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Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch


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Oh my god I thought that the game was over! I should have known better, but after beating Shadar (the red hair reminds me of Rihanna, not sure that's a compliment to her) and all the cutscenes, I thought "oh god, is this the end?" and then there's a bloody farewell party for Oliver returning home - I was throwing the biggest bitchfit of my life. Such a fan of that white witch for ruining all the fun. Out of curiosity, how close am I to the actual end? This must be at least the halfway through point, surely?

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Currently 20 hours in and enjoying it so far. Been doing most of the sidequests (which have taken up most of my time) and now I'm gonna grind some new familars to a decent level before leaving for Hamelin. Boo ya!


P.S This is the perfect game to have while being unemployed ;)

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I beat the game today.


I heard that the DS game finishes when you beat Shadar, which would explain why The White Witch's story is wrapped up so quickly afterwards in the PS3 version of the game, but what a shame it ended so soon. I feel like the pacing went bonkers after Shadar, and with giving you a new party member four hours before the end made it seem like there was plenty left to discover - very cruel. I would have happily had the game end at that point, and then had the White Witch as the main antagonist in a sequel. I enjoyed the final battle though! I'm even tempted to play the post-game to completion which is rare for me.


There are a ton of story holes I can think of, but mainly what the hell is up with Mr Drippy and Alecia/Oliver's mum? The storyline alluded to the fact that Mr Drippy used to be Alicia's companion, or something shady like that, but it was never fully addressed. So how did he end up a doll in Oliver's house? Unless it is because the whole Ni No Kuni world was a way for Oliver to deal with the grief of losing his mother and everything was a figment of his imagination?



I'm praying towards Level-5's headquarters for a sequel now, make it happen!

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I beat the game today.


I heard that the DS game finishes when you beat Shadar, which would explain why The White Witch's story is wrapped up so quickly afterwards in the PS3 version of the game, but what a shame it ended so soon. I feel like the pacing went bonkers after Shadar, and with giving you a new party member four hours before the end made it seem like there was plenty left to discover - very cruel. I would have happily had the game end at that point, and then had the White Witch as the main antagonist in a sequel. I enjoyed the final battle though! I'm even tempted to play the post-game to completion which is rare for me.


There are a ton of story holes I can think of, but mainly what the hell is up with Mr Drippy and Alecia/Oliver's mum? The storyline alluded to the fact that Mr Drippy used to be Alicia's companion, or something shady like that, but it was never fully addressed. So how did he end up a doll in Oliver's house? Unless it is because the whole Ni No Kuni world was a way for Oliver to deal with the grief of losing his mother and everything was a figment of his imagination?



I'm praying towards Level-5's headquarters for a sequel now, make it happen!



There's really quite a lot of content just prior to the end of the game and loads after completing it though.


I thought Drippy was turned into a doll by Shadar, and yeah I thought he was Alicia's companion. When Alicia cast herself to the other world I'm guessing Drippy went with her. How Drippy knew the magic book was in the fireplace I'm not sure...



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  • 4 weeks later...
Would you say this game is worth £32ish?


They have it at Tesco for £40, and they currently have this voucher thing where if you spend over £20 you get a fiver off the next £40 shop, with my added staff discount will take it down another notch.


Absolutely. The game is stunning and one of my favs of the whole generation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Deleted Ni No Kuni from the hard drive today. I got to the first island in the main story before I quit(a few weeks ago). I really didn't like the battle system and the monster system in this game. And when the difficulty picked up on the island I couldn't be bothered to grind for it. Those two systems makes up for 90% of the game and when the rest of it, the art, the story etc isn't interesting enough to make want to continue there was no point anymore. I'm sure it's a great game, I know it is, but personally I don't like it(and don't go blaming my taste or anything, I'm a big time RPG fan, I can give you a long list of niche rpg games you should play ;) ) Too bad I fell for the hype, bought it digitally at full retail price because I couldn't find a physcial copy and now I can't resell it.

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Would you say this game is worth £32ish?


They have it at Tesco for £40, and they currently have this voucher thing where if you spend over £20 you get a fiver off the next £40 shop, with my added staff discount will take it down another notch.

I'll sell you my sealed copy for £31?... I just don't see myself getting round to playing it. I'm not a huge RPG fan and would probably rather buy various PSN games/Tomb Raider.
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  • 4 weeks later...

What do you think of the combat later-ish on?


I've just got Esther and she's useless as fuck. It takes too long to select a leader and then fap around issuing tactics while the enemy approaches (I try to get her to "keep us healthy") but she gets knocked out in about 10 seconds. It's confusing as shit.

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  • 3 weeks later...

pr0 bumpsalot.


Completed this last night. A nice lil game, the combat was still a claw handed affair - running, camera and selecting options at the same time. Managed to keep the majority of my starter familars with me. Some had to be relegated to the Retreat whilst some shown untold promise. The Monolith being a prime example.


Only during the regular battles did I actually use the familiars. For boss fights it was easier to have Oliver cast spells from across the battlefield.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I gave this my best shot, I tried to like it, but a few frustrating things held me back. Mostly, the combat mechanics. You could essentially survive any fight if you stayed right back and ran around a lot, but my teammates would always be face to face with the enemy, even if you set tactics to back you up. Meaning they got wiped out fast, although that wasn't a great loss because they were pretty useless at the best of times.


Combat essentially requiring the use of "Defend", but simultaneously making it impossible on occasion, was my biggest gripe. You ran out of MP a lot, and below-par MP items cost 800g (!!), and when it came time to use one, you better hope the boss isn't about to whip out a super move (which he has three of, so you can't just wait until after). If you're caught using an item there's no way to cancel and defend, heck there's no way to quickly defend even for 4-5 seconds after using the item. Even then it depends on you being lucky enough to have someone out who can defend/evade in the first place.


I wasn't a big fan on the English translations either. The voices grinded me right away so I switched to Japanese. But this came with its own annoyances, the characters' quips, exclamations and even their names had clearly been rewritten so it was jarring to have the Japanese audio so different to the English subtitles. Oliver was a little bit of an Enid Blyton character too, saying things like "neato" all the time, just made me cringe :/


That said, I did enjoy a lot about it too. The game had infinite amounts of heart and charm, and an old-school RPG with an overworld map was very welcome. Ghibli animations and a non-standard hero were refreshing, the visuals and audio on the whole were stunning. One of the best looking anime-style games ever, maybe a little behind the latest Naruto title. The story was decent enough and "Drippy" was great. In fact I would've loved to have seen where the story went, but in the end I just found it a bit too much of a grind.

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Having thought about this game again and my time with it, I must say it didn't exceed my expectations. It's a beautiful game, probably one of the most visually appealing I've seen this generation. This coupled with the fact that it was made by one of my fave developers (Level-5) made excitement levels go through the roof.


Maybe I got over hyped for it, but I really thought it would deliver considering how good Dragon Quest 8 was on PS2. That was my favourite game ever but NNK didn't match that. Combat is really boring and the story wasn't amazing.


Best things about the game? Visuals and Drippy.

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  • 1 month later...

Ive just reached the Fairyground. Im enjoying most of the game and im getting used to the combat for the most part although I still dont think its great. My one real complaint with the game is the main character. I just dont like him. All the "Neatos!" and his Golly gee attitude is getting on my nerves. Im sticking with the game for now, we'll see for how long though.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 11 months later...

This has been sitting on my PS3 for a few weeks after downloading it for the insane price of £3.99! :o Finally made a start on it last night though, and got stuck playing for hours.

So beautiful. And dat Studio Ghibli vibe... :love:

Yeah, seems like this game is proper Tidy! :D

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