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Resident Evil Revelations 3DS


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REmake perfected the old formula, it wasn't really going to work especially well going forward. It was time for change, the change worked well.


It could still be scary too, like those invisible enemies (I forget their name, they were in that sewer prison area). It's just they seemed to sacrafice that mostly so that they could play up the action because it was pretty fun with the control scheme.


I love classic RE, but I think RE4 was a great and necessary change...it's just a shame that I think they've only made it work as a game once so far (i.e., RE5 is shit).

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I quite enjoyed R Evil 5 for a couple of reasons.


I played the game in co-op which I found to be ALOT of fun. With the series shifting to a more action based game rather than horror it made sense to have an online parther. It was even more fun once we both unlocked the rocket launcher with infinite ammo. Overkill FTW!


I enjoyed the story alot more in 5 than I did 4. This was probably because it hit a nostalgia notw what with Jill, Chris and Wesker being in it.


Lastly this one brought Wesker back. Nuff said. :D

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I played RE5 entirely in co-op and only once. I just felt like I was playing a Gears of War game or something, except nowhere near as well made.


Perhaps not having played it singleplayer I somehow spoiled the experience, but I doubt it as I didn't like the enemy designs, locales or the story (which I think had a lot of potential and ballsed it up).

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The fact that the game is played in co-op just emphasises the Capcom have taken the series down a different path. I think it's the wrong one.


Four was a good action game. But, as a "Resident Evil" game, it lacks in certain areas. There were only a few times where I felt tense whilst playing it. Far too many enemies on screen at a time, making it seem more of a shoot-out than the previous games. I haven't played Five, but it looks even more so.


It had some amazing controls, though. Felt very nice to handle.

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My dream Resident Evil game would be:


- Use the RE4 formula

- Cut down number of enemies

- Make enemies much more hardy/make bullets weaker

- Ammo is MUCH MUCH sparser

- Scrappy, tough, hand-to-hand combat system. I think Metroid: Other M is a good starting place to look in this regard - more the brutal 'feel' of the combat rather than the specific mechanics.


It's never going to happen.

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My dream Resident Evil game would be:


- Use the RE4 formula

- Cut down number of enemies

- Make enemies much more hardy/make bullets weaker

- Ammo is MUCH MUCH sparser

- Scrappy, tough, hand-to-hand combat system. I think Metroid: Other M is a good starting place to look in this regard - more the brutal 'feel' of the combat rather than the specific mechanics.


It's never going to happen.


RE4 formula but the settings should be from the original games. Love the mansion in the first game. Even the Train in Zero was great.


Definitely cut down on the number of enemies...


Snowman: Eternal Darkness is my top game ever. :)

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I want an RE game that's RE4 like, but more about scenes like the Mansion DLC in RE5 (the best thing about that game) and some of the Castle and Lab parts of RE4 too (mainly the sewers area, the dog maze and the regenerators in the lab).


Also, with ammo, yeah, far less. You need to feel under serious threat for survival horror to work. Having to conserve bullets of good weapons really helps that in the old games. Like, fuck, I only have a few shotgun shells left and the next room could have Hunters in it...


I think the close combat being powerful is an issue too with many enemies. In the older games you really dont want to be near to zombies...unless they're on the ground ready to have their head stomped.


For overall fear too, I'd really like no co-op, because to work storyline wise it means always have a partner, which just isn't scary. Survival horror games need moments of isolation, if not mostly isolation.


Also for fear, more scripted moments that aren't done in cutscene form. For example, things breaking through walls without prior warning like Mr. X in the RE2 second scenarios, stuff like that. It may be a bit "cheap", but it keeps you on edge realising that anything could happen and nowhere is safe.

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The fact that the game is played in co-op just emphasises the Capcom have taken the series down a different path. I think it's the wrong one.


Four was a good action game. But, as a "Resident Evil" game, it lacks in certain areas. There were only a few times where I felt tense whilst playing it. Far too many enemies on screen at a time, making it seem more of a shoot-out than the previous games. I haven't played Five, but it looks even more so.


It had some amazing controls, though. Felt very nice to handle.


It's like you jumped into my brain and stole my thoughts!


I did enjoy the co-op experience in R Evil 5 but again that was because the nature of the game had changed. If it had remaned true to the original games then co-op is a big no no.


I want an RE game that's RE4 like, but more about scenes like the Mansion DLC in RE5 (the best thing about that game) and some of the Castle and Lab parts of RE4 too (mainly the sewers area, the dog maze and the regenerators in the lab).


Also, with ammo, yeah, far less. You need to feel under serious threat for survival horror to work. Having to conserve bullets of good weapons really helps that in the old games. Like, fuck, I only have a few shotgun shells left and the next room could have Hunters in it...

Also for fear, more scripted moments that aren't done in cutscene form. For example, things breaking through walls without prior warning like Mr. X in the RE2 second scenarios, stuff like that. It may be a bit "cheap", but it keeps you on edge realising that anything could happen and nowhere is safe.


Again, totally agree.


My perfect Resident Evil game would be the controls of Resident Evil 4 in a remake of Resident Evil 2. That game was simply outstanding but I imagine it would feel a bit dated if I went back to it now. Added to the visuals ( obviously ) and making the controls like Resident Evil 4 would make the game perfect.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just can't get past how utterly shit the enemies look in this game. Absolutely terrible!

I wouldn't mind as much if the shooting/first person mode seemed any good, but they seemed to have teamed tricky first person shooting, with tricky moving/wobbling targets... which then clatter you!

Edited by Retro_Link
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Hopefully there are gonna be many more differing enemies, which require different techniques and approaches to overcome them. Im still very much looking forward to this title, and the release is a pretty good one. Considering it doesnt get delayed.

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It is. And it uses the new circled pad attachment. Loads of games are using it now, which is great. But Nintendo really do need to get a redesign out. The more powerful and complex handheld gaming becomes, the less handheld they actually are!


I'd love them to get the redesign out this side of Christmas but I can't see it. :(


So true about handheld gaming becoming non-portable. On the up side, Nintendo have been trying to encourage people to atleast take their consoles out with them on bark mode/ tag mode/ streetpass.

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Even though the game's out over a week later than it is in Europe, America have a boxart and their first Preorder Bonus.




In addition, GameStop has announced that customers who pre-order the game will receive an exclusive protective case with "an image that changes in the sunlight."



Hope we get a much better boxart!


And a better pre-order bonus while we're at it! :p

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We're getting the exact same boxart, except with the obligatory PEGI logo in the bottom left. Saw it on Gonintendo yesterday/the day before that. Disappointing really but I doubt many of us will spend much time looking at the boxart, unless the game turns out to be criminally short which, from the sounds of things, won't be the case.

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News: 3D Enhances Resident Evil


Tsukasa Takenaka reveals that the 3D effect in Resident Evil: Revelations will enhance gameplay.


Tsukasa Takenaka, assistant producer, recently revealed that the concept and story of Resident Evil: Revelations existed long before they got their hands on the 3DS and it was only when they saw what the 3DS was capable of that they knew they wanted to create it for that system.


Speaking to Gamasutra, Takenaka revealed that it's not just this Resident Evil game that was planned before choosing a platform and that various games see this process.


“Someone’s always thinking about a new Resident Evil game, or something interesting that we could do, so I would say that there was the idea for a Resident Evil game that ended up being the core of Revelations before we had the new hardware; then, as soon as we get it in our hands and see what it’s capable of, all of those ideas really take shape.


Takenaka then went onto say how the 3DS is helping this Resident Evil to be the scariest yet with its stereoscopic 3D and sound quality. The 3D does not hinder gameplay, it improves it. Takenaka revealed how this level of immersion could not be achieved on a 2D screen.


“A lot of it is visual, but with that added dimension — you kind of going into the game, the feeling of presence in the game — really does enhance the horror in a way that you can’t really do with just a 2D screen.”


He then went onto talking about the improved sound quality of 3DS. Whilst he cites that the 3DS speakers aren't especially up to the task he does say that if you plug in a pair of headphones then you are really drawn into the whole experience.


“Also, the sound of the 3DS is really, really great. Certainly, if you’re really wanting to immerse yourself in an environment, maybe the speakers of the 3DS aren’t 100 percent up to the task, but if you get some headphones, and experience the environment that way, it’s really quite immersive.”

Tempted to get a decent set of headphones now! :p *not just because of this obviously, but it's another reason to!*
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Online Co-op!!?




News: Resident Evil Revelations has Online Co-Op


In surprising news, it would seem that Resident Evil Revelations is to feature co-operative multiplayer...


Despite producer claims that the game will focus on the single-player aspect, the Japanese website for Resident Evil: Revelations has seemingly confirmed the existence of a multiplayer mode.


The game supports wireless co-operative play for two people - both locally and via online. It hasn't been confirmed to what extent co-op play will stretch across the game. Its predecessor Resident Evil 5 allowed the entire main campaign to be played in co-op.


It has also been revealed that the game will make use of StreetPass, but again, details haven't been revealed yet. Interestingly, Revelations will come on a hefty 4GB 3DS card.


Resident Evil: Revelations is confirmed for a European release on January 27th.

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