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Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch


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This has been sitting on my PS3 for a few weeks after downloading it for the insane price of £3.99! :o Finally made a start on it last night though, and got stuck playing for hours.

So beautiful. And dat Studio Ghibli vibe... :love:

Yeah, seems like this game is proper Tidy! :D


Good man!


It was one of my favourite JRPGs last gen. Although I thought the story was pretty average, the gameplay, characters and music easily made up for that. Quality game.

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Good man!


It was one of my favourite JRPGs last gen. Although I thought the story was pretty average, the gameplay, characters and music easily made up for that. Quality game.

Yeah, and I just love the way it looks. There are times where if it wasn't for the controller in my hand I'd almost forget I was playing a videogame! :hehe:


Despite several tries, I just couldn't get through this game. The battle system was absolutely horrible. Gave up after visiting that pig city on an island.
That's a shame. :sad: I'm OK with it so far, it kind of reminds me of Xenoblade slightly as you're a bit more involved during battles.
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How goes your progress, @RedShell? I noticed you were on this the best part of yesterday. :D
Hehehe! :hehe: Yeah man, I've been glued to the game this weekend. :grin:

Think I'm up to the part where @Tales stopped playing. This area of the game has definitely seen the difficulty increase quite a bit, and also included a stealth section (which I hate :shakehead) but it's been providing so many laughs I can easily overlook anything I'm not too keen on. :)

Drippy's disguise during the stealth part had me in stitches. :bowdown:


There's just so much to love about this game. And the Pokémon err... I mean Familiars, are such a great feature, there's an incredible amount of depth to it as well. :awesome:


So yeah, really enjoying my time with Ni no Kuni. I kind of feel bad for getting it so cheap now. :heh:

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Glad to see you're liking it Redshell. I didn't get that far into it myself, as I ended up getting bored of the battle system, but otherwise your thoughts generally echo mine. It's a really charming (and Tidy) little game :)


If you like it, you'll probably enjoy the Dragon Quest games a lot. While the battle systems in those games might be super basic (too basic for my liking sadly - though DQ9's multiplayer made it awesome!), they have the same charming quality about them that you see in NNK.

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Just over 20 hours played now, have picked up the fast travel spell and discovered a casino! :D

Literally spent about an hour playing the slot machine earlier on. :heh:

I'm continually amazed by this game, it's just so mesmerising. :love:

There are some aspects which are starting to get a bit annoying (the take/give heart thing for one) but on the whole it's really enjoyable.


Surprising to discover that quite a few N-E peeps started but then quit playing this. :o Mind you, the same sort of thing happened with Xenoblade (almost to me too), I guess with games of this kind of scale it's to be expected. They're a pretty big investment time-wise, so you really do need to enjoy the content enough to see it through.


If you like it, you'll probably enjoy the Dragon Quest games a lot. While the battle systems in those games might be super basic (too basic for my liking sadly - though DQ9's multiplayer made it awesome!), they have the same charming quality about them that you see in NNK.
Indeed, I also loved DQIX. :hehe:
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I personally couldn't put the game down and found it a far more enjoyable experience than Xenoblade. It was one of those games where I was sitting at work, itching to get home and back on it.
Yeah, same here. If it hooks you, Ni no Kuni is basically digital crack. :laughing:
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I can't believe this game was also on DS, that's pretty nuts. Anyone ever play the NDS version?

Shame it wasn't localised.


One of the few games I bought the special ('Wizard's') edition for. Such a cool pack too, a Drippy doll and an actual Wizard's Handbook with all spells and alchemy in.


Sells for a tidy sum, too. :p

Nice. icon14.gif
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Having been absolutely hooked on this since the moment I started playing, I've now finished the story... what a game. :)

Wasn't really a fan of the genre until fairly recently, but this has easily become my favourite RPG, without shadow of a doubt my favourite PS3 game, and quite possibly one of my favourite games of all-time! :o


Every aspect of Ni No Kuni is pretty much prefect. The characters, story, animation, artwork, SFX, music, gameplay (yeah, even the battle system :heh:), locations, humour, pacing, progression... it's a masterpiece. icon14.gif:love:


Seriously think I'm gonna have to go and buy a physical copy of the game now though, as having paid only 4 quid for the download version I feel like a bloody thief! :laughing:

50 hours of pure entertainment, and there's still quite a bit left to do by the looks of things.

I'd have happily purchased this game solely for the Crypt Casino. :D


Ni No Kuni also highlights this:






Admittedly I've not played that many RPGs, especially Western ones, but if there is a WRPG out there that can entertain me as much as this, then I'd sure as hell love to see it.

I actually got Skyrim recently (also for a ridiculous price, like 2 quid) but I've only played it for around 10 hours and just don't feel like going back to it. :zzz: I am however really looking forward to playing Fantasy Life on 3DS in just over a months time, in fact, I'm looking forward to it even more now after Ni No Kuni. :hehe:

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Glad to see you love it as much as me!


Yeah, I'm not a fan of WRPGs ( hated Oblivion and Fallout 3 ) I just find them to lack all the charm and humour of most JRPGs.


Have you tried any of the Tales games on the PS3? I highly playing recommend Xillia.


Yup, well looking forward to Fantasy Life as well.

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Glad to see you love it as much as me!


Yeah, I'm not a fan of WRPGs ( hated Oblivion and Fallout 3 ) I just find them to lack all the charm and humour of most JRPGs.


Have you tried any of the Tales games on the PS3? I highly playing recommend Xillia.


Yup, well looking forward to Fantasy Life as well.


Still gonna bug ya to get Shadow Hearts 1 + 2 for your PS2. :P


The bast turn based battle system a game has ever seen.

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It's on the list, mate. :D


Was the third one rubbish? I don't think you've mentioned it before.


I tried playing it...


While it's by no means bad, the first two games follow the character of Yuri while the third game is a different character. The second game basically wraps up the storyline for the protagonist of the first two games and is absolutely awesome. Third game felt like something you could pass up on and not really as important in the grand scheme of things.

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Yeah, I'm not a fan of WRPGs ( hated Oblivion and Fallout 3 ) I just find them to lack all the charm and humour of most JRPGs.
Indeed. It seems like most WRPGs try to be overly serious and realistic, which is definitely not the kind of vibe I'm looking for in game of lengthy playtime. :hmm:


Have you tried any of the Tales games on the PS3? I highly playing recommend Xillia.
I haven't no, cheers for the recommendation. :)

: peace:

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Have you tried any of the Tales games on the PS3? I highly playing recommend Xillia.

I haven't no, cheers for the recommendation. :)

: peace:

Start with Symphonia, has the best story and in comparison to later titles has the "worser" battle system (it would be weird playing it in reverse)


Graces f is the most fun though.

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  • 6 years later...
On 18/12/2020 at 10:54 PM, Fierce_LiNk said:


I've just started playing the remastered version of this on the PS4. It's sooooooo good. Really having a great time with it. Beautiful as hell to look at, too. What a game. 

Actually, I finished the Switch release about a month ago.

I should probably give my thoughts on it in the gaming diary thread when I have the opportunity.

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16 hours ago, Glen-i said:

Actually, I finished the Switch release about a month ago.

I should probably give my thoughts on it in the gaming diary thread when I have the opportunity.

I started it up recently when it was on Sale myself - but fell off a fair few hours in. Ironically just when it was opening up a bit more(Swaine/Boat). Need to get back into it - how far in are you @Fierce_LiNk? I fell of on my PS3 later than I am atm originally but thought Switch would get me to stick with it. You played the whole of the original before?

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3 hours ago, Rummy said:

I started it up recently when it was on Sale myself - but fell off a fair few hours in. Ironically just when it was opening up a bit more(Swaine/Boat). Need to get back into it - how far in are you @Fierce_LiNk? I fell of on my PS3 later than I am atm originally but thought Switch would get me to stick with it. You played the whole of the original before?

This is my first time playing the game. Always wanted to play it, but didn't have a PS3 and have been waiting ages for a way to play it on PS4. Finally got around to it!

I'm about 17 hours into the game so far and here's where I am:


I've just helped out the Cowlipha by giving her the cheese and then passing on "restraint" to her. Already visited Castaway Cove but now have the letter to set sail.

This game is AWESOME. :bowdown:

I'm hugely enjoying the battle system and the way that it works. It feels intuitive and has kept me engaged throughout fights. I was worried at the start that it may feel too overwhelming or just become a "hit X to win" sort of affair, but there's enough variety with the enemies you come across and moves/attacks that it feels interesting to fight. 

Loving the humour in the game, usually provided by Drippy. I got about 4 hours into the game and switched the audio from Japanese to English as it was too much to not hear Drippy's Welshness. It's such a bizarre creative decision to make him Welsh, but it's actually also a stroke of genius. I'm usually dying at every single one of this lines. TIDY, en't it! :laughing::laughing::laughing:

If I didn't have to sleep or exercise or eat, I would just be playing this game. 

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