'Connor to see how stunning it was. It was stunning.


Got his number. Forgot his name. Not to worry, I'm sure I'll see him next week. Or someone else.

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Here is something mildly interesting


New Post On N-Europe


30-Jun-2010 By Nobody Special

Earlier today it was discovered that someone has posted a new message over on the N-Europe forums. Half the world rejoiced over this new finding, whereas everyone else in the world posted on a well-known parenting forum that it was an utter disgrace.


During our extensive research into the post, which was found in the "A Day In The Life Of HWYD", we discovered that not only did the post cause eye cancer to everyone who read it, but the member involved in the posting has been linked to the death of Princess Diana.


The member refused to comment on the speculation, stating that "I do not speak to awful newspapers like you." this obviously means that the member didn't just kill Diana, but he also kidnapped Madeline. We have passed this information on to the police but so far they have only stated that they "may look into the claims."


The controversy over the this post nearly matches to the outrage that followed the one before it, where a member stated that he wished he was "that great a slut".


This is awesome.

Edited by Cube
Time Travel Fail
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It's all give and take, danny gives out the pervy comments, we take the piss.


But neither of which means any harm.. you're just seeing one side on this thread...!


We like danny! I think he's taking over from Offerman. Big shoes to fill man. You've got work to do!

I don't delude myself into thinking I can live up to Offerman's reputation. :p I think Moogle or ReZ are more likely candidates for that spot. ;)

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Heh, not based on this thread alone, as I have been reading the general board for some time, even though not posting much...




Yes, this is why the response is a bit surprising...Doesn't seem too different from the other kind of perviness flying around here :D Well, maybe being pervy is just like a skill that has hidden abilities depending on the user...


  • Person X used Pervert Mind: It's super effective! The opponent is paralysed from laughing!
  • Person Y used Pervert Mind: The opponent is not amused! Its attack rose sharply, while Person Y got confused! Person Y hit itself in the face and passed out!


I lol'ed very much. : peace:


Also, a non-crazy person from Finland? That's got to be an N-E first!

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