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The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3DS


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I've been playing BG&E HD and the 'no' grooves on the PS3 controller means the controls are sometimes a nightmare. This is nowhere near as bad as that.


Also: ReZ: it's a game that just keeps on getting better. Just done the forest temple as an adult and it took me 3 hours...Stupid key at entrance lolz

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Seriously I totally said I'd be crap at this game. Lets see...I've just done Lon Lon Ranch and I saw Zelda and stuff. I am in Kakari villiage (spelling...) now, trying to get these god damn chickens back in their pen. Seems impossible.


Then I tried going to Hell Mountain/that river near it but the owl told me to go to the woods. Is that the woods in the home town?

Kakari Village?... Hell Mountain?... Rez have you played any Zelda games? :p




To get the one trapped behind the fence by the Well, you need to grab a chicken, climb the ramp up to the windmill, go right to the end and jump off... aiming for lower/closer part of the fence by the door. Then chuck both chicken back over this part of the fence... and climb the ladder up to the windmill and the 'last' chicken, which you can fly back down to the village with.

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Games like Zelda really do need this design analog stick:




Or at least, the grooves underneath it


I haven't found running in a straight line any trouble, it's the fact that the top of the circle pad is too smooth that annoys me! It really needs some grooves or to made out of a more rubbery material, my thumb just keeps slipping off!


Have stopped playing just before the temple of time. Done loads of backtracking/running around looking for heart pieces and gold skultulas. I think I've got all the ones I can at this point, I'm amazed out just how much I can remember!

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He runs round randomly :/


Just raped the Water Temple, SO SO good. They've made it a lot easier by highlighting which rooms lead to ones where you can change the water levels and the 'mini-boss' was brilliant as ever. Gonna do some side quests now (namely the Biggoron Sword and then Lens of Truth).


The lens of truth quest is the quest where you have to decide if an XBox360 has better graphics than a PS3? :bouncy:

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I was only able to complete the shooting gallery by using the gyroscope controls, it's really well done :)


Gyroscopic controls made the Shooting Gallery so much easier. Using it a lot more than I thought I would, thought I would use it once and go back to the traditional control method, but motion is so much better.


I love all the subtle puzzle hints scattered around in places you wouldn't expect. Can't remember if they were there before.


Currently up to the Forest Temple, it's amazing how the game feels new and familiar at the same time.

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The graphics are stunning (reminds me of that Gamecube early tech demo) and the game is still leagues ahead of 90% of titles.


People have always given Nintendo a hard time about graphics. I remember magazines claimed Banjo Kazooie had better graphics than Mario 64. whereas personally I preferred the "solid" feel of the Mario game. I'm an "under the hood" type of person. Ocarina of Time 3D has gorgeous graphics and runs brilliantly, so I couldn't ask for more. And take Pilotwings Resort, for instance - thousands and thousands of polygons making up islands, mountains and tunnels - we may get prettier (not that either of these are any slouch) games on the 3DS, but I'm quite confident that Nintendo are already using the system to its full technical advantage,


Seriously I totally said I'd be crap at this game. Lets see...I've just done Lon Lon Ranch and I saw Zelda and stuff. I am in Kakari villiage (spelling...) now, trying to get these god damn chickens back in their pen. Seems impossible.


It's worth it though. Basically, you have to take chickens up high (throw them, climb, then pick them up again in some cases), then glide to other ledges, get the chicken from there and throw it down to somewhere you'll easily be able to pick it up.


[spoiler=]There's also one hidden in a crate.



Then I tried going to Hell Mountain/that river near it but the owl told me to go to the woods. Is that the woods in the home town?


I think you have to go and see Saria. Just take your time and explore, trying out your different items in different places.

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Okay, cool thanks for the help guys.


Its a bit reassuring, because my logic seems to be okay (I was trying to jump down from high with chickens....but I just couldn't find anywhere high enough)


And I can't get the chicken out of the crate. How the heck do I get him out? :(

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Speaking of the Great Fairies, it's great to see they are more "rounded" in this one :heh:


The subtle changes make a difference, playing MM last year i thought the great faries were terrifying they were so pointy! and then i thought god imagine OoT which was wor

And I can't get the chicken out of the crate. How the heck do I get him out? :(


do a barrel roll! lol no seriously roll in to it (run and push A so you hit it)


Think I'm enjoying this more than I did on the N64!

The graphics are stunning (reminds me of that Gamecube early tech demo) and the game is still leagues ahead of 90% of titles.

The added nostalgia and dedication to the source material shines through as well so it's a potent mix of awesome.


A complete system seller. I'm really now looking forward to Starfox if it's as well made as this. Props to Grezzo - give them a slew of remakes to do!


Completely agree this game is amazing! i've fallen in love all over again with it!

but the more i play the more i think for the next Zelda in the 3DS i hope they use this engine and a completely new story

(or remake the oracles using this engine....i can dream)

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Wow. I'm blown away... again! Didn't think a remake of a 12-year-old game would surprise me this much again, especially since I played the original to death. It's much more of an improvement than I had thought!


I'm hooked all over again. Curses! =p


It's still my number one game, even after al this time; with Shenmue still in second place.

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After all these years I am still puzzled by the

Cow that is hidden on Mt. Goron, right where the road forks into the road to the city and the road to the crater. Yes, I found her, but my question is: why is she there? Why a puddle near her is targetable? Does she give anything?

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After all these years I am still puzzled by the
Cow that is hidden on Mt. Goron, right where the road forks into the road to the city and the road to the crater. Yes, I found her, but my question is: why is she there? Why a puddle near her is targetable? Does she give anything?


Free milk for everyone: peace:

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So I went to London to stay with a friend and as I got there she was playing OoT on the N64.. and as luck would have it was in Dodongo's Cavern, which was exactly where I had gotten up to on my 3DS!


We both played OoT for the rest of the day, almost matching our footsteps. It was incredible seeing just how much they had improved the graphics, and the textures, and the tiny little things they added or took away - things like alternate camera angles during cutscenes and one of the Magic Bean plants in Kokiri Village being half the speed on the 3DS version - what the heck is that about?! :laughing:


We literally played right up until the end of the Forest Temple at the same time, I loved it. I can't believe how awesome it was seeing the old school N64 graphics (and horrible frame rate) compared to the up to date great looks and of course 3D-ness of the 3DS version. Just incredible.


I've fallen in love with OoT all over again..

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Seriously I totally said I'd be crap at this game. Lets see...I've just done Lon Lon Ranch and I saw Zelda and stuff. I am in Kakari villiage (spelling...) now, trying to get these god damn chickens back in their pen. Seems impossible.


Then I tried going to Hell Mountain/that river near it but the owl told me to go to the woods. Is that the woods in the home town?

You may as well add http://www.gamefaqs.com/ to your favourites now.

After all these years I am still puzzled by the
Cow that is hidden on Mt. Goron, right where the road forks into the road to the city and the road to the crater. Yes, I found her, but my question is: why is she there? Why a puddle near her is targetable? Does she give anything?

Give her a special concert... A solo piece reminding her of home on the range...

In the Fire temple there's a chest on the 5th floor. do I have to come back later or can I get it now? No spoilers please.

I don't know personally, I'm gonna have to go back and check now. Maybe a Scarecrow could help?

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In the Fire temple there's a chest on the 5th floor. do I have to come back later or can I get it now? No spoilers please.


You can get it just now or come back later depending on what you've done already.


if you have the scarecrow song or not.


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In the Fire temple there's a chest on the 5th floor. do I have to come back later or can I get it now? No spoilers please.


First time through this did my head in for a LONG time :(


Edit. I'm missing out on a gold skulltula in the bottom of the well because I can't find a treasure chest that has a key in it. According to the map im standing right on it but I CAN'T FIND IT :'(

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Speaking of the Well...


Is it just me, or is all you really need to do to get the lens is go to the statue, play Zelda's Lullaby, go near the start and beat the boss?



Anyway, did the Spirit temple. Just the Shadow temple left now.


Goron: This may be obvious...but is the chest only visible by the truth?

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Speaking of the Well...


Is it just me, or is all you really need to do to get the lens is go to the statue, play Zelda's Lullaby, go near the start and beat the boss?



Anyway, did the Spirit temple. Just the Shadow temple left now.


Goron: This may be obvious...but is the chest only visible by the truth?


Yeah cube that's all you have to do, unless you want all the gold skulltulas :( At first I thought it was an invisible one, like the secret one in the room with the boss/Lens of truth but I couldn't find anything :/


Strange how you did the Spirit Temple BEFORE the shadow one, I've never bothered doing it that way. Spirit temple seemed quite challenging if memory recalls, shadow temple (despite being CREEPY) is pretty short :( Was expecting more from it, especially the final boss..

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Well you go to Kakariko to trigger the cut scene with Bongo-Bongo or whatever his name is, so yeah it's suggested you go do the shadow temple first. Ofc it doesn't actually matter, I just prefer doing the Spirit Temple last as it's much more epic.

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So I did the chickens! Woot. I guess I've gotta go back to the start now. How far away am I from teh next temple/dungeon. I wannnaaa doooo morreeeee.
Go to Lost Woods... catch up with Saria... then you head to Death Mountain... chat to the Gorons... and you're off to the next Dungeon!


Have you done the graveyard at the back of Kakariko Village?

If you don't want to spend too much time there, just head to the tomb right at the very back for one thing, and also pull back the front row of graves you see as you enter (I think) for a free Hylian Shield, which you'll need for after Dungeon 2.

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Go to Lost Woods... catch up with Saria... then you head to Death Mountain... chat to the Gorons... and you're off to the next Dungeon!


Have you done the graveyard at the back of Kakariko Village?

If you don't want to spend too much time there, just head to the tomb right at the very back for one thing, and also pull back the front row of graves you see as you enter (I think) for a free Hylian Shield, which you'll need for after Dungeon 2.


Damn it, forgot about that free shield! I went and paid for one :heh: Only used the graveyard to plant some beans and Suns song :(

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